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Releases: mishamsk/pyoak


15 Dec 17:46
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This mainly a backport of enhanced XPath & Pattern Matcher from 2.0.0, but also makes serialization dependencies options as well as removes the ability of TextFileSources to guess file encoding (and chardet dependency with it).

This release was entirely contributed by @dmmoeu. Thanks a lot!

🚀 Added

  • ASTNode find and findall API's (backport from v2). See README for details.

✨ Changed

  • pyyaml, orjson, msgpack are now optional dependencies. They can be installed via a new set of extras: msgpack, orjson, yaml or all. E.g.: pip install pyoak[msgpack]. DataClassSerializeMixin and hence ASTNode will have to/from_yaml and to/from_msgpack methods if the corresponding dependencies are installed. to/from_json methods are always available and use json if orjson is not installed.

⚠️ Breaking

  • Pattern Grammar is now the same as v2 series. This is a breaking change, check out the README for details.
  • TextFileSource no longer guesses file encoding. This is a breaking change, but it's a good thing. If you need to read a file with a specific encoding, read it yourself and pass the content as a string to the TextFileSource constructor's _raw attribute.

🐛 Fixed

  • A couple of bugs in v2 pattern matcher were fixed in this release.


11 Sep 19:30
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A quick iteration on the 2.0.0 release to ensure consistency of the API's naming and future support for slotted classes.

⚠️ Breaking

  • Unify Tree API's to start with get_ or is_

🐛 Fixed

  • Workarounds for a couple stdlib slotted dataclasses bugs to support slotted ASTNodes (still contingent on Mashumaro update)

🛠️ Internal

  • ⬇️ relaxed library dependency for Mashumaro
  • ⬆️ dev deps
  • Switch black pre-commit hook to new mirror repo


04 Sep 00:16
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This is a significant rework, that brings most of the features previously on the roadmap, but also introduces major breaking changes. To avoid disruption, the v1 code has been moved to legacy sub-package and the legacy ASTNode is now called AwareASTNode. Legacy package will emit deprecation warnings on import though.

✨ Highlights

  • Ability to re-use nodes across multiple ASTs without creating duplicates
  • Nodes are now hashable!
  • 100x faster pattern matching with support for pattern variables & simplified grammar
  • ~50% faster traversal
  • XPath search APIs (not unlike those in ElementTree)
  • Opt-in runtime type checking of AST nodes
  • ... and more

🚀 Added

  • pyoak.tree.Tree class that provides API for to retrieve node parents in a tree as well as traversing "up" the tree
  • pyoak.config module that provides global configuration options
  • Opt-in runtime type checking at node creation via pyoak.config.RUNTIME_TYPE_CHECK flag
  • XPath
    • ASTXpath.findall and sister ASTNode.findall, ASTNode.find methods. Work similarly to ElementTree's findall and find methods. The latter accept both a compiled ASTXpath instnace or string.
  • Pattern Matching
    • Ability to match against multiple types: (Type1|Type2|... ...)
    • Pattern variables: (* @field_val_from -> val @field_compare_to = $val)

✨ Changed

  • Traversal methods dfs, bfs and gather do not return the node itself anymore
  • ASTVisitor and ASTTransformVisitor are now in a separate module pyoak.visitor
  • Auto-generated ID hash size is now configurable via config.ID_DIGEST_SIZE, and defaults to 8 bytes (16 hex chars)
  • Optional trace logging switch is now in config module
  • ASTNode._iter_child_fields propoted to a public API ASTNode.iter_child_fields

⚠️ Breaking

  • Traversal methods dfs, bfs and gather return a tuple of (node, parent, field, index) instead of just the node
  • All methods of ASTNode that worked by going "up" the tree are now in Tree class
  • Filters & pruners for traversal methods now must accept a tuple of (node, parent, field, index) instead of just the node
  • Mixed fields (i.e. with types like str | ASTNode) are not allowed anymore. Separate properties and children into separate fields instead.
  • Pattern Match grammar has been simplified:
    • any field rule is denoted just by @field_name=... instead of @[child_field=...] #[property=...] syntax.
    • there are no more ! and !! flags, since sequence matching is now always "strict" (i.e. @field_name=[] matches only if the field is a sequence and elements match the pattern exactly)

🐛 Fixed

  • CI/CD pipeline now correctly runs tests on all platforms
  • Local docformatter now uses the same parameters as the one in CI/CD pipeline

🔥 Removed

  • Runtime checks during traversal/retrieving children. All the decisions whether a field is a child field and/or is a sequence are made based type annotations at class creation
  • Removed the ability to provide custom id to ASTNode constructor. If you need to track source/natural ID's, use a dedicated field for that.
  • id_collision_with and original_id auto-properties. Now if you need to track collisions, this must be done manually.
  • parent, parent_field and parent_index auto-properties. Nodes are not aware of the parent anymore. Use Tree API instead.
  • ensure_unique_id and create_detached removed as they are no longer needed
  • replace method. Use the type-checked (as of mypy 1.5+) dataclasses.replace instead.
  • replace_with method, since node's are not parent aware anymore. Use ASTTransformVisitor instead.
  • xpath property and calcualte_xpath method. Use Tree instead.
  • detached, is_attached_root and is_attached_subtree properties. No longer relevant.

📖 Documentation

  • Updated README

🛠️ Internal

  • Prepare to support slotted classes (contingent on Mashumaro update)


09 Aug 00:27
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Quick hotfix release to restore backwards compatibility with 1.0.0

🐛 Fixed

  • 1.1.0 wouldn't deserialize NoSource/NoPosition/NoOrigin serialized by an earlier version of the library. This is now fixed and the lib should be fully backwards compatible.


08 Aug 21:28
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🚀 Added

  • Instantiated singleton constants NO_ORIGIN, NO_SOURCE, NO_POSITION in pyoak.origin

✨ Changed

  • Removes unnecessary need to pass deserialization option to distinguish whether Sources were serialized as normal or as registry id's
  • Serializes NoXXX classes as empty dicts now

⚠️ Breaking

  • NoSource singleton instance is not part of the Source registry anymore and reports source_registry_id as -1. However it is still returned via Source.list_registered_sources() API for backwards compatibility.

🛠️ Internal

  • ⬇️ relaxed library dependencies


30 Jul 20:15
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This is the first public release of pyoak, a library I've been working on for the last year. It was conceived for the benefit of the commercial static code analysis & transpiler tool at my startup, but should be useful for a wide range or cases.