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Merge pull request #236 from dinosaure/fix-fetch
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Fixed the fetch command
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samoht committed Dec 11, 2017
2 parents c108fbe + b51661d commit 887a833
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Showing 9 changed files with 465 additions and 333 deletions.
373 changes: 235 additions & 138 deletions src/git-http/

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129 changes: 119 additions & 10 deletions src/git-http/sync.mli
Expand Up @@ -75,13 +75,13 @@ module type S_EXT = sig
-> string -> string -> (Decoder.advertised_refs, error) result Lwt.t

type command =
[ `Create of (Store.Hash.t * string)
| `Delete of (Store.Hash.t * string)
| `Update of (Store.Hash.t * Store.Hash.t * string) ]
[ `Create of (Store.Hash.t * Store.Reference.t)
| `Delete of (Store.Hash.t * Store.Reference.t)
| `Update of (Store.Hash.t * Store.Hash.t * Store.Reference.t) ]

val push:
-> push:(Store.t -> (Store.Hash.t * string * bool) list -> (Store.Hash.t list * command list) Lwt.t)
-> push:((Store.Hash.t * Store.Reference.t * bool) list -> (Store.Hash.t list * command list) Lwt.t)
-> ?headers:Web.HTTP.headers
-> ?https:bool
-> ?port:int
Expand All @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ module type S_EXT = sig
-> ?capabilities:Git.Capability.t list
-> negociate:((Decoder.acks -> 'state -> ([ `Ready | `Done | `Again of Store.Hash.t list ] * 'state) Lwt.t) * 'state)
-> has:Store.Hash.t list
-> want:((Store.Hash.t * string * bool) list -> (Store.Reference.t * Store.Hash.t) list Lwt.t)
-> want:((Store.Hash.t * Store.Reference.t * bool) list -> (Store.Reference.t * Store.Hash.t) list Lwt.t)
-> ?deepen:[ `Depth of int | `Timestamp of int64 | `Ref of string ]
-> ?port:int
-> string -> string -> ((Store.Reference.t * Store.Hash.t) list * int, error) result Lwt.t
Expand All @@ -114,26 +114,135 @@ module type S_EXT = sig
-> ?capabilities:Git.Capability.t list
-> string -> string -> (Store.Hash.t, error) result Lwt.t

val fetch_some:
Store.t -> ?locks:Store.Lock.t ->
?capabilities:Git.Capability.t list ->
references:Store.Reference.t list Store.Reference.Map.t ->
Uri.t -> (Store.Hash.t Store.Reference.Map.t
* Store.Reference.t list Store.Reference.Map.t, error) result Lwt.t
(** [fetch_some git ?locks ?capabilities ~references repository] will
fetch some remote references specified by [references].
[references] is a map which:
{- the key is the {b remote} reference.}
{- the value is a list of {b local} references - which may not
exist yet.}}
Then, the function will try to download all of these remote
references and returns 2 maps:
{- the first map contains all local references updated by the
new hash. This new hash is come from the server as the
downloaded remote reference asked by the client by [references].
Then, from associated local references with remote references,
we updated them with the associated hash.
For example, if [references] is:
{[ { "refs/heads/master": [ "refs/remotes/origin/master"
; "refs/heads/master" ] } ]}
We will update (or create) "refs/remotes/origin/master" and
"refs/heads/master" with the new hash downloaded from the remote
reference "refs/heads/master" only if it's necessary (only if we
did not find the hash referenced by "refs/heads/master" in the
local store).}
{- the second map is a {b subset} of [references] which contains
all binder of:
{- remote references which does not exist on the server side.}
{- remote references which references to an already existing in
the local store hash.}}}}
The client should not put the same local reference as a value of
some remote references. The client can define non-existing
remote references (then, they appear on the second map). The
client can want to set non-existing local references - we will
create them.
If the processus encountered an error when it updates
references, it leaves but, it did partially some update on some
local references. *)

val fetch_all:
Store.t -> ?locks:Store.Lock.t ->
?capabilities:Git.Capability.t list ->
Uri.t -> (unit, error) result Lwt.t
references:Store.Reference.t list Store.Reference.Map.t ->
Uri.t -> (Store.Hash.t Store.Reference.Map.t
* Store.Reference.t list Store.Reference.Map.t
* Store.Hash.t Store.Reference.Map.t, error) result Lwt.t
(** [fetch_all git ?locks ?capabilities ~references repository] has
the same semantic than {!fetch_some} for any remote references found
on [references]. However, [fetch all] will download all remote
references available on the server (and whose hash is not available
on the local store). If these remote references are not associated
with some local references, we return a third map which contains
these remote references binded with the new hash downloaded.
We {b don't} notice any non-downloaded remote references not
found on the [references] map and whose hash already exists on
the local store.
Then, the client can bind these new hashes with specific local
references or just give up. *)

val fetch_one:
Store.t -> ?locks:Store.Lock.t ->
?capabilities:Git.Capability.t list ->
reference:Store.Reference.t -> Uri.t -> (unit, error) result Lwt.t
reference:(Store.Reference.t * Store.Reference.t list) ->
Uri.t -> ([ `AlreadySync | `Sync of Store.Hash.t Store.Reference.Map.t ], error) result Lwt.t
(** [fetch_one git ?locks ?capabilities ~reference repository] is a
specific call of {!fetch_some} with only one reference. Then, it
{- [`AlreadySync] if the hash of the requested reference already
exists on the local store}
{- [`Sync updated] if we downloaded [new_hash] and
set [local_ref] with this new hash.}} *)

val clone:
Store.t -> ?locks:Store.Lock.t ->
?capabilities:Git.Capability.t list ->
reference:Store.Reference.t -> Uri.t -> (unit, error) result Lwt.t
reference:(Store.Reference.t * Store.Reference.t) ->
Uri.t -> (unit, error) result Lwt.t

val update: Store.t ->
val update_and_create: Store.t ->
?capabilities:Git.Capability.t list ->
reference:Store.Reference.t -> Uri.t ->
references:Store.Reference.t list Store.Reference.Map.t-> Uri.t ->
((Store.Reference.t, Store.Reference.t * string) result list, error) result Lwt.t
(** As {!fetch_some}, [update git ?capabilities ~references
repository] is the other side of the communication with a Git
server and update and create remote references when it
uploads local hashes.
[reference] is a map which:
{- the key is the {b local} reference.}
{- the value is a list of {b remote} references - which may
not exist yet.}}
Then, the function will try to upload all of these local
references to the binded remote references. If binded remote
reference does not exist on the server, we ask to the server
to create and set it to the local hash.
For each update action, we check if the local store has the
remote hash. In other case, we miss this action - that means,
the local store is not synchronized with the server (and the
client probably needs to {!fetch_some} before).
Then, it returns a list of results. The [Ok] case with the
remote reference which the server updated correctly and the
[Error] case with the remote reference which the server
encountered an error with a description of this error.
At this final stage, the function does not encountered any
error during the commmunication - if it's the case, we did not
do any modification on the server and return an {!error}. *)

module Make_ext
Expand Down
82 changes: 5 additions & 77 deletions src/git-unix/ogit-http-fetch-all/
Expand Up @@ -94,91 +94,19 @@ let pp_error ppf = function

exception Write of Git_unix.FS.Ref.error

let main ppf progress directory repository =
let main directory repository =
let root = option_map_default Fpath.(v (Sys.getcwd ())) Fpath.v directory in

let open Lwt_result in

let ( >!= ) v f = map_err f v in

let stdout =
if progress
then Some (fun raw -> ppf "%s%!" (Cstruct.to_string raw); Lwt.return ())
else None

let stderr =
if progress
then Some (fun raw -> Fmt.(pf stderr) "%s%!" (Cstruct.to_string raw); Lwt.return ())
else None

let https =
match Uri.scheme repository with
| Some "https" -> true
| _ -> false

let want refs =
List.filter (function
| (_, _, false) -> true
| _ -> false)
|> (fun (hash, refname, _) -> (Git_unix.FS.Reference.of_string refname, hash))
|> Lwt.return

Log.debug (fun l -> l ~header:"main" "root:%a, repository:%a.\n"
Fpath.pp root Uri.pp_hum repository);

(Git_unix.FS.create ~root () >!= fun err -> `Store err) >>= fun git ->
(ok (Negociator.find_common git)) >>= fun (has, state, continue) ->
let continue { Sync_http.Decoder.acks; shallow; unshallow } state = continue { Git.Negociator.acks; shallow; unshallow } state in
(* structural typing god! *)

(Sync_http.fetch git ?stdout ?stderr ~https ~negociate:(continue, state) ~has ~want ?port:(Uri.port repository)
(fun () -> raise (Failure "Invalid repository: no host."))
( repository))
(Uri.path_and_query repository)
>!= fun err -> `Sync err) >>= function
| [], 0 ->
Log.debug (fun l -> l ~header:"main" "Git repository already updated.");
Lwt.return (Ok ())
| updated, n ->
Log.debug (fun l -> l ~header:"main" "New version (%d object(s) added): %a."
n (Fmt.hvbox (Fmt.Dump.list (Fmt.pair Git_unix.FS.Reference.pp Git_unix.FS.Hash.pp)))

(fun () ->
(fun (dst, hash) ->
let open Lwt.Infix in

Git_unix.FS.Ref.write git ~locks:(Git_unix.FS.dotgit git) dst
(Git_unix.FS.Reference.Hash hash)
>>= function Error err -> (Write err)
| Ok _ ->
Log.debug (fun l -> l ~header:"main" "Reference %a updated: %a."
Git_unix.FS.Reference.pp dst
Git_unix.FS.Hash.pp hash);
Lwt.return ())
(fun () ->
let (_, master) = List.find (fun (dst, _) -> Git_unix.FS.Reference.(equal dst master)) updated in
let (_, head) = List.find (fun (dst, _) -> Git_unix.FS.Reference.(equal dst head)) updated in

let ( >!= ) = Lwt_result.bind_lwt_err in

if Git_unix.FS.Hash.equal master head
then Git_unix.FS.Ref.write git ~locks:(Git_unix.FS.dotgit git) Git_unix.FS.Reference.head
(Git_unix.FS.Reference.(Ref master)) >!= (fun err -> Lwt.return (`Reference err))
else Lwt.return (Ok ())
with Not_found -> Lwt.return (Ok ()))
(function Write err -> Lwt.return (Error (`Reference err))
| exn -> exn) (* XXX(dinosaure): should never happen *)
(Sync_http.fetch_all git ~locks:Fpath.(root / ".locks") ~references:Git_unix.FS.Reference.Map.empty repository
>!= fun err -> `Sync err) >>= fun _ -> Lwt.return (Ok ())

open Cmdliner

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -243,8 +171,8 @@ end
let setup_log =
Term.(const setup_logs $ Fmt_cli.style_renderer () $ Logs_cli.level () $ Flag.output)

let main progress directory repository (quiet, ppf) =
match (main ppf (not quiet && progress) directory repository) with
let main _ directory repository _ =
match (main directory repository) with
| Ok () -> `Ok ()
| Error (#error as err) -> `Error (false, Fmt.strf "%a" pp_error err)

Expand Down
79 changes: 15 additions & 64 deletions src/git-unix/ogit-http-fetch/
Expand Up @@ -90,77 +90,28 @@ let pp_error ppf = function

exception Write of Git_unix.FS.Ref.error

let main ppf progress references directory repository =
let main references directory repository =
let root = option_map_default Fpath.(v (Sys.getcwd ())) Fpath.v directory in

let open Lwt_result in

let ( >!= ) v f = map_err f v in

let stdout =
if progress
then Some (fun raw -> ppf "%s%!" (Cstruct.to_string raw); Lwt.return ())
else None

let stderr =
if progress
then Some (fun raw -> Fmt.(pf stderr) "%s%!" (Cstruct.to_string raw); Lwt.return ())
else None

let https =
match Uri.scheme repository with
| Some "https" -> true
| _ -> false

let want =
Lwt_list.filter_map_p (fun (refname, hash, _) ->
let reference = Git_unix.FS.Reference.of_string refname in

(fun () -> Lwt_list.find_s (fun (src, _) -> Lwt.return (Git_unix.FS.Reference.equal reference src)) references)
(fun (_, dst) -> Lwt.return (Some (dst, hash)))
(fun _ -> Lwt.return None))
let references =
(fun references (remote_ref, local_ref) ->
try let local_refs = Git_unix.FS.Reference.Map.find remote_ref references in
if List.exists (Git_unix.FS.Reference.equal local_ref) local_refs
then references
else Git_unix.FS.Reference.Map.add remote_ref (local_ref :: local_refs) references
with Not_found ->
Git_unix.FS.Reference.Map.add remote_ref [ local_ref ] references)
Git_unix.FS.Reference.Map.empty references

Log.debug (fun l -> l ~header:"main" "root:%a, repository:%a.\n"
Fpath.pp root Uri.pp_hum repository);

(Git_unix.FS.create ~root () >!= fun err -> `Store err) >>= fun git ->
(ok (Negociator.find_common git)) >>= fun (has, state, continue) ->
let continue { Sync_http.Decoder.acks; shallow; unshallow } state = continue { Git.Negociator.acks; shallow; unshallow } state in
(* structural typing god! *)

(Sync_http.fetch git ?stdout ?stderr ~https ~negociate:(continue, state) ~has ~want ?port:(Uri.port repository)
(fun () -> raise (Failure "Invalid repository: no host."))
( repository))
(Uri.path_and_query repository)
>!= fun err -> `Sync err) >>= function
| [], 0 ->
Log.debug (fun l -> l ~header:"main" "Git repository already updated.");
Lwt.return (Ok ())
| updated, n ->
Log.debug (fun l -> l ~header:"main" "New version (%d object(s) added): %a."
n (Fmt.hvbox (Fmt.Dump.list (Fmt.pair Git_unix.FS.Reference.pp Git_unix.FS.Hash.pp)))

(fun () ->
(fun (dst, hash) ->
let open Lwt.Infix in

Git_unix.FS.Ref.write git ~locks:(Git_unix.FS.dotgit git) dst
(Git_unix.FS.Reference.Hash hash)
>>= function Error err -> (Write err)
| Ok _ -> Lwt.return ())
(fun () -> Lwt.return (Ok ()))
(function Write err -> Lwt.return (Error (`Reference err))
| exn -> exn) (* XXX(dinosaure): should never happen. *)
(Sync_http.fetch_some git ~locks:Fpath.(Git_unix.FS.root git / ".locks") ~references repository
>!= fun err -> `Sync err) >>= fun _ -> Lwt.return (Ok ())

open Cmdliner

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -225,8 +176,8 @@ end
let setup_log =
Term.(const setup_logs $ Fmt_cli.style_renderer () $ Logs_cli.level () $ Flag.output)

let main progress references directory repository (quiet, ppf) =
match (main ppf (not quiet && progress) references directory repository) with
let main _ references directory repository _ =
match (main references directory repository) with
| Ok () -> `Ok ()
| Error (#error as err) -> `Error (false, Fmt.strf "%a" pp_error err)

Expand Down

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