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File metadata and controls

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Meeseeks is an Elixir library for parsing and extracting data from HTML and XML with CSS or XPath selectors.

import Meeseeks.CSS

html = HTTPoison.get!("").body

for story <- Meeseeks.all(html, css("tr.athing")) do
  title =, css(".title a"))

    title: Meeseeks.text(title),
    url: Meeseeks.attr(title, "href")
#=> [%{title: "...", url: "..."}, %{title: "...", url: "..."}, ...]


  • Friendly API
  • Browser-grade HTML5 parser
  • Permissive XML parser
  • CSS and XPath selectors
  • Supports custom selectors
  • Helpers to extract data from selections


Meeseeks requires a minimum combination of Elixir 1.12.0 and Erlang/OTP 23.0, and is tested with a maximum combination of Elixir 1.14.0 and Erlang/OTP 25.0.


Meeseeks depends on the Rust library html5ever via meeseeks_html5ever, but because meeseeks_html5ever provides pre-compiled NIFs via rustler_precompiled you do not need to have Rust installed to use Meeseeks.

To install Meeseeks, add it to your mix.exs:

defp deps do
    {:meeseeks, "~> 0.17.0"}

Then run mix deps.get.

Force Compilation

If you need to force compilation of the Rust NIF for some reason, see the instructions here.

Getting Started


Start by parsing a source (HTML/XML string or Meeseeks.TupleTree) into a Meeseeks.Document so that it can be queried.

Meeseeks.parse/1 parses the source as HTML, but Meeseeks.parse/2 accepts a second argument of either :html, :xml, or :tuple_tree that specifies how the source is parsed.

document = Meeseeks.parse("<div id=main><p>1</p><p>2</p><p>3</p></div>")
#=> #Meeseeks.Document<{...}>

The selection functions accept an unparsed source, parsing it as HTML, but parsing is expensive so parse ahead of time when running multiple selections on the same document.


Next, use one of Meeseeks's selection functions - fetch_all, all, fetch_one, or one - to search for nodes.

All these functions accept a queryable (a source, a document, or a Meeseeks.Result), one or more Meeseeks.Selectors, and optionally an initial context.

all returns a (possibly empty) list of results representing every node matching one of the provided selectors, while one returns a result representing the first node to match a selector (depth-first) or nil if there is no match.

fetch_all and fetch_one work like all and one respectively, but wrap the result in {:ok, ...} if there is a match or return {:error, %Meeseeks.Error{type: :select, reason: :no_match}} if there is not.

To generate selectors, use the css macro provided by Meeseeks.CSS or the xpath macro provided by Meeseeks.XPath.

import Meeseeks.CSS
result =, css("#main p"))
#=> #Meeseeks.Result<{ <p>1</p> }>

import Meeseeks.XPath
result =, xpath("//*[@id='main']//p"))
#=> #Meeseeks.Result<{ <p>1</p> }>


Retrieve information from the Meeseeks.Result with an extractor.

The included extractors are attr, attrs, data, dataset, html, own_text, tag, text, tree.

#=> "p"
#=> "1"
#=> {"p", [], ["1"]}

The extractors html and tree work on Meeseeks.Documents in addition to Meeseeks.Results.

#=> "<html><head></head><body><div id=\"main\"><p>1</p><p>2</p><p>3</p></div></body></html>"



If you are interested in contributing please read the contribution guidelines.


Meeseeks is licensed under the MIT license.