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First draft - needs some cleanups but seems to work
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samoht committed Mar 6, 2024
1 parent dc55ed3 commit 6da9596
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Showing 95 changed files with 1,167 additions and 867 deletions.
72 changes: 50 additions & 22 deletions
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@@ -1,23 +1,27 @@
### Unreleased

- This release introduces a significant change in the Mirage tool by
splitting the configure-time and runtime keys. Configure-time keys
are essential during the setup of module dependencies for the
unikernel, allowing for a specialized production of a unikernel for
a given target runtime environment. On the other hand, runtime keys
are useful for customizing deployments without altering the
dependencies of the unikernels. (#1449, #1450, #1451, #1455 @samoht,
review by @hannesm)
splitting the definition of command-line arguments used at
configure-time and runtime. Command-line arguments used in the
configure script (also called 'configuration keys' and defined in
the `Key` module) are essential during the setup of module
dependencies for the unikernel, allowing for a specialized
production of a unikernel for a given target runtime environment. On
the other hand, command-line arguments that the unikernel can use at
runtime (defined in the `Runtime_arg` module) are useful for
customizing deployments without altering the dependencies of the
unikernels. (#1449, #1450, #1451, #1455 @samoht, review by @hannesm)

* API changes:
- There is no more `~stage` parameter for ``.
- `Key` now define configure-time keys only.
- There is a new module `Runtime_arg` to define runtime keys.
- `Key` now define command-line arguments for the configuration tool.
- There is a new module `Runtime_arg` to define command-line arguments
for the unikernel.
- As there are no more keys type `'Both`, users are now expected to create
two separated keys in that case (one for configure-time, one for runtime)
or decide if the key is useful at runtime of configure-time.

* Intended use of configure-time keys (values of type `'a key`):
* Intended use of configuration keys (values of type `'a key`):
- Used to set up module dependencies of the unikernel, such as the
target (hvt, xen, etc.) and whether to use DHCP or a fixed IP address.
- Enable the production of specialized unikernels suitable for
Expand All @@ -26,16 +30,26 @@
- Similar keys will produce reproducible binaries to be uploaded to artifact
repositories like Docker Hub or

* Intended use of runtime keys (values of type `a runtime_arg`):
* Intended use of command-line runtime arguments (values of type
`a runtime_arg`):
- Allow users to customize deployments by changing device
configuration, like IP addresses, secrets, block device names,
etc., post downloading of binaries.
- These keys don’t alter the dependencies of the unikernels.
- A runtime keys is just a reference to a normal Cmdliner term.

* Code migration:
* `` is not generated anymore, so users cannot refer to
`Key_gen.<key_name>` directy.
- Any runtime argument has to be declared (using `runtime_arg` and
registered on the device (using `~runtime_args`). The value of that
argument will then be passed as an extra parameter of the `connect`
function of that device.
- Configuration keys are not available at runtime anymore. For
instance, `` has been removed.

* Code migration:
(* in `` *)
(* in *)
let key =
let doc = ~doc:"A Key." ~stage:`Run [ "key" ] in
Key.(create "key" Arg.(opt_all ~stage:`Run string doc))
Expand All @@ -50,15 +64,29 @@
Arg.(value & opt_all string [] doc)

* Changes in the auto-generated `` file:
- Users are not expected to refer to `Key_gen.<key_name>`
directy. Instead, they should use normal Cmdliner
terms. `mirage configure` is still generating a ``
file containing (registered) runtime keys that are needed by
device-initialisation code.
- Configure-time keys are not registerd anymore. This means that
they are not available `` anymore. As a consequence,
`` has been removed.
(* in *)
let start _ =
let key = Key_gen.hello () in
(* in *)
let hello = runtime_arg ~pos:__POS__ "Unikernel.hello"
let main = main ~runtime_args:[hello] ...

(* in *)
let hello =
let open Cmdliner in
let doc = ~doc:"How to say hello." [ "hello" ] in
Arg.(value & opt string "Hello World!" doc)
let start _ hello =

- BUGFIX: fix `mirage describe` output (#1446 @samoht), add test (#1458 @samoht)
- Remove ipaddr from runtime (#1437 @samoht, #1465 @hannesm)
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14 changes: 9 additions & 5 deletions lib/functoria/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,9 @@ type 'a device = ('a, Impl.abstract) Device.t
type context = Context.t
type job = Job.t
type info = Info.t
type 'a code = 'a Device.code

let code = Device.code
let package = Package.v
let ( @-> ) = Type.( @-> )
let typ = Type.v
Expand All @@ -46,9 +48,11 @@ let impl ?packages ?packages_v ?install ?install_v ?keys ?runtime_args
@@ Device.v ?packages ?packages_v ?install ?install_v ?keys ?runtime_args
?extra_deps ?connect ?dune ?configure ?files module_name module_type

let main ?packages ?packages_v ?extra_deps module_name ty =
let connect _ = Device.start in
impl ?packages ?packages_v ?extra_deps ~connect module_name ty
let main ~pos ?packages ?packages_v ?extra_deps ?runtime_args module_name ty =
let connect _ = Device.start ~pos in
impl ?packages ?packages_v ?runtime_args ?extra_deps ~connect module_name ty

let foreign ?packages ?packages_v ?deps module_name ty =
main ?packages ?packages_v ?extra_deps:deps module_name ty
let runtime_arg ~pos ?name ?packages fmt =
(fun code -> Runtime_arg.v (Runtime_arg.create ~pos ?name ?packages code))
32 changes: 19 additions & 13 deletions lib/functoria/DSL.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -64,10 +64,17 @@ val dep : 'a impl -> abstract_impl
(** {1:keys Keys} *)

type 'a key = 'a Key.key
(** The type for command-line parameters. *)
(** The type for configure-time command-line arguments. *)

type 'a runtime_arg = 'a Runtime_arg.arg
(** The type for command-line parameters. *)
(** The type for runtime command-line arguments. *)

val runtime_arg :
pos:string * int * int * int ->
?name:string ->
?packages:Package.t list ->
('a, Format.formatter, unit, Runtime_arg.t) format4 ->

type abstract_key = Key.t
(** The type for abstract keys. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,23 +134,16 @@ val package :
type info = Info.t
(** The type for build information. *)

val foreign :
?packages:package list ->
?packages_v:package list value ->
?deps:abstract_impl list ->
string ->
'a typ ->
'a impl
(** Alias for {!main}, where [?extra_deps] has been renamed to [?deps]. *)

val main :
pos:string * int * int * int ->
?packages:package list ->
?packages_v:package list value ->
?extra_deps:abstract_impl list ->
?runtime_args:Runtime_arg.t list ->
string ->
'a typ ->
'a impl
(** [foreign name typ] is the functor [name], having the module type [typ]. The
(** [main name typ] is the functor [name], having the module type [typ]. The
connect code will call [<name>.start].
- If [packages] or [packages_v] is set, then the given packages are
Expand All @@ -155,10 +155,16 @@ val main :
(** {1 Devices} *)

type 'a device = ('a, abstract_impl) Device.t
type 'a code

val of_device : 'a device -> 'a impl
(** [of_device t] is the implementation device [t]. *)

val code :
pos:string * int * int * int ->
('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b code) format4 ->

val impl :
?packages:package list ->
?packages_v:package list Key.value ->
Expand All @@ -167,7 +173,7 @@ val impl :
?keys:Key.t list ->
?runtime_args:Runtime_arg.t list ->
?extra_deps:abstract_impl list ->
?connect:(info -> string -> string list -> string) ->
?connect:(info -> string -> string list -> 'a code) ->
?dune:(info -> Dune.stanza list) ->
?configure:(info -> unit Action.t) ->
?files:(info -> Fpath.t list) ->
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/functoria/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,5 +21,5 @@ type t = ARGV
let argv = Type.v ARGV

let sys_argv =
let connect _ _ _ = "return Sys.argv" in
let connect _ _ _ = Device.code ~pos:__POS__ "return Sys.argv" in
Impl.v ~connect "Sys" argv
16 changes: 10 additions & 6 deletions lib/functoria/
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Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ open Astring
type package = Package.t
type info = Info.t
type 'a value = 'a Key.value
type 'a code = string
type 'a code = { pos : string * int * int * int; code : string }

let code ~pos fmt = Fmt.kstr (fun code -> { pos; code }) fmt

type ('a, 'impl) t = {
id : 'a Typeid.t;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ let witness x y = Typeid.witness
let hash x =

let default_connect _ _ l =
Printf.sprintf "return (%s)" (String.concat ~sep:", " l)
code ~pos:__POS__ "return (%s)" (String.concat ~sep:", " l)

let niet _ = Action.ok ()
let nil _ = []
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,19 +120,21 @@ let keys t = t.keys
let runtime_args t = t.runtime_args
let extra_deps t = t.extra_deps

let start impl_name args =
Fmt.str "@[%s.start@ %a@]" impl_name Fmt.(list ~sep:sp string) args
let start ~pos impl_name args =
code ~pos "@[%s.start@ %a@]" impl_name Fmt.(list ~sep:sp string) args

let uniq t = Fpath.Set.(elements (of_list t))
let exec_hook i = function None -> Action.ok () | Some h -> h i

let extend ?packages ?packages_v ?dune ?pre_configure ?post_configure ?files t =
let extend ?packages ?packages_v ?dune ?pre_configure ?post_configure ?files
?(extra_deps = []) t =
let files =
match (files, t.files) with
| None, None -> None
| Some f, None | None, Some f -> Some f
| Some x, Some y -> Some (fun i -> uniq (x i @ y i))
let extra_deps = extra_deps @ t.extra_deps in
let packages =
Key.(pure List.append $ merge_packages packages packages_v $ t.packages)
Expand All @@ -144,7 +148,7 @@ let extend ?packages ?packages_v ?dune ?pre_configure ?post_configure ?files t = (fun dune i -> t.dune i @ dune i) dune
|> Option.value ~default:t.dune
{ t with packages; files; configure; dune }
{ t with packages; files; configure; dune; extra_deps }

let nice_name d =
module_name d
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18 changes: 13 additions & 5 deletions lib/functoria/device.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,25 +63,32 @@ val files : ('a, 'b) t -> Info.t -> Fpath.Set.t
(** [files t info s] is the list of files generated configure-time. *)

val keys : ('a, 'b) t -> Key.t list
(** [keys t] is the list of keys which can be used to configure [t]. *)
(** [keys t] is the list of command-line arguments which can be used to
configure [t]. *)

val runtime_args : ('a, 'b) t -> Runtime_arg.t list
(** [runtime_args t] is the list of command-line arguments which can be used to
configure [t] at runtime. *)
run [t]. *)

(** {1 Code Generation} *)

type 'a code = string
type 'a code = private { pos : string * int * int * int; code : string }
(** The type for fragments of code of type ['a]. *)

val code :
pos:string * int * int * int ->
('a, Format.formatter, unit, 'b code) format4 ->
(** Generate localised code. *)

val connect : ('a, 'b) t -> Info.t -> string -> string list -> 'a code
(** [connect t info impl_name args] is the code to execute in order to create a
new state (usually calling [<module_name t>.connect]) with the arguments
[args], in the context of the project information [info]. The freshly
created state will be made available in [var_name t] *)

val start : string -> string list -> 'a code
(** [start impl_name args] is the code [<impl_name>.start <args>]. *)
val start : pos:string * int * int * int -> string -> string list -> 'a code
(** [start ~pos impl_name args] is the code [<impl_name>.start <args>]. *)

val nice_name : _ t -> string
(** [nice_name d] provides a identifier unique to [d] which is a valid OCaml
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,6 +133,7 @@ val extend :
?pre_configure:(Info.t -> unit Action.t) ->
?post_configure:(Info.t -> unit Action.t) ->
?files:(Info.t -> Fpath.t list) ->
?extra_deps:'b list ->
('a, 'b) t ->
('a, 'b) t

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34 changes: 23 additions & 11 deletions lib/functoria/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -161,24 +161,35 @@ let configure info t =
iter_actions f t

let meta_init fmt (connect_name, result_name) = fmt "let _%s =@[@ Lazy.force %s @]in@ " result_name connect_name fmt " let _%s = Lazy.force %s in@ " result_name connect_name

let emit_connect fmt (iname, names, connect_string) =
let pp_pos ppf (file, line, _, _) = ppf "# %d %S@." line file

let emit_connect fmt (iname, names, runtime_args, connect_code) =
(* We avoid potential collision between double application
by prefixing with "_". This also avoid warnings. *)
let rnames = (fun x -> "_" ^ x) names in
let bind ppf name = ppf "_%s >>= fun %s ->@ " name name in fmt "@[<v 2>let %s = lazy (@ %a%a%s@ )@]@." iname
let result_names = (fun x -> "_" ^ x) names in
let key_names = (fun k -> "_" ^ Runtime_arg.var_name k) runtime_args
let bind_device ppf name = ppf " _%s >>= fun %s ->\n" name name in
let bind_key ppf k = ppf " let _%s = %a in\n" (Runtime_arg.var_name k) k
let { Device.pos; code } = connect_code (result_names @ key_names) in fmt "let %s = lazy (\n%a%a%a%a %s@\n);;\n" iname
Fmt.(list ~sep:nop meta_init)
(List.combine names rnames)
Fmt.(list ~sep:nop bind)
rnames (connect_string rnames)
(List.combine names result_names)
Fmt.(list ~sep:nop bind_device)
Fmt.(list ~sep:nop bind_key)
runtime_args pp_pos pos code

let emit_run info init main =
(* "exit 1" is ok in this code, since cmdliner will print help. *)
let force ppf name = ppf "Lazy.force %s >>= fun _ ->@ " name in
let force ppf name = ppf "Lazy.force %s >>= fun _ ->\n " name in
append_main info "emit_run"
"@[<v 2>let () =@ let t =@ @[<v 2>%aLazy.force %s@]@ in run t@]"
"let () =\n let t = %aLazy.force %s in\n run t\n;;"
Fmt.(list ~sep:nop force)
init main

Expand All @@ -188,8 +199,9 @@ let connect ?(init = []) info t =
let var_name = Device.Graph.var_name v in
let impl_name = Device.Graph.impl_name v in
let arg_names = Device.Graph.var_name (args @ deps) in
let runtime_args = Device.runtime_args dev in
append_main info "connect" "%a" emit_connect
(var_name, arg_names, Device.connect dev info impl_name)
(var_name, arg_names, runtime_args, Device.connect dev info impl_name)
let* () = iter_actions f t in
let main_name = Device.Graph.var_name t in
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10 changes: 1 addition & 9 deletions lib/functoria/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,21 +44,13 @@ module type KEY =
and type t = Key.t
and type Set.t = Key.Set.t

module type RUNTIME_ARG =
module type of Runtime_arg
with type 'a arg = 'a Runtime_arg.arg
and type t = Runtime_arg.t
and type Set.t = Runtime_arg.Set.t

(** Devices *)

include DSL

let job = Job.t
let noop = Job.noop

let keys ?runtime_package ?runtime_modname x =
Job.keys ?runtime_package ?runtime_modname x
let runtime_args = Job.runtime_args

type argv = Argv.t

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