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added colors to the css library and added a robust table creation fun…
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chrismamo1 committed Aug 10, 2015
1 parent 4db79d7 commit 88c9ed6
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53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions lib/
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module Css = struct
type color =
Rgba of char * char * char * char
| Rgb of char * char * char

and color_fmt =
[ `Hex | `Rgb ]

type elt =
| Str of string
| Fun of string * expr list
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,6 +183,52 @@ module Css = struct
| Not_found -> raise Not_found
| _ -> err_invalid_css ()

let color_to_string ?(fmt = `Hex) c =
let rval = match fmt,c with
| `Hex,(Rgba (r,g,b,a)) ->
let fmt' = format_of_string "#%02x%02x%02x%02x" in
let r = int_of_char r
and g = int_of_char g
and b = int_of_char b
and a = int_of_char a in
Printf.sprintf fmt' r g b a
| `Hex,(Rgb (r,g,b)) ->
let fmt' = format_of_string "#%02x%02x%02x" in
let r = int_of_char r
and g = int_of_char g
and b = int_of_char b in
Printf.sprintf fmt' r g b
| `Rgb,(Rgba (r,g,b,a)) ->
let fmt' = format_of_string "rgba(%d,%d,%d,%d)" in
let r = int_of_char r
and g = int_of_char g
and b = int_of_char b
and a = int_of_char a in
Printf.sprintf fmt' r g b a
| `Rgb,(Rgb (r,g,b)) ->
let fmt' = format_of_string "rgb(%d,%d,%d)" in
let r = int_of_char r
and g = int_of_char g
and b = int_of_char b in
Printf.sprintf fmt' r g b
in rval

let color_of_string ?(fmt = `Hex) s =
let s = String.lowercase s in
let coi = char_of_int in
let rval = match fmt with
| `Hex ->
let fmt' = format_of_string "#%x" in
let x = Scanf.sscanf s fmt' (fun x -> x) in
let r,g,b = (x land 0xff0000) lsr 16, (x land 0xff00) lsr 8,
x land 0xff in
Rgb(coi r, coi g, coi b)
| `Rgb ->
let fmt' = format_of_string "rgb(%d,%d,%d)" in
let r,g,b = Scanf.sscanf s fmt' (fun a b c -> a,b,c) in
Rgb(coi r, coi g, coi b)
in rval

type gradient_type = [ `Linear | `Radial ]
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26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions lib/css.mli
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(** convenience type for manipulating colors in COW *)
type color =
Rgba of char * char * char * char
| Rgb of char * char * char

(** tags used to specify how colors are to be read from and written to strings
type color_fmt =
[ `Hex | `Rgb ]

(** Single element *)
type elt =
| Str of string
Expand All @@ -28,6 +38,22 @@ type prop_decl =
| Prop of string * expr list
| Decl of expr list * prop_decl list

(** [color_to_string ~fmt:f c] converts a value [c] of type [Cow.Css.color] to
a string using the format [f] (either [`Hex] for values such as ["#a0b0c0"]
or [`Rgb] for values such as ["rgb(42,42,42)"]). Uses [printf] internally.
val color_to_string :
?fmt:color_fmt ->
color ->

(** [color_of_string ~fmt:f s] converts a string [s] to a [Cow.Css.color] based
on the format [f]. Internally uses [Scanf.sscanf] for parsing. *)
val color_of_string :
?fmt:color_fmt ->
string ->

(** Utility type used to specify the type of gradient to be
emitted by [polygradient] *)
type gradient_type = [ `Linear | `Radial ]
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82 changes: 80 additions & 2 deletions lib/
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type element = ('a Xml.frag as 'a) Xml.frag
type t = Xml.t
type t = element list

type tree = [ `Data of string | `El of Xmlm.tag * 'a list ] as 'a

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,7 +198,23 @@ let concat els =
let append (_to : t) (el : t) = _to @ el

module Create = struct
type t = element list
module Tags = struct
type html_list = [ `Ol of t list | `Ul of t list ]

type table_flags =
| Headings_fst_row
| Sideways
| Heading_color of Css.color
| Bg_color of Css.color

type 'a table =
[ `Tr of 'a table list | `Td of 'a * int * int | `Th of 'a * int * int ]

open Tags

type t = Xml.t

let ul ls =
let els =
Expand All @@ -210,4 +226,66 @@ module Create = struct
concat ( (fun el -> <:html< <li>$el$</li> >>) ls)
in <:html< <ol>$els$</ol> >>

let stylesheet css =
<:html< <style type="text/css">$css:css$</style> >>

let table ~row ?(flags = [Headings_fst_row]) tbl =
let h_fst_col = ref false in
let h_fst_row = ref false in
let hdg_c = ref (Css.color_of_string "#eDeDeD") in
let bg_c = ref (Css.color_of_string "#fFfFfF") in
let side = ref false in
let () = List.iter (fun tag ->
match tag with
| Headings_fst_col -> h_fst_col := true;
| Headings_fst_row -> h_fst_row := true;
| Heading_color c -> hdg_c := c;
| Bg_color c -> bg_c := c;
| Sideways -> side := true;
flags in
let rows = row tbl in
let rows =
if !side then
List.mapi (fun i _ -> (fun el -> List.nth el i) rows) @@ List.hd rows
rows in
let cellify rows = (fun r -> (fun el -> <:html<<td>$el$</td>&>>) r
) rows in
let rows =
match !h_fst_row,!h_fst_col with
| false,false ->
cellify rows
| true,false ->
let hrow =
List.hd rows
|> (fun el -> <:html<<th>$el$</th>&>>) in
let rest = cellify ( rows) in
hrow :: rest
| false,true -> (fun r ->
let h = List.hd r in
let rest = (fun el -> <:html<<td>$el$</td>&>>) ( r) in
<:html<<th>$h$</th>&>> :: rest)
| true,true ->
let hrow =
List.hd rows
|> (fun el -> <:html<<th>$el$</th>&>>) in
let rest = rows
|> (fun r ->
let hcell = List.hd r in
let rest = List.flatten @@ cellify [ r] in
<:html<<th>$hcell$</th>&>> :: rest)
in hrow :: rest
let rows = (fun r -> let r = List.flatten r in <:html<<tr>$r$</tr>&>>) rows in
let rows = concat rows in
let hc = Css.color_to_string !hdg_c in
let bg = Css.color_to_string !bg_c in

60 changes: 59 additions & 1 deletion lib/html.mli
Expand Up @@ -123,9 +123,67 @@ val concat : t list -> t
val append : t -> t -> t

module Create : sig
type t = element list
module Tags : sig
type html_list = [`Ol of t list | `Ul of t list]

type table_flags =
| Headings_fst_row
| Sideways
| Heading_color of Css.color
| Bg_color of Css.color

type 'a table =
[ `Tr of 'a table list | `Td of 'a * int * int | `Th of 'a * int * int ]

type t = Xml.t

val ul : t list -> t

val ol : t list -> t
(** [ul ls] converts an OCaml list of HTML elements to a valid HTML ordered
* list *)

val stylesheet : Css.t -> t
(** [stylesheet style] converts a COW CSS type to a valid HTML stylesheet *)

val table :
row:('a -> t list) ->
?flags:Tags.table_flags list ->
'a list ->
(** [table ~row:r ~flags:f t] produces an HTML table formatted according to
[f] of type [Cow.Html.Create.Tags.table_flags list]. [r] is a function to
transform a single row (a tuple) into a [Cow.Html.t list]. [t] is a list
of n-tuples representing a table where the number of rows is equal to the
length of the list and the number of columns is equal to [n]. See the
following example:
let row = (fun (name,email) -> [ <:html<$str:name$>>; <:html<$str:email$>>]) in
let data =
[ "Name","Email Address";
"John Christopher McAlpine","";
"Somebody McElthein","johnqpublic@something.something";
"John Doe","" ] in
let table = Cow.Html.Create ~row data
which produces the HTML table
<!DOCTYPE html>
<th>Name</th> <th>Email Address</th>
<td>John Christopher McAlpine</td> <td></td>
<td>Somebody McElthein</td> <td>johnqpublic@something.something</td>
<td>John Doe</td> <td></td>

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