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A simple .net core webapi using Kafka as a streaming API.

StreamingApi (dotnet core webapi)

The webapi is the entry point to generate an order (i.e. to order a book). The Api sends the request (after serializing the object to a json string) to a topic in Kafka called 'orderBookRequests'.

StreamingDistributor (dotnet core console app)

The console app is used as a running service for mapping (from OrderRequest to DeliverRequest) and distributing. As soon as the app is started it acts as a Kafka consumer with a subscription to the topic 'orderBookRequests'. When receiving the messages, they are desirialized from a json string and mapped into a new object called 'DeliveryOrder'. This object will be sent to a producer which writes messages to the Kafka topic 'deliverBookRequests'.

Producer (dotnet core class library)

This class library has two producers. One producer writes to the Kafka topic 'orderBookRequests', the other producer writes to the Kafka topic 'deliverBookRequests'.

Option 1 (manually): Start Zookeeper and Kafka-Server manually


Install Kafka (latest version) on your local machine: []

Step 1.1: Start the Zookeeper Server (in separate Terminal):

bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat config/

Step 1.2: Start the Kafka Server (in separate Terminal):

bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat config/

Option 2 (with Docker): Start Zookeeper, Kafka-Server, Broker and Confluent with Docker

Step 2.1: Clone Confluent-Examples from Github

git clone

Step 2.2: Docker-Compose

Make sure you have at least 8192MB Memory allocated in docker (Settings, Advanced).

cd cp-all-in-one

docker-compose up -d --build

Step 2.3: Check State of Docker-Containers

docker-compose ps

All states should have the value 'Up'

Step 2.4: Use Confluent Control Center

Go to a webbrowser and start Confluent Control Center: localhost:9021

Under 'topics' you can create two new topics called 'orderBookRequests' and 'deliverBookRequests' with 1 partitions each.

Step 3: Start the .NET Console StreamingDistributor (in separate Terminal):

cd StreamingDistributor

dotnet run args[-topic] (i.e. dotnet run -topic orderBookRequests)

The result should be like that:

  • Press Ctrl+C to exit
  • Topic: orderBookRequests
  • Group: test-group

Step 4: Start the .NET WebApi StreamingApi (in separate Terminal):

cd StreamingApi

dotnet run

The result should be like that:

  • info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
  •  Now listening on: https://localhost:5001
  • info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
  •  Now listening on: http://localhost:5000
  • info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
  •  Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
  • info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
  •  Hosting environment: Development
  • info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]

Step 5: Generate a new order with a common REST-Api Tool (i.e. Insomnia)

https: https://localhost:5001

http: http://localhost:5000

Action: POST

Header: application/json

Body: {"Id":1234, "Book":{"Title":"Origin", "Isbn": "9123456123456"}, "Quantity":3}

The result in the console (where the WebApi is running) should be like that:

Delivered '{"Id":1234,"Book":{"Isbn":"9123456123456","Title":"Origin"},"Quantity":3,"status":0}' to: orderBookRequests [[0]] @47


A simple .net core console webapi using Kafka as a streaming API






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