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hannesm committed Feb 4, 2024
1 parent 984ffe0 commit 9c1c120
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Showing 4 changed files with 324 additions and 70 deletions.
287 changes: 241 additions & 46 deletions unix/
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Expand Up @@ -15,57 +15,252 @@

open Lwt.Infix
type decode_error = [
| `Fatal of [ `Checksum_mismatch | `Corrupt_pax_header | `Unmarshal of string ]
| `Unix of Unix.error * string * string
| `Unexpected_end_of_file
| `Msg of string

module Io = struct
type in_channel = Lwt_unix.file_descr
type 'a io = 'a Lwt.t
let really_read fd buf =
let len = Bytes.length buf in
let rec loop idx =
if idx = len then
else fd buf idx (len - idx) >>= fun n ->
loop (n + idx)
loop 0
let skip (ifd: Lwt_unix.file_descr) (n: int) =
Lwt_unix.(lseek ifd n SEEK_CUR) >|= ignore
let pp_decode_error ppf = function
| `Fatal err -> Tar.pp_error ppf err
| `Unix (err, fname, arg) ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Unix error %s (function %s, arg %s)"
(Unix.error_message err) fname arg
| `Unexpected_end_of_file ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Unexpected end of file"
| `Msg msg ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Error %s" msg

let safe f a =
let open Lwt.Infix in
(fun () -> f a >|= fun r -> Ok r)
| Unix.Unix_error (e, f, a) -> Lwt.return (Error (`Unix (e, f, a)))
| e -> Lwt.reraise e)

type out_channel = Lwt_unix.file_descr
let really_write fd buf =
let len = String.length buf in
let rec loop idx =
if idx = len then
let read_complete fd buf len =
let open Lwt_result.Infix in
let rec loop offset =
if offset < len then
safe ( fd buf offset) (len - offset) >>= fun read ->
if read = 0 then
Lwt.return (Error `Unexpected_end_of_file)
Lwt_unix.write_string fd buf idx (len - idx) >>= fun n ->
loop (idx + n)
loop 0
loop (offset + read)
Lwt.return (Ok ())
loop 0

let seek fd n =
safe (Lwt_unix.lseek fd n) Unix.SEEK_CUR

let safe_close fd =
Lwt.catch (fun () -> Lwt_unix.close fd) (fun _ -> Lwt.return_unit)

let fold f filename init =
let open Lwt_result.Infix in
safe Lwt_unix.(openfile filename [ O_RDONLY ]) 0 >>= fun fd ->
let rec go t fd ?global ?data acc =
(match data with
| None ->
let buf = Bytes.make Tar.Header.length '\000' in
read_complete fd buf Tar.Header.length >|= fun () ->
Bytes.unsafe_to_string buf
| Some data ->
Lwt.return (Ok data)) >>= fun data ->
match Tar.decode t data with
| Ok (t, Some `Header hdr, g) ->
let global = Option.fold ~none:global ~some:(fun g -> Some g) g in
f fd ?global hdr acc >>= fun acc' ->
seek fd (Tar.Header.compute_zero_padding_length hdr) >>= fun _off ->
go t fd ?global acc'
| Ok (t, Some `Skip n, g) ->
let global = Option.fold ~none:global ~some:(fun g -> Some g) g in
seek fd n >>= fun _off ->
go t fd ?global acc
| Ok (t, Some `Read n, g) ->
let global = Option.fold ~none:global ~some:(fun g -> Some g) g in
let buf = Bytes.make n '\000' in
read_complete fd buf n >>= fun () ->
let data = Bytes.unsafe_to_string buf in
go t fd ?global ~data acc
| Ok (t, None, g) ->
let global = Option.fold ~none:global ~some:(fun g -> Some g) g in
go t fd ?global acc
| Error `Eof -> Lwt.return (Ok acc)
| Error `Fatal _ as e -> Lwt.return e
(fun () -> go (Tar.decode_state ()) fd init)
(fun () -> safe_close fd)

let unix_err_to_msg = function
| `Unix (e, f, s) ->
`Msg (Format.sprintf "error %s in function %s %s"
(Unix.error_message e) f s)

include Io
module HeaderReader = Tar.HeaderReader(Lwt)(Io)
module HeaderWriter = Tar.HeaderWriter(Lwt)(Io)
let copy ~src_fd ~dst_fd len =
let open Lwt_result.Infix in
let blen = 65536 in
let buffer = Bytes.make blen '\000' in
let rec read_write ~src_fd ~dst_fd len =
if len = 0 then
Lwt.return (Ok ())
let l = min blen len in
| `Unix _ as e -> unix_err_to_msg e
| `Unexpected_end_of_file ->
`Msg "Unexpected end of file")
(read_complete src_fd buffer l) >>= fun () ->
Lwt_result.map_error unix_err_to_msg
(safe (Lwt_unix.write dst_fd buffer 0) l) >>= fun _written ->
read_write ~src_fd ~dst_fd (len - l)
read_write ~src_fd ~dst_fd len

let extract ?(filter = fun _ -> true) ~src dst =
let open Lwt_result.Infix in
let f fd ?global:_ hdr () =
if filter hdr then
match hdr.Tar.Header.link_indicator with
| Tar.Header.Link.Normal ->
Lwt_result.map_error unix_err_to_msg
(safe Lwt_unix.(openfile (Filename.concat dst hdr.Tar.Header.file_name)
[ O_WRONLY ; O_CREAT ]) hdr.Tar.Header.file_mode) >>= fun dst ->
(fun () -> copy ~src_fd:fd ~dst_fd:dst (Int64.to_int hdr.Tar.Header.file_size))
(fun () -> safe_close dst)
(* TODO set owner / mode / mtime etc. *)
| _ ->
(* TODO handle directories, links, etc. *)
Lwt_result.map_error unix_err_to_msg
(seek fd (Int64.to_int hdr.Tar.Header.file_size)) >|= fun _off ->
Lwt_result.map_error unix_err_to_msg
(seek fd (Int64.to_int hdr.Tar.Header.file_size)) >|= fun _off ->
fold f src ()
(** Return the header needed for a particular file on disk *)
let header_of_file ?level (file: string) : Tar.Header.t Lwt.t =
let header_of_file ?level file =
let open Lwt_result.Infix in
let level = Tar.Header.compatibility level in
Lwt_unix.LargeFile.stat file >>= fun stat ->
Lwt_unix.getpwuid stat.Lwt_unix.LargeFile.st_uid >>= fun pwent ->
Lwt_unix.getgrgid stat.Lwt_unix.LargeFile.st_gid >>= fun grent ->
let file_mode = stat.Lwt_unix.LargeFile.st_perm in
let user_id = stat.Lwt_unix.LargeFile.st_uid in
let group_id = stat.Lwt_unix.LargeFile.st_gid in
let file_size = stat.Lwt_unix.LargeFile.st_size in
let mod_time = Int64.of_float stat.Lwt_unix.LargeFile.st_mtime in
safe Lwt_unix.LargeFile.stat file >>= fun stat ->
let file_mode = stat.Lwt_unix.LargeFile.st_perm in
let user_id = stat.Lwt_unix.LargeFile.st_uid in
let group_id = stat.Lwt_unix.LargeFile.st_gid in
let file_size = stat.Lwt_unix.LargeFile.st_size in
let mod_time = Int64.of_float stat.Lwt_unix.LargeFile.st_mtime in
let link_indicator = Tar.Header.Link.Normal in
let link_name = "" in
let uname = if level = V7 then "" else pwent.Lwt_unix.pw_name in
let gname = if level = V7 then "" else grent.Lwt_unix.gr_name in
let devmajor = if level = Ustar then stat.Lwt_unix.LargeFile.st_dev else 0 in
let devminor = if level = Ustar then stat.Lwt_unix.LargeFile.st_rdev else 0 in
Lwt.return (Tar.Header.make ~file_mode ~user_id ~group_id ~mod_time ~link_indicator ~link_name
~uname ~gname ~devmajor ~devminor file file_size)
let link_name = "" in
(if level = V7 then
Lwt.return (Ok "")
(fun () -> safe Lwt_unix.getpwuid stat.Lwt_unix.LargeFile.st_uid)
| Not_found ->
Lwt.return (Error (`Msg ("No user entry found for UID")))
| e -> Lwt.reraise e) >|= fun pwent ->
pwent.Lwt_unix.pw_name) >>= fun uname ->
(if level = V7 then
Lwt.return (Ok "")
(fun () -> safe Lwt_unix.getgrgid stat.Lwt_unix.LargeFile.st_gid)
| Not_found ->
Lwt.return (Error (`Msg ("No group entry found for GID")))
| e -> Lwt.reraise e) >|= fun grent ->
grent.Lwt_unix.gr_name) >>= fun gname ->
let devmajor = if level = Ustar then stat.Lwt_unix.LargeFile.st_dev else 0 in
let devminor = if level = Ustar then stat.Lwt_unix.LargeFile.st_rdev else 0 in
let hdr = Tar.Header.make ~file_mode ~user_id ~group_id ~mod_time ~link_indicator ~link_name
~uname ~gname ~devmajor ~devminor file file_size
Lwt.return (Ok hdr)
let append_file ?level ?header filename fd =
let open Lwt_result.Infix in
(match header with
| None -> header_of_file ?level filename
| Some x -> Lwt.return (Ok x)) >>= fun header ->
Lwt_result.lift (Tar.encode_header ?level header) >>= fun header_strings ->
Lwt_list.fold_left_s (fun acc d ->
Lwt_result.lift acc >>= fun _written ->
Lwt_result.map_error unix_err_to_msg
(safe (Lwt_unix.write_string fd d 0) (String.length d)))
(Ok 0) header_strings >>= fun _written ->
Lwt_result.map_error unix_err_to_msg
(safe Lwt_unix.(openfile filename [ O_RDONLY ]) 0) >>= fun src ->
(* TOCTOU [also, header may not be valid for file] *)
(fun () -> copy ~src_fd:src ~dst_fd:fd
(Int64.to_int header.Tar.Header.file_size))
(fun () -> safe_close src)
let write_global_extended_header ?level header fd =
let open Lwt_result.Infix in
Lwt_result.lift (Tar.encode_global_extended_header ?level header) >>= fun header_strings ->
Lwt_list.fold_left_s (fun acc d ->
Lwt_result.lift acc >>= fun _written ->
Lwt_result.map_error unix_err_to_msg
(safe (Lwt_unix.write_string fd d 0) (String.length d)))
(Ok 0) header_strings >|= fun _written ->
let write_end fd =
let open Lwt_result.Infix in
Lwt_result.map_error unix_err_to_msg
(Lwt_unix.write_string fd (Tar.Header.zero_block ^ Tar.Header.zero_block) 0)
(Tar.Header.length + Tar.Header.length)) >|= fun _written ->
let create ?level ?global ?(filter = fun _ -> true) ~src dst =
let open Lwt_result.Infix in
Lwt_result.map_error unix_err_to_msg
(safe Lwt_unix.(openfile dst [ O_WRONLY ; O_CREAT ]) 0o644) >>= fun dst_fd ->
(fun () ->
(match global with
| None -> Lwt.return (Ok ())
| Some hdr -> write_global_extended_header ?level hdr dst_fd) >>= fun () ->
let rec copy_files directory =
safe Lwt_unix.opendir directory >>= fun dir ->
(fun () ->
let rec next () =
safe Lwt_unix.readdir dir >>= fun name ->
let filename = Filename.concat directory name in
header_of_file ?level filename >>= fun header ->
if filter header then
match header.Tar.Header.link_indicator with
| Normal ->
append_file ?level ~header filename dst_fd >>= fun () ->
next ()
| Directory ->
(* TODO first finish curdir (and close the dir fd), then go deeper *)
copy_files filename >>= fun () ->
next ()
| _ -> Lwt.return (Ok ()) (* NYI *)
else Lwt.return (Ok ())
with End_of_file -> Lwt.return (Ok ())
next ())
(fun () ->
(fun () -> Lwt_unix.closedir dir)
(fun _ -> Lwt.return_unit))
copy_files src >>= fun () ->
write_end dst_fd)
(fun () -> safe_close dst_fd)
64 changes: 51 additions & 13 deletions unix/tar_lwt_unix.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,20 +16,58 @@

(** Lwt_unix I/O for tar-formatted data *)

val really_read: Lwt_unix.file_descr -> bytes -> unit Lwt.t
(** [really_read fd buf] fills [buf] with data from [fd] or fails
with {!Stdlib.End_of_file}. *)
type decode_error = [
| `Fatal of [ `Checksum_mismatch | `Corrupt_pax_header | `Unmarshal of string ]
| `Unix of Unix.error * string * string
| `Unexpected_end_of_file
| `Msg of string

val really_write: Lwt_unix.file_descr -> string -> unit Lwt.t
(** [really_write fd buf] writes the full contents of [buf] to
[fd] or fails with {!Stdlib.End_of_file}. *)
val pp_decode_error : Format.formatter -> decode_error -> unit

val skip : Lwt_unix.file_descr -> int -> unit Lwt.t
(** [skip fd n] reads [n] bytes from [fd] and discards them. If possible, you
should use [Lwt_unix.lseek fd n Lwt_unix.SEEK_CUR] instead. *)
(** [fold f filename acc] folds over the tar archive. The function [f] is called
for each [hdr : Tar.Header.t]. It should forward the position in the file
descriptor by [hdr.Tar.Header.file_size]. *)
val fold :
(Lwt_unix.file_descr -> ?global:Tar.Header.Extended.t -> Tar.Header.t -> 'a ->
('a, decode_error) result Lwt.t) ->
string -> 'a -> ('a, decode_error) result Lwt.t

(** Return the header needed for a particular file on disk. *)
val header_of_file : ?level:Tar.Header.compatibility -> string -> Tar.Header.t Lwt.t
(** [extract ~filter ~src dst] extracts the tar archive [src] into the
directory [dst]. If [dst] does not exist, it is created. If [filter] is
provided (defaults to [fun _ -> true]), any file where [filter hdr] returns
[false], is skipped. *)
val extract :
?filter:(Tar.Header.t -> bool) ->
src:string -> string ->
(unit, decode_error) result Lwt.t

module HeaderReader : Tar.HEADERREADER with type in_channel = Lwt_unix.file_descr and type 'a io = 'a Lwt.t
module HeaderWriter : Tar.HEADERWRITER with type out_channel = Lwt_unix.file_descr and type 'a io = 'a Lwt.t
(** [create ~level ~filter ~src dst] creates a tar archive at [dst]. It uses
[src], a directory name, as input. If [filter] is provided
(defaults to [fun _ -> true]), any file where [filter hdr] returns [false]
is skipped. *)
val create : ?level:Tar.Header.compatibility ->
?global:Tar.Header.Extended.t ->
?filter:(Tar.Header.t -> bool) ->
src:string -> string ->
(unit, [ `Msg of string | `Unix of (Unix.error * string * string) ]) result Lwt.t

(** [header_of_file ~level filename] returns the tar header of [filename]. *)
val header_of_file : ?level:Tar.Header.compatibility -> string ->
(Tar.Header.t, [ `Msg of string | `Unix of (Unix.error * string * string) ]) result Lwt.t

(** [append_file ~level ~header filename fd] appends the contents of [filename]
to the tar archive [fd]. If [header] is not provided, {header_of_file} is
used for constructing a header. *)
val append_file : ?level:Tar.Header.compatibility -> ?header:Tar.Header.t ->
string -> Lwt_unix.file_descr ->
(unit, [ `Msg of string | `Unix of (Unix.error * string * string) ]) result Lwt.t

(** [write_global_extended_header ~level hdr fd] writes the extended header [hdr] to
[fd]. *)
val write_global_extended_header : ?level:Tar.Header.compatibility ->
Tar.Header.Extended.t -> Lwt_unix.file_descr ->
(unit, [ `Msg of string | `Unix of (Unix.error * string * string) ]) result Lwt.t

(** [write_end fd] writes the tar end marker to [fd]. *)
val write_end : Lwt_unix.file_descr -> (unit, [ `Msg of string ]) result Lwt.t

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