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Merge pull request #336 from djs55/add-socket-ping-example
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Add user-space ping example
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yomimono committed Nov 5, 2017
2 parents 59e7fe2 + e08cf5e commit 40e7b5c
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Showing 4 changed files with 212 additions and 12 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions examples/ping/jbuild
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
((names (ping))
(libraries (cmdliner logs logs.fmt tcpip.icmpv4-socket))
178 changes: 178 additions & 0 deletions examples/ping/
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@

let src =
let src = Logs.Src.create "ping" ~doc:"Mirage ping" in
Logs.Src.set_level src (Some Logs.Info);

module Log = (val Logs.src_log src : Logs.LOG)

(* Construct a payload buffer of a given size *)
let make_payload ~size () =
let buf = Cstruct.create size in
let pattern = "plz reply i'm so lonely" in
for i = 0 to Cstruct.len buf - 1 do
Cstruct.set_char buf i pattern.[i mod (String.length pattern)]

let seq_no_to_send_time = Hashtbl.create 7
let nr_transmitted = ref 0
let nr_received = ref 0

let min_ms = ref max_float
let max_ms = ref 0.
(* to compute the standard deviation, we store the sum and the sum of squares *)
let sum_ms = ref 0.
let sum_ms_2 = ref 0.

(* Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets forever *)
let send_echo_requests ~stack ~payload ~dst () =
let rec send seq_no =
let open Lwt.Infix in
let id_no = 0x1234 in
let req = Icmpv4_packet.({code = 0x00; ty = Icmpv4_wire.Echo_request;
subheader = Id_and_seq (id_no, seq_no)}) in
let header = Icmpv4_packet.Marshal.make_cstruct req ~payload in
let echo_request = Cstruct.concat [ header; payload ] in
Log.debug (fun f -> f "Sending ECHO_REQUEST id_no=%d seq_no=%d to %s" id_no seq_no (Ipaddr.V4.to_string dst));
Icmpv4_socket.write stack ~dst echo_request
>>= function
| Ok () ->
Hashtbl.replace seq_no_to_send_time seq_no (Unix.gettimeofday ());
incr nr_transmitted;
Lwt_unix.sleep 1.
>>= fun () ->
send (seq_no + 1)
| Error e ->
Log.err (fun f -> f "Error sending ICMP to %s: %a" (Ipaddr.V4.to_string dst) Icmpv4_socket.pp_error e);
Lwt.return_unit in
send 0

(* Return a thread and a receiver callback. The thread is woken up when we have
received [count] packets *)
let make_receiver ~count ~payload () =
let open Lwt.Infix in
let finished_t, finished_u = Lwt.task () in
let callback buf =
Log.debug (fun f -> f "Received IP %a" Cstruct.hexdump_pp buf);
match Ipv4_packet.Unmarshal.of_cstruct buf with
| Error msg ->
Log.err (fun f -> f "Error unmarshalling IP datagram: %s" msg);
| Ok (ip, ip_payload) ->
match Icmpv4_packet.Unmarshal.of_cstruct ip_payload with
| Error msg ->
Log.err (fun f -> f "Error unmarshalling ICMP message: %s" msg);
| Ok (reply, received_payload) ->
let open Icmpv4_packet in
begin match reply.subheader with
| Next_hop_mtu _ | Pointer _ | Address _ | Unused ->
Log.err (fun f -> f "received an ICMP message which wasn't an echo-request or reply");
| Id_and_seq (id, seq) ->
if reply.code <> 0
then Log.err (fun f -> f "received an ICMP ECHO_REQUEST with reply.code=%d" reply.code);
if not(Cstruct.equal payload received_payload)
then Log.err (fun f -> f "received an ICMP ECHO_REQUEST with an unexpected payload");
if not(Hashtbl.mem seq_no_to_send_time seq)
then Log.err (fun f -> f "received an ICMP ECHO_REQUEST with an unexpected sequence number")
else begin
let secs = Unix.gettimeofday () -. (Hashtbl.find seq_no_to_send_time seq) in
Hashtbl.remove seq_no_to_send_time seq;
let ms = secs *. 1000.0 in
Printf.printf "%d bytes from %s: icmp_seq=%d ttl=%d time=%f ms\n%!"
(Cstruct.len payload) (Ipaddr.V4.to_string ip.Ipv4_packet.src) seq ip.Ipv4_packet.ttl ms;
incr nr_received;
min_ms := min !min_ms ms;
max_ms := max !max_ms ms;
sum_ms := !sum_ms +. ms;
sum_ms_2 := !sum_ms_2 +. (ms *. ms);
if Some !nr_received = count then begin
Log.debug (fun f -> f "Finished after %d packets received" !nr_received);
Lwt.wakeup_later finished_u ();
end in
finished_t, callback

let ping (count:int option) (size:int) (timeout:int option) dst =
let dst = Ipaddr.V4.of_string_exn dst in begin
let open Lwt.Infix in
let payload = make_payload ~size () in
Icmpv4_socket.connect ()
>>= fun stack ->
let finished, on_icmp_receive = make_receiver ~count ~payload () in
let me = Ipaddr.V4.any in
let listener = Icmpv4_socket.listen stack me on_icmp_receive in
let timeout = match timeout with
| None ->
let forever, _ = Lwt.task () in
| Some t ->
Lwt_unix.sleep (float_of_int t)
>>= fun () ->
Log.debug (fun f -> f "Timed-out");
Lwt.return_unit in
let sender = send_echo_requests ~stack ~payload ~dst () in
let interrupted, interrupted_u = Lwt.task () in
ignore(Lwt_unix.on_signal Sys.sigint (fun _ -> Lwt.wakeup_later interrupted_u ()));
Lwt.pick [
>>= fun () ->
Printf.printf "--- %s ping statistics ---\n" (Ipaddr.V4.to_string dst);
let n = float_of_int (!nr_received) in
let percent_loss = 100. *. (float_of_int (!nr_transmitted) -. n) /. (float_of_int (!nr_transmitted)) in
Printf.printf "%d packets transmitted, %d packets received, %0.0f%% packet loss\n"
!nr_transmitted !nr_received percent_loss;
let avg_ms = !sum_ms /. n in
let variance_ms = 1. /. (n -. 1.) *. (!sum_ms_2) -. 1. /. (n *. (n -. 1.)) *. (!sum_ms) *. (!sum_ms) in
let stddev_ms = sqrt variance_ms in
Printf.printf "round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = %.03f/%.03f/%.03f/%.03f ms\n"
!min_ms avg_ms !max_ms stddev_ms;
Lwt.return (`Ok ())

open Cmdliner

let exit_after_success =
let doc = "Exit successfully after receiving one reply packet." in
Arg.(value & flag & info [ "o" ] ~doc)

let count =
let doc = "Stop after sending (and receiving) count ECHO_RESPONSE packets. If not specified, ping will continue until interrupted." in
Arg.(value & opt (some int) None & info [ "c" ] ~doc)

let size =
let doc = "Specify the number of data bytes to be sent." in
Arg.(value & opt int 56 & info [ "s" ] ~doc)

let timeout =
let doc = "Specify a timeout, before ping exits regardless of how many packets have been received." in
Arg.(value & opt (some int) None & info [ "t" ] ~doc)

let destination =
let doc ="Hostname or IP address of destination host" in
Arg.(value & pos 0 string "" & info [] ~doc)

let cmd =
let doc = "Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets and listen for ECHO_RESPONSES" in
let man = [
`P "Send a sequence of ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to a network host and count the responses. When the program exits, display some statistics.";
] in
Term.(ret(pure ping $ count $ size $ timeout $ destination)), "ping" ~doc ~man

let _ =
Logs.set_reporter (Logs_fmt.reporter ());
match Term.eval cmd with
| `Error _ -> exit 1
| _ -> exit 0
34 changes: 23 additions & 11 deletions src/stack-unix/
Expand Up @@ -87,14 +87,26 @@ let input t ~src ~dst:_ buf =

let listen _t addr fn =
let fd = Lwt_unix.socket PF_INET sock_icmp ipproto_icmp in
let sa = Lwt_unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_of_string (Ipaddr.V4.to_string addr), port) in
Lwt_unix.bind fd sa >>= fun () ->
Log.debug (fun f -> f "Bound ICMP file descriptor to %a" pp_sockaddr sa);
let aux fn =
let receive_buffer = Cstruct.create 4096 in
recvfrom' fd receive_buffer [] >>= fun (len, _sockaddr) ->
(* trim the buffer to the amount of data actually received *)
let receive_buffer = Cstruct.set_len receive_buffer len in
fn receive_buffer
aux fn >>= fun () -> Lwt_unix.close fd
(fun () ->
let sa = Lwt_unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_of_string (Ipaddr.V4.to_string addr), port) in
Lwt_unix.bind fd sa >>= fun () ->
Log.debug (fun f -> f "Bound ICMP file descriptor to %a" pp_sockaddr sa);
let rec loop () =
let receive_buffer = Cstruct.create 4096 in
recvfrom' fd receive_buffer [] >>= fun (len, _sockaddr) ->
(* trim the buffer to the amount of data actually received *)
let receive_buffer = Cstruct.set_len receive_buffer len in
(* On macOS the IP length field is set to a very large value (16384) which
probably reflects some kernel datastructure size rather than the real
on-the-wire size. This confuses our IPv4 parser so we correct the size
here. *)
let len = Ipv4_wire.get_ipv4_len receive_buffer in
Ipv4_wire.set_ipv4_len receive_buffer (min len (Cstruct.len receive_buffer));
Lwt.async (fun () -> fn receive_buffer);
loop ()
loop ()
) (fun () ->
Lwt_unix.close fd
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion src/stack-unix/icmpv4_socket.mli
Expand Up @@ -4,4 +4,10 @@ val connect : unit -> t io

val listen : t -> ipaddr -> (buffer -> unit io) -> unit io
(** [listen t addr fn] attempts to create an unprivileged listener on IP address [addr].
* It will take any incoming ICMP packets and process them with the provided [fn]. *)
When a packet is received, the callback [fn] will be called in a fresh background
thread. The callback will be provided a buffer containing an IP datagram with an
ICMP payload inside.
The thread returned by [listen] blocks until the stack is disconnected.

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