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Mischov edited this page Apr 26, 2015 · 12 revisions

A route in Gate is a Clojure map that requires the key :path, can optionally contain the keys :middleware and :children, and can may contain one or more keys representing an HTTP method (ie :get, :post, etc).

{:path "/hello"
 :get  (fn [req] "Hello, World!")
 :middleware [gate.middleware/api]}

Required Keys

The only required key for a gate route is :path.

{:path "/"} ; This won't do much....


A route path is a string representing and abstracted url. It must start with a /, and can contain any of the following elements, separated by /.

  • Literal

    A literal segment of a path is a literal representation of that portion of the path.

    For example, in the the path /hello/world, hello and world are literal segments.

  • Variable

    A variable segment of a path begins with a : and matches anything before the next /.

    The path /hello/:name would match the url /hello/world or /hello/github, and the value of :name would be associated with that keyword in the :params and :path-params keys of a request.

  • Splat

    A splat segment of a path begins with a * and matches everything from there until the end of the path string.

    /hello/*name would match /hello/world, but it would also match /hello/world/here/is/a/cuppa. Like variable segments, splats associate the string they match with a keyword of their name (ie *name would be :name) in the :params and :path-params of a request.

Request Methods

Route maps can contain one or more keys representing HTTP methods. These keys are paired with a handler function that will be called if that method is used to make a request matching the route path. In the following example, the route indicates that if a GET request is made to "/hello/github", the route will return the text "Hello, github! It's been a while!".

{:path "/hello/:name"
 :get  (fn [req] 
         (let [{:keys [name]} (get req :params)]
           (str "Hello, " name "! It's been a while!")))}

Available Methods

The keywords following keywords are available to use in route maps as possible methods:

:get :post :head :put :delete :trace :connect :options :any

The only keyword not representing an actual HTTP method is :any, which will match any method of request.



Expanded Routes