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`@mish-tv/distributed-counter is a library for creating distributed counters using CloudDatastore, CloudTasks, and CloudRun.


npm install --save @mish-tv/distributed-counter



  • Enable Datastore / CloudRun / CloudTasks.
  • Create a Queue with an arbitrary name in CloudTasks. In the following example, you will need a queue named distributed-counter-counter.
  • Create a service account to run CloudRun from CloudTasks. Please refer to this document.

Deploy aggregate server

Deploy a server application to CloudRun. You can use the image I have created.

The deployment to CloudRun is complete, note the URL to request. Apply the URL you have note to the constant named url in the following sample code.


docker pull malt03/aggregate-server:${TAG}
docker tag malt03/aggregate-server:${TAG} ${IMAGE}
docker push ${IMAGE}

gcloud run deploy aggregate-distributed-counter --image ${IMAGE} --platform managed --region ${REGION} --no-allow-unauthenticated


import { Datastore } from "@google-cloud/datastore";
import { createIncrementor } from "@mish-tv/distributed-counter";

const datastore = new Datastore();
const projectId = "";
const location = "us-east4";
// const url = `https://aggregate-distributed-counter-${dummy}`;
// const serviceAccount = `cloud-tasks@${projectId}`;
const increment = createIncrementor(url, serviceAccount, (key, client) =>
  client.queuePath(projectId, location, `distributed-counter-${key.kind}`)

export const incrementCounter = async (id: string, value: number) => {
  const key = datastore.key(["counter", id]);
  const initialEntity = { foo: "bar" };
  await increment(key, "value", value, {
    type: "INITIALIZE",
    properties: () => initialEntity,