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Welcome to the MIR-Resources wiki!

MIR Overview

The Big MAT Book: Courseware for Audio & Multimedia Engineering Course slides, readings and code examples from a 10-week MIR course taught at UCSB by Stephen Travis Pope.

Music Information Retrieval: Recent Developments and Applications by Schedl, Gomez and Urbano published in Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval September 2014

The State of the Art Ten Years After a State of the Art: Future Research in Music Information Retrieval by Bob Sturm

Content-Based Music Information Retrieval: Current Directions and Future Challenges by Casey, M.A. et al

[Roadmap for Music Information ReSearch] ( by Xavier Serra et al.

MIR Tutorials

Music Information Retrieval: A Tutorial and Review by Nicola Orio

[Music Information Retrieval] ( By J. Stephen Downie

Other MIR Web Hubs

[Audio Content Analysis Book] ( An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis describes standard approaches to various signal processing tasks required for the design of Music Information Retrieval (MIR) systems.

[Teaching Music Information Retrieval] ( Centralized resources for teaching Music Information Retrieval

[Music Information Retrieval] ( Collaborative platform and knowledge base.

#Teaching resources [Stanford Music 253] ( Symbolic Musical Information

[Stanford Music 254] ( Music Query, Analysis, and Style Simulation

#Software Tools ##Python [music21] ( Object-oriented computational musicology tool building on preexisting frameworks like Humdrum, MusicXML, MuseData, MIDI, and Lilypond.

[Bregman Audio-Visual Information Toolbox] (

[audioLab] ( Python package for audio file IO using numpy arrays. It supports most audio formats, including wav, aiff, au, flac, ogg, htk. It also supports output to audio device (Mac OS X and Linux only).

[librosa] ( Python package for music and audio analysis. Primary purpose is to implement common tools for low- and high-level signal-based music analysis.

[Echonest Libraries] ( An array of music data and services for developers using the Echonest and Spotify APIs.


[Essentia] ( Open-source C++ library for audio analysis and audio-based music information retrieval released under the Affero GPLv3 license (also available under proprietary license upon request). The library is also wrapped in Python and includes a number of predefined executable extractors for the available music descriptors, which facilitates its use for fast prototyping and allows setting up research experiments very rapidly.

[libsndfile] ( C library for reading and writing files containing sampled sound (such as MS Windows WAV and the Apple/SGI AIFF format) through one standard library interface.

[MARSYAS] ( Software framework in C++ for rapid prototyping and experimentation with audio analysis and synthesis with emphasis on music signals and Music Information Retrieval. Includes command line tools.

#Tasks ##Online Tempo Estimation [aubio] (

[BTrack] ( Max external, Python module and Vamp plugin

[IBT] ( Real-time system for tempo induction and beat tracking (C++) Max and PD externals, Sonic Visualizer Vamp plugin

##Music Structure Analysis [MSAF] ( Music Structure Analysis Framework written in Python

##Automatic Mixing [Advanced
Music] ( This thesis presents research on

[New Sonorities for Early Jazz Recordings Using Sound Source Separation and Automatic Mixing Tools] ( Framework for automatic mixing of early jazz recordings.

[Computational Modeling and Analysis of Multi-Timbral Musical Instrument Mixtures] ( Contributions of this work involve training models to predict mixing parameters for multi-channel audio sources and developing new methods to model the component interactions of individual timbres to an overall mixture.

[Josh Reiss's lab from Queen Mary] ( Extensive research on the topic.


[MagnaTagATune] ( Has audio and triplet odd-song-out similarity data

[Million Song Dataset] ( Provides audio features and 30-sec preview clips might also be available. Similarity information can be found here(

[Meertens Tune Collections] ( Monophonic Dutch folk songs with audio, transcription, meta data, and similarity and motif annotations

[AcousticBrainz] ( Provides audio features of many songs, including songs used in MIREX similarity measure task

[Arunav Sanyal] Arunav Sanyal's dataset on melodic similarity, which will be released soon. :)

[MUSEDATA] ( Some good classical midi files, all transcribed by actual musicians

[ABC Sourceforge] ( Similar to the Essen db

[Turkish Makam Section Dataset] ( ) Collection of Turkish Makam melodies with extensive use of pitch bend for microtonal and non-Western tunings

[Kunst der Fugue] ( Good resource for general-purpose early classical midi transcriptions

[IDMT-SMT-Drums] ( An audio database for drum transcription and source separation

[Links MIR related datasets] ( Excellent list of datasets, including short description about metadata and content.

[Links to other datasets] ( Good collection of links to other datasets

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