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A simple library for manipulating GUID partition tables


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This library provides functionality for working with the GUID Partition Table (GPT). It allows you to create, manipulate, and marshal/unmarshal GPT headers and partitions.


  • OCaml (version 4.02 or later)
  • dune (build system)
  • uuidm (library for UUID manipulation)
  • checkseum (library for checksum calculations)
  • ocaml-cstruct (library for working with C-like structures)


  1. Install OCaml and dune by following the instructions for your platform. Up and Running with Ocaml
  2. Install the required dependencies using OPAM (OCaml package manager)
opam install .
  1. Build the project using dune
dune build
  1. Run Test
dune build @runtest


Module: Partition

This module provides functions for working with GPT partitions.

val make :
  ?name:string ->
  type_guid:Uuidm.t ->
  attributes:int64 ->
  starting_lba:int64 ->
  ending_lba:int64 ->
  (Partition.t, string) result

This function creates a new GPT partition with the specified parameters. It returns a Partition.t value wrapped in the Result type, indicating success or failure. name should be a utf-16-le encoded string of length 72 bytes.


val unmarshal : Cstruct.t -> (Partition.t, string) result

This function takes a Cstruct.t buffer and unmarshals the data into a Partition.t value. It returns the unmarshalled partition wrapped in the Result type, indicating success or failure.


val marshal : Cstruct.t -> Partition.t -> unit

This function marshals a Partition.t value into a Cstruct.t buffer.

Module: Gpt

This module provides functions for working with GPT headers.


val make :  ?disk_guid:Uuidm.t -> disk_size:int64 
            -> sector_size:int ->  Partition.t list -> (t, string) result

This function creates a new GPT header with the specified list of partitions. It returns a Gpt.t value wrapped in the Result type, indicating success or failure.


val unmarshal : Cstruct.t -> sector_size:int -> (t, string) result

This function takes a Cstruct.t buffer and unmarshals the data into a Gpt.t value. It returns the unmarshalled GPT header wrapped in the Result type, indicating success or failure.


val marshal : Cstruct.t -> t -> unit

This function marshals a Gpt.t value into a Cstruct.t buffer.

Example Usage

Here's an example of how you can use this library to create and manipulate GPT headers and partitions:

let create_gpt_header () =
  let partition1 = Match Partition.make ~name:"Partition 1" ~type_guid:"12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789abc" ~attributes:0L 1L 100L
  | Ok p -> p
  | Error error -> Printf.eprintf "Error %s" error
  match make [partition1] ~disk_size:1024L ~sector_size:512 with
  | Ok gpt -> gpt
  | Error error -> Printf.eprintf "Error %s" error


Inspect the GPT Header:

  • gpt_inspect.exe: This script prints the GPT header and it's corresponding partitions. It enables you inspect your GPT disks.


  dune exec -- bin/gpt_inspect.exe disk.img
  • disk.img corresponds to the disk or disk file image you wish to inspect


This libray is licensed with the Ocaml standard ISC license. See here License


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