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The source code for this book: Grokking Streaming Systems: Real-time Event Processing.

This is a simple local stream processing engine with some example jobs. The objective is to demonstrate how streaming systems work internally. It works for Windows, MacOS and Linux.

To download the code, run this command in your terminal:

git clone

Tools required

  • Git: it is used to fetch the source code.
  • JDK 11: the source code is in Java 11.
  • Apache maven: the build tool used by the projects.
  • netcat (Mac and Linux) or nmap (Windows, Mac and Linux): the tool used as the event reader.

Build the project

$ mvn clean package

After a successful build of the project you should be able to run all of the examples in the jar from the command line.

Run the example jobs

Example jobs are developed on Mac but they should work for Linux and Windows too (some commands are slightly different on Windows). The jobs read input events from one or two terminals. So the basic steps of running an example job are:

  1. Start the readers in two input terminals (some examples read input from only one reader but it doesn't hurt to have the second one running). If you are using nmap instead of netcat, the command is ncat instead of nc and the arguments are the same.
nc -lk 9990


nc -lk 9991
  1. Start the job in the output (the third) terminal. Replace / with \ on windows.
# Chapter 2. A basic vehicle count job.
java --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -cp target/gss.jar com.streamwork.ch02.job.VehicleCountJob
# Chapter 3. A vehicle count job with two source instances and one operator instance.
java --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -cp ./target/gss.jar com.streamwork.ch03.job.ParallelizedVehicleCountJob1
# Chapter 3. A vehicle count job with two source instances and two operator instances, shuffle grouping.
java --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -cp ./target/gss.jar com.streamwork.ch03.job.ParallelizedVehicleCountJob2
# Chapter 3. A vehicle count job with two source instances and two operator instances, fields grouping.
java --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -cp ./target/gss.jar com.streamwork.ch03.job.ParallelizedVehicleCountJob3
# Chapter 4. A fraud detection job
java --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -cp ./target/gss.jar com.streamwork.ch04.job.FraudDetectionJob
# Chapter 4. A job with a forked stream.
java --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -cp ./target/gss.jar com.streamwork.ch04.extra.StreamForkJob
# Chapter 4. A job with a merged stream.
java --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -cp ./target/gss.jar com.streamwork.ch04.extra.StreamMergeJob
# Chapter 4. A job with a split stream.
java --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -cp ./target/gss.jar com.streamwork.ch04.extra.StreamSplitJob
# Chapter 5. A system usage job.
java --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -cp ./target/gss.jar com.streamwork.ch05.job.SystemUsageJob
# Chapter 7. A test job with windowing support.
java -cp ./target/gss.jar com.streamwork.ch07.job.WindowingTestJob
# Chapter 8. A emission monitor job with a join operator.
java -cp ./target/gss.jar com.streamwork.ch08.job.EmissionJob
  1. Input events in the readers and examine the output in the output terminal.
  2. Have fun~

One more thing, after a job is started, you can view the structure of your job by opening a browser and visiting http://localhost:7000.


  1. 本地启动时, java 要加一个jvm参数, 因为java16+以后反射的可见性变得更严格了, java --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED -cp xxx
  2. ch02中的同一个stream不支持apply多个不同的operator, 即使设置了, 也只有后设置的x2能收到event

这是因为在connectExecutors方法中, connection.from必然会设置成新的队列, 因此如果有多个operator, 只有最后一个会和上游共享同一个队列:

private void connectExecutors(Connection connection) {
    // It is a newly connected operator executor. Note that in this version, there is no
    // shared "from" component and "to" component. The job looks like a single linked list.
    EventQueue intermediateQueue = new EventQueue(QUEUE_SIZE);
  1. ch03中的每个组件是如下图连接起来的


  1. ch03为止流仍然只支持单向链表, 不支持DAG, 如下图所示


  1. ch04开始支持DAG图. 能搭建复杂的逻辑计划.

  2. 至少一次语义有2种方式可以实现

一种是: 确认机制, 事件源会缓存发出的那些事件; 每个计算组件都要向确认器做确认, 如果发现有失败的, 那么确认其会通知事件源重新发出事件; 如果全部成功, 则删除缓存.

缺点在于: 事件处理顺序会因为重试而不同.

第二种是: 检查点, 用到事件日志(如kafka), 事件源需要定期保存offset至checkpoint中, 当流系统故障时, 事件源可以从上次checkpoint所在偏移量重发消息; 有点是事件能保持顺序.

无论哪种实现都是框架做的, 对于确认机制的实现, 用户只需在代码中加入确认逻辑.

对于检查点的实现, 用户只需要提供一个获取当前状态的函数(用于框架自动地定期checkpoint),

以及一个从检查点加载状态初始化实例的函数, 用于流作业中的失败重启.

  1. 对于恰好一次, 也是用事件日志+checkpoint技术, 和至少一次的区别是: 至少一次checkpoint只需保存事件源的offset; 而恰好一次需要在源+有状态算子中各自保存checkpoint.

流处理系统中的flink的checkpoint barrier实现:








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