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File metadata and controls

89 lines (72 loc) · 4.04 KB



The script create_swamp_archive assists developers with archiving their code for assessments with the Software Assurance Marketplace (SWAMP). The script is useful for archiving a directory that is being used for active development where builds have been performed. Directly archiving such a directory with tar or zip is not suitable for use with the SWAMP, as when the software is built in the SWAMP, nothing will build and therefore nothing will be assessed as the SWAMP only assesses files that are built. The created archive will not include any of the intermediate build files, so they will be rebuilt. If you have a clean directory (has not been built or the built files have been removed), then it is recommended to archive the directory using tar or zip.

This script requires Perl and GNU tar to be installed on the machine where the script will be used.


The documentation for create_swamp_archive can be found be running create_swamp_archive with the --help option as shown below.

Output of the create_swamp_archive --help command.
Usage: create_swamp_archive [<options>] <dir-to-tar> [<dir> | <tar-prefix> | <tar-file>]
    --exclude        -e  glob pattern to exclude
    --include        -i  glob pattern to remove from the exclude list
    --no-ts              do not include timestamp in archive name
    --use-utc-ts         use UTC timestamp instead of local time
    --force          -f  overwrite archive if it exists
    --help           -h  print this message and exit
    --help-excludes      list exclude patterns and exit
    --version        -v  print version and exit
    --silent         -s  do not print the archive path
    --verbose        -V  print operational details

Creates an archive of the <dir-to-tar> directory specified suitable for upload
to the Software Assurance Marketplace (SWAMP) without having to clean the
directory before archiving.  The script would typically be used as:

    create_swamp_archive my-package

The output of the command is the path to the archive such as


Files matching final and intermediate build files such as object files and
libraries are excluded, as are document files, archives, and version control
files (--help-exclude list the exact file patterns excluded).  The options
--exclude and --include can be used to modify the patterns excluded.  They can
be specified multiple times.  Exclude patterns support standard shell glob
constructs '*' (match any number of characters), '?' (match a single
character), '[abc]' (match a single character inside the braces).  An include
pattern must exactly match an exclude patterns, it can not be used include a
subset of the excluded files.  These characters must be quoted to prevent
interpretation by the shell.  The command line to include .rpm files and
additionally exclude .csv files would be

    create_swamp_archive --include='*.rpm' --exclude='*.csv' my-package

By default the archive is written to the current directory if the second
argument is not specified.  The name of the archive is formed by appending the
name of the directory to be archived, the current time stamp in local time, and
the archive extension.  Options are available to exclude the timestamp or make
it be UTC.  If the second argument is specified the archive name is determined
by the first matching case:

- <dir> is an existing directory:  the archive is placed in the <dir> using the
    previously algorithm for the name.
- <tar-prefix> is a prefix for the archive name that does not contain a '.'
    character:  the archive is path is formed using the previous algorithm,
  except <tar-prefix> is used in place of the directory name
- <tar-file> contains a '.' character and used without change for the archive
    path:  the archive must contain a valid archive extension such at '.tar',
  '.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', or '.tar.xz'.

For more information about the SWAMP, visit the site: