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Haplotype calling package for low coverage Frequency calling

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UPDATE - now supporting Julia 1.7.x

  • additionally, the input vcf file style was changed, resulting in improved processing speeds of the AFcall function
  • check out for the latest updated release
  • minimum and maximum quality cannot be specified anymore, as this step can be outsourced to bcftools or vcftools

HAFcall.jl - Haplotype Analysis of low coverage sequencing data

The package performs a frequency calling strategy for pooled population / offspring samples for low coverage sequencing data

Analyzing Population structures and estimate the allele frequency can be extremely expensive or very limited in its statement. This package highlights an approach to estimate the haplotype frequency with very high security on an ultra-low cost approach using pooled sampling of hundreds of genotypes together.


Three things are necessary to implement

  • a vcf file including the polymorphisms for all samples tested
  • a overview file where all information about the samples is stored
  • a reference file derived from a database, like a GFF3 file for genes


Within julia, execute

using Pkg; Pkg.add(url="")


If an error occurs, try Pkg.resolve() and repeat using HAFcall

Purpose of this Package

The package has a couple of functions that need to be chained.

The first step AFcall extracts the SNP information for all the samples from the Vcf file and stores these in a Dictionary - one entry for each sample The output is stored as DataFrames and can be accessed by DictName[:Set1], where :Set1 is equivalent to the sample name if the overview file.

The second step is to locate the Polymorphisms. The function compares the position of a given object, like a gene (derived from e.g. a GFF3 file), and the polymorphisms and create a dictionary entry label :Location, where each polymorphism is tested for its link to an object.

The third step performs the haplotyping, where the information of multiple polymorphisms is melted together to one haplotype frequency value for each object.

Merging the allele frequency of multiple low coverage SNPs / INDELS located in the sample genomic object that is expected to be linked (linkage disequilibrium), will result in a much higher coverage and therefore much better estimate of the frequency [a gene should have a LD value of 1, crossing overs are unlikely because the region is very small] To increase the power of this method, the genomic object can be extended into the nearby genomic region. Due to linkage, these Polymorphism should still represent the same block and can be utilized to increase the amount of Polymorphism and coverage to receive an even better haplotype frequency estimate.


required packages:

these should be already loaded, but if there are any problems, try to install the following packages first:

] add  DelimitedFiles DataFrames Statistics CSV ProgressMeter Crayons StatsBase

The package supports multi-threading, so make sure you have loaded julia in multicore mode - check with Threads.nthreads() , if there is only 1 core active run

JULIA_NUM_THREADS=8 julia or julia -t 8

where 8 is a dummy for the number of cores. Set it to a value your machine is running on (e.g., an early Intel i7 has 8 threads, an i5 only 4) Alternative, if you run julia in Atom, check out the julia-client options Also, make sure julia can be found by your system. If you saved julia in the Documents folder, add the path to it like C:/Users/me/Documents/julia/bin/julia.exe

required Data

Overview file

the functions need to know which column in the vcf dataset belongs to which data. Furthermore, the environment and the replicates have to be specified for some functions.


Name Env Generation
Scarlett 0 0
Trabant 0 0
F3R1 1 3
F3R2 1 3
F3R3 1 3

The Parents / Founders / near Relatives should be coded both 0 for Env and Generation. Env stands for environment. When Env and Generation information is derived, additional statistical analysis can be performed.

The file has to be TAB separated e.g. a text file (.txt)

Reference file

A reference file is needed to assign the Polymorphism to a genomic Object, like a Gene, Marker, Exon, UTR, etc. the file should have at least the following information:

  • Chromosome
  • Start
  • End

Example 1 (presplit = false in function location):

Gene_ID chromosome:start-stop
HORVU1Hr1G000010 chr1H:41961-45310
HORVU1Hr1G000020 chr1H:47115-50750
HORVU1Hr1G000030 chr1H:50869-52927

Example 2 (presplit = true in function location) :

Marker Chr start end
BOPA2_12_10420 chr1H 20000 71484
BOPA1_3107-422 chr1H 71563 151117
SCRI_RS_204276 chr1H 256663 267591
BOPA2_12_30653 chr1H 273622 366508

additional information can be added in more columns, like:

Marker Chr start end Pos_genetic description GO-IDs
BOPA2_12_10420 chr1H 20000 71484 0.102 ribosomal protein GO:000347
BOPA1_3107-422 chr1H 71563 151117 0.132 HMA GO:004547
SCRI_RS_204276 chr1H 256663 267591 0.212 Calmodulin GO:0007874
BOPA2_12_30653 chr1H 273622 366508 0.845 NAC GO:0004748

The start and end position do not need to differ, but the file has to be TAB separated \t

VCF file

the vcffile can be produced by various SNP calling software tools. This tool was designed based on SAMtools and bcftools Polymorphism calling using mpileup and call since version 1.9, both mpileup and call have shifted to bcftools

To receive the correct data format of the vcf file, us code that results in the same output as Samtools / Bcftools version 1.8 [-t AD option is crucial]

samtools mpileup -uvf Ref_dna.toplevel.fa -q 25 -Q 30 -t AD first.bam second.bam third.bam fourth.bam | 
bcftools call -vm -Ov > Polymorphismfile.vcf 
bcftools view -m2 -M2 -v snps snpcalling.vcf | bcftools query -i 'QUAL>40' -f '%CHROM\t%POS\t%REF\t%ALT\t%QUAL[\t%AD]\n' - > vcf_filtered_work.vcf

The calling output should look like this for each Polymorphism detected:

| Chr | Pos | Ref | Alt | Qual | Sample 1 | Sample 2 | Sample 3 | Sample 4 | :-----: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-:| :-:| |chr1H| 254597 | A | G | 999 | 11,0 | 0,5 | 7,3 | 8,1

The actual file is expected to have NO header row, so please remove this row if the vcf file was perpared with e.g. vcftools


The package has several functions, some of them have to be called in a row to receive a final result.

First function

always is AFcall - this performs the conversion of the vcf file into Dataframes, separate for each tested sample.

AFcall(vcffile, genolist, minreaddepth=1, minqual=30, maxqual=1000,posE1=1, posE2=2) \n

overviewfile = "info.txt"
freq  = AFcall(SNPfile.vcf, overviewfile, 3,1,2)

some adjustments can be made, like minimum coverage or quality. Additionally, it has to be specified in which row in the overviewfile the parents can be found

the function will output a Dictionary with entries - each sample has an own data frame in the Dictionary that can be accessed by


Second function

always is locate - the genomic objects will be linked to the Polymorphisms

locate(info, freqfile, genolist, presplit=false,  extention=true, gap = 0.45) 

freq  = AFcall(SNPfile.vcf, overviewfile, 3,1,2)
locate(reference_file, freq, overviewfile)
  • presplit - false => reference file looks like Example 1 - true => reference file is already split for the position, like in Example 2
  • extension => shall the Objects be wide up or shall they keep their start and end position - true if extension should be performed (recommended), false if not -> including the extension will give better results for the haplotype estimate
  • gap => how far should the Object be extended? e.g., how far a gene should be extended into the intergenic region (default = 0.45 - covering 90% of the intergenic region for up- and downstream gene) -> do not use more than 0.5 -> the regions will overlap (not recommended, but can be done)

a dictionary entry Location is added to the previously created Dict() by AFcall

following functions

the HAFcall package has some more functions:

  • haplotyping
  • contig
  • readDict
  • writeDict
  • stacker
  • annotate


haplotyping creates haplotypes of the polymorphisms using the locate generated genomic object information

haplotype have been proven to give a higher consistency in the calling of the correct allele frequency for the haplotype calculation 2 ways can be applied, the first is referring to the read depth given, so higher rd will contribute more to the Frequency (weighted = true - default, recommended) second way weights all polym. equally, not depending if they are unweighted in read depth (weighted = false)

  • gene = haplotyping by Genes (Column in Location Dict entry has to have the name "Gene_ID")
  • Marker = haplotyping by Marker (Column has to have the name "Marker")
  • GO = haplotyping by go terms (Go Enrichment) (column has to have the name "GO-IDs")
  • PF = haplotyping by PF terms (column has to have the name "PFAM-IDs")

haplotyping(freqfile,genolist,haplotype="gene", weighted=true)

freq  = AFcall(SNPfile.vcf, overviewfile, 3,30,1000,1,2) 
locate(reference_file, freq, overviewfile) 
haplotyping(freq, overviewfile, "gene")

The output is stored as additional Dictionary entries, that do have the ending _Haplotypes


contig performs haplotype creation based on a window approach - this can be used if genomic objects are not given by any reference or other source.

if no information on the gene or marker position can be retained from any source, the haplotypes can be created by generating contigs according to a certain size. inbreeding species can use bigger contigs, while outbreeding species should have smaller contig size

default contig size = 10 mio bp

freq  = AFcall(SNPfile.vcf, overviewfile, 3,30,1000,1,2) 
contig(freq, overviewfile, 10000)

The output is stored as additional Dictionary entries, that do have the ending _Contigs


Read / write

with readDict and writeDict, Frequency calls generated by the previous mentioned function can be stored to disk or read from disk.

overviewfile = "info.txt"
freq  = AFcall(SNPfile.vcf, overviewfile, 3,30,1000,1,2)

writeDict("C:/Users/me/Desktop/folder", freq)


the readDict function can also only read files that do have a specific character of interest in their name - e.g. readDict("C:/Users/me/Desktop/folder", "F") to read files that do have a capital ?F? in its name

Helper functions

stacker can merge the replicates together

check the Dict. and check how the naming is done - can be either _Haplotypes (default) or _Contigs you can merge replicates if 2 or 3 replicate sets are present - for more replicates please check the code and adjust by yourself

freq  = AFcall(SNPfile.vcf, overviewfile, 3,30,1000,1,2) 
locate(reference_file, freq, overviewfile)
haplotyping(freq, overviewfile, "gene")
stacker(freq, overviewfile, "_Haplotypes")

annotate adds the position information to the Haplotype DataFrames

freq  = AFcall(SNPfile.vcf, overviewfile, 3,30,1000,1,2) 
locate(reference_file, freq, overviewfile) 
haplotyping(freq, overviewfile, "gene") 
annotate( freq[:F2E2_Haplotypes], freq, "Gene_ID")


Haplotype calling package for low coverage Frequency calling






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