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ufuzz failure #5264

alexlamsl opened this issue Jan 4, 2022 · 0 comments · Fixed by #5265

ufuzz failure #5264

alexlamsl opened this issue Jan 4, 2022 · 0 comments · Fixed by #5265


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// original code
// (beautified)
var _calls_ = 10, a = 100, b = 10, c = 0;

function f0(arguments, b_2, {
    length: undefined_1,
    in: a_1,
    3: a_1_2
}) {
    function f1() {
            var brake1 = 5;
            L10908: do {
                switch (typeof b_1 !== "object") {
                  case --b + [ (c = 1 + c, ("bar" ^ true) - (b_2 && (b_2[c = 1 + c, (-2 >> /[a2][^e]+$/, 
                    -4 >= undefined) - (c = c + 1, [ , 0 ][1] >>> -4)] = 5 ^ this)) <= (0 === "number") >>> "foo" * {}) ][(c = c + 1) + typeof (c = 1 + c, 
                    (a_1_2 && (a_1_2[0 === 1 ? a : b] = NaN && undefined && 0 << {})) >>> ([ , 0 ][1] !== true) * (NaN >>> 4))]:
                    try {
                        c = 1 + c, "undefined" >> "bar" == (c = c + 1, NaN) & 5 / -0 / (22 & -0);
                    } finally {
                    return c = 1 + c, (1 == [ , 0 ][1] == 38..toString() << /[a2][^e]+$/) << ~(24..toString() - [ , 0 ][1]);

                  case --b + [].NaN:
                    for (var brake6 = 5; (c = 1 + c, 4 - true === Infinity <= false ^ 0 * 38..toString() > (true && /[a2][^e]+$/)) && brake6 > 0; --brake6) {
                        c = 1 + c, "a" === 23..toString() != -2 >= 25 !== "function" << -0 >= (NaN && false);
                    c = 1 + c, ("c" < "bar") % (22 || undefined) || -2 * 0 < (b_2 && (b_2.static += 2 || "bar"));

                  case (c = c + 1) + (b = a):
                    switch (c = 1 + c, ("bar" << 3) * (arguments && (arguments[c = 1 + c, (([ , 0 ].length === 2) >>> true & 22 - /[a2][^e]+$/) == ("object" ^ []) + Infinity % -2] = -5 ^ 5)) >> ([ , 0 ][1] & 0 || 0 + {})) {

                      case c = 1 + c, (a_1 && (a_1[--b + {}.get] = /[a2][^e]+$/ && "object" || this | 38..toString())) % (void false ^ "c" & "b"):

                      case c = 1 + c, "function" / 24..toString() | "undefined" % null | 24..toString() * -1 == ("function" != 1):

                      case c = 1 + c, (/[a2][^e]+$/ === -0) * (-0 - "b") && ([ , 0 ][1] == "undefined" || "undefined" + 4):

            } while (b-- && --brake1 > 0);
        for (var brake11 = 5; ~(undefined_1 && (undefined_1[(c = c + 1) + (b_2 && b_2[--b + !function() {
        }()])] = ((/[a2][^e]+$/ && 22) != ("bar", -2)) > ((-2 ^ "number") == (null | 25)))) && brake11 > 0; --brake11) {
            for (var brake12 = 5; --b + (undefined_1 += (c = c + 1) + !(("object" | -5) - ("number" ^ 3) !== delete delete "foo")) && brake12 > 0; --brake12) {
                var let_1 = b |= a, bar_1 = b = a;
    var Infinity = f1(1 === 1 ? a : b, null, null);
    async function f2() {
            var brake14 = 5;
            while (/[abc4]/.test((--b + typeof --b || b || 5).toString()) && --brake14 > 0) {
                --b + (b_2 = (c = 1 + c, (4 == this) <= 5 << 4 || (-3 || 3) <= (Infinity, "b"))) ? (c = 1 + c, 
                (5 == "object") - (undefined_1 && (undefined_1[c = 1 + c, {} >>> [] !== (-4 === "foo") && {} == "b" === -2 >= 24..toString()] = [ , 0 ].length === 2 == "")) || (5 >= undefined) - ("undefined" && "c")) ? (c = 1 + c, 
                24..toString() - -4 !== (null & "object") | (5 & {}) >= (NaN <= {})) : (c = 1 + c, 
                (this ^ "b") >>> ("number" === 38..toString()) ^ (-4 >>> "number") / (23..toString() % "b")) : typeof (c = 1 + c, 
                (1 - -3) % (1 && 1) !== ("c" && "number") * ("function" === 2));
            var expr16 = [ ..."" + b_2, (c = c + 1) + {
                "\t": (c = 1 + c, (({}, -5) + ("number" && 2)) * (undefined_1 && (undefined_1[--b] += (-5 === /[a2][^e]+$/) * (([ , 0 ].length === 2) >>> 0))))
            }[c = 1 + c, (undefined_1 = "b" <= 22) << void undefined || (b_2 <<= "undefined" - -5 + (-3 + -0))], +function a_1() {}() ];
            for (let key16 of expr16) {
                c = c + 1;
    var arguments_2 = f2();
    function f3(arguments_2_2, async_1, arguments) {
        function f4() {
        var undefined_1 = f4`${c = 1 + c, ([] && -4) <= true % 3 ^ ("object" || "bar") >>> ("" <= undefined)}${c = 1 + c, 
        (-5 > NaN || "function" !== "foo") != (a_1 && ([ ] = [ ("number" + Infinity) * (arguments && (arguments.b += false >> -1)) ]))}`;
        function f5(let_1, yield_2) {
            return c = 1 + c, -3 >> 38..toString() >> 24..toString() * -0 << ("foo" << "c" >= (-0 != []));
            if (c = 1 + c, ((undefined_1 >>>= -4 && 38..toString()) && 38..toString() ^ "number") === ((let_1 && (let_1[c = 1 + c, 
            (0 && "a") | -1 == undefined && -0 >>> -0 << ("number" ^ -0)] = {} != false)) ^ (arguments && (arguments.set = 0 ^ 2)))) {
                c = 1 + c, (-1 % "object" === (23..toString() ^ null)) >>> (arguments_2 <<= 5 + 4 || true && 23..toString());
        var undefined_1_1 = f5(--b + (b = a), -2, (c = 1 + c, (true % "object" == ("b" != "number")) > ([ , 0 ][1] / "function" ^ 2 - true)) ? (c = 1 + c, 
        ((null !== 2) < (arguments_2 && (arguments_2.Infinity += "" | NaN))) / (1 == NaN | (Infinity && ""))) : (c = 1 + c, 
        (undefined * "object" | "number" <= 4) >= (false << 4 ^ (undefined_1 *= "a" <= 38..toString()))));
        function f6([], arguments_2) {
                var brake23 = 5;
                while ((c = 1 + c, (-5 & "function") === "a" >>> 3 && 24..toString() >> 22 > "function" * false) && --brake23 > 0) {
                    c = 1 + c, (0 + [ , 0 ][1] | true + "number") == ("function", "b") > (undefined == "undefined");
            c = c + 1;
        var await_1 = f6([], --b + (b ^= a), false);
        function f7() {
            function f8(arguments, b_2, undefined) {
            var a = f8((c = 1 + c, ((this == "foo") <= (a_1_2 = this >= Infinity)) + ("number" / -2 != {} <= 2)));
            function f9(Infinity_2, a_2, foo) {
            var undefined_1_1 = f9((c = 1 + c, (+ -4 && (a_1_2 && (a_1_2[c = 1 + c, +((-2 === -2) >> (false >>> 24..toString()))] >>= {} != "b"))) & null - "foo" == 2 % false), import.meta, (c = 1 + c, 
            3 - /[a2][^e]+$/ >> (-3 << 5) >= (-1 >>> -2 == (23..toString() | "object"))));
        var async_1 = f7`${c = 1 + c, Infinity && (Infinity.Infinity = true % false >>> 5 * "foo" < (1 - Infinity && -2 >> ([ , 0 ].length === 2)))}${c = 1 + c, 
        (a_1 && ([ a_1[a++ + {
            b: (c = 1 + c, undefined_1 && (undefined_1[(c = c + 1) + arguments_2] = (arguments += [ , 0 ][1] > "undefined", 
            25 >= 4) * ((38..toString(), null) == (c = c + 1, 38..toString()))))
        }.async] ] = [ ("foo" <= -5, null === 23..toString()) ])) ^ 0 % "" & "bar" / {}}`;
        async function f10(async_1_2, undefined_1_2, async_1) {
            try {
                c = 1 + c, delete ((-2 & 23..toString()) % (-0 <= ([ , 0 ].length === 2)));
            } catch (async_1_2) {
            var Infinity_2 = (c = 1 + c, 24..toString() - [] !== (true !== 5) == (null <= {} && "foo" / [ , 0 ][1]));
        var a_2 = f10(false);
    var arguments_1 = f3(a++ + (arguments_1 = a--));
    function f11(a_2, {
        a: undefined_1
    }) {
            var brake29 = 5;
            while ((c = c + 1) + a-- && --brake29 > 0) {
                var brake30 = 5;
                do {
                    L10909: for (var brake31 = 5; -1 && brake31 > 0; --brake31) {
                        c = c + 1;
                } while (--b + (b >>>= a) && --brake30 > 0);
        for (var brake33 = 5; /[abc4]/g.exec(((c = c + 1) + +b || b || 5).toString()) && brake33 > 0; --brake33) {
            c = c + 1;
    var arguments_2 = f11("bar", {
        Infinity: a++ + ("foo" in {
            "-2": --b + [ (c = 1 + c, (c = c + 1, -2) - ("number" ^ 0) == 25 * 3 >> (0 != true)), (c = 1 + c, 
            -(5 == "undefined") + ("a" >> undefined != ("function" && Infinity))), (c = 1 + c, 
            +(Infinity === 2) ^ ({} >> "function" | 0 / true)) ][4],
            [--b + ((a_1_2 && (a_1_2[--b + Infinity] *= ([] || {}) * (null || /[a2][^e]+$/))) ^ (arguments_1 *= Infinity >> 0) / (0 - 1))]: -(a_1_2 && (a_1_2.done = (c = c + 1, 
            2) >= "a" - 2 < ("foo" && []) >>> ("number" ^ "c"))),
            [--b + +(("number" & this) < (arguments_2 && (arguments_2.get *= [ , 0 ][1] ^ [ , 0 ][1])) === (Infinity && (Infinity[typeof f13 == "function" && --_calls_ >= 0 && f13`${c = 1 + c, 
            (b_2 && (b_2.null += (3 !== /[a2][^e]+$/) << (/[a2][^e]+$/ >>> 25))) <= ([] & [ , 0 ].length === 2) >>> void "undefined"}`] = (arguments = -2 - "function") & true % -1)))]: a++ + "a",
            a: a++ + (38..toString() in {
                NaN: (c = 1 + c, (-0 ^ 1) >= (false >= this) == (-3 >= 22, -2 < /[a2][^e]+$/)),
                var: (c = 1 + c, ((null | 22) ^ "bar" >>> "") % ((true >= "number") / ("bar", -5))),
                undefined: (c = 1 + c, (b_2 && (b_2.value = NaN >> 23..toString() > (arguments && (arguments[c = 1 + c, 
                ((a_1_2 && (a_1_2[c = 1 + c, ("function" & {}) + this % 22 === (-4 * "bar" & undefined > "function")] >>>= /[a2][^e]+$/ < "")) >> (Infinity >= "")) % (({} != {}) > this * "b")] = true || "a")))) / ((22 < 23..toString()) % ("" / 25)))
            c: --b + {}[{
                1.5: (c = 1 + c, (false ^ "undefined") << (3 || "") !== ("undefined" >>> [ , 0 ][1] & [] << {}))
        get: "bar"
    function f12() {
        var undefined_1_1 = b = a, b_2 = {
            static: typeof f8 == "function" && --_calls_ >= 0 && f8("number", (c = 1 + c, (c = c + 1, 
            [ , 0 ].length === 2 ^ 2) != /[a2][^e]+$/ + "foo" >> 3 * -4), (c = 1 + c, ((25 | [ , 0 ][1]) >> (arguments_2 && (arguments_2.then &= -0 >>> [ , 0 ][1]))) / ((-5 ^ null) !== 25 >= -3))),
            set: typeof (c = 1 + c, 1 >>> 4 > (true > true) >= "undefined" % "b" >>> "c" - Infinity)
        var Infinity_2;
    var NaN_1 = f12();

var NaN = f0(4, -2, {});

console.log(null, a, b, c, Infinity, NaN, undefined);
// uglified code
// (beautified)
var i = 10, g = 100, u = 10, d = 0;

var S = function(arguments, e, {
    length: r,
    in: f,
    3: a
}) {
    var c = function() {
        var t = 5;
        do {
            switch ("object" != typeof b_1) {
              case --u + [ (d = 1 + d, 1 - (e && (e[d = 1 + d, (undefined <= -4) - (d += 1, 0)] = 5 ^ this)) <= !1 >>> "foo" * {}) ][(d += 1) + (d = 1 + d, 
                typeof ((a && (a[u] = S && undefined && 0 << {})) >>> !0 * (S >>> 4)))]:
                return d = 1 + d, d = 1 + (d += 1), (0 == 38..toString() << /[a2][^e]+$/) << ~+24..toString();

              case --u + [].NaN:
                for (var n = 5; d = 1 + d, 3 === c <= !1 ^ 0 * 38..toString() > /[a2][^e]+$/ && 0 < n; --n) {
                    d = 1 + d, 23..toString();
                d = 1 + d, e && (e["static"] += 2);

              case (d += 1) + (u = g):
                switch (d = 1 + d, 0 * (arguments && (arguments[d = 1 + d, ((2 === [ , 0 ].length) >>> !0 & NaN) == ("object" ^ []) + c % -2] = -2)) >> 0 + {}) {
                  case d = 1 + d, (f && (f[--u + {}.get] = "object")) % 0:

                  case d = 1 + d, "function" / 24..toString() | NaN | -1 * 24..toString() == 1:
                  case d = 1 + d, NaN:
        } while (u-- && 0 < --t);
        for (var o = 5; ~(r && (r[(d += 1) + (e && e[--u + !0])] = !0)) && 0 < o; --o) {
            for (var i = 5; --u + (r += (d += 1) + !1) && 0 < i; --i) {
                u |= g, u = g;
    }(g, null, null), t = async function() {
        for (var t, n = 5; /[abc4]/.test((--u + typeof --u || u || 5).toString()) && 0 < --n; ) {
            --u + (d = 1 + d, e = (4 == this) <= 80 || !1) ? (d = 1 + d, !1 - (r && (r[d = 1 + d, 
            {} >>> [] !== !1 && "b" == {} == 24..toString() <= -2] = 2 === [ , 0 ].length == "")) || (undefined <= 5) - "c" ? (d = 1 + d, 
            24..toString()) : (d = 1 + d, 38..toString(), 23..toString())) : d = 1 + d;
        for (t of [ ..."" + e, (d += 1) + {
            "\t": (d = 1 + d, -3 * (r && (r[--u] += !1 * ((2 === [ , 0 ].length) >>> 0))))
        }[d = 1 + d, r = !1, undefined, e <<= NaN], +function f() {}() ]) {
            d += 1;
    }(), arguments = void (g++, g--), n = function() {}`${d = 1 + d, !0 ^ "object" >>> ("" <= undefined)}${d = 1 + d, 
    (S < -5 || !0) != (f && ([ f["in"] ] = [ ("number" + c) * (arguments && (arguments.b += 0)) ]))}`;
    !function(t, n) {
        d = 1 + d, 38..toString(), 24..toString();
    }(--u + (u = g), -2, (d = 1 + (d = 1 + d), ("object" * undefined | !1) >= (0 ^ (n *= "a" <= 38..toString())))), 
    --u, u ^= g;
    for (var o = 5; d = 1 + d, NaN < 24..toString() >> 22 && 0 < --o; ) {
        d = 1 + d, undefined;
    (function() {
        d = 1 + (d = 1 + d), (a = c <= this) && (a[d = 1 + d, +(!0 >> (!1 >>> 24..toString()))] >>= "b" != {}), 
        import.meta, d = 1 + d, 23..toString();
    })`${d = 1 + (d += 1), c && (c.Infinity = 0 < (1 - c && -2 >> (2 === [ , 0 ].length)))}${d = 1 + d, 
    (f && ([ f[g++ + {
        b: (d = 1 + d, n && (n[(d += 1) + t] = (arguments += !1, !0 * (38..toString(), null == (d += 1, 
    }["async"]] ] = [ null === 23..toString() ])) ^ NaN & "bar" / {}}`, async function() {
        try {
            d = 1 + d, 23..toString();
        } catch (t) {}
        d = 1 + d, 24..toString();
    }(), t = function() {
        for (var t = 5; (d += 1) + g-- && 0 < --t; ) {
            var n = 5;
            do {
                for (var o = 5; 0 < o; --o) {
                    d += 1;
            } while (--u + (u >>>= g) && 0 < --n);
        for (var i = 5; /[abc4]/g.exec(((d += 1) + +u || u || 5).toString()) && 0 < i; --i) {
            d += 1;
    }((g++, --u, d = 1 + d, d = 1 + (d += 1), undefined, d = 1 + d, --u, a && (a[--u + c] *= [] * /[a2][^e]+$/), 
    a && (a.done = (d += 1, !1 < [] >>> 0)), --u, t && (t.get *= 0), c && (c["function" == typeof f13 && 0 <= --i && f13`${d = 1 + d, 
    (e && (e["null"] += 1)) <= ([] & 2 === [ , 0 ].length) >>> void 0}`] = 0 & (arguments = NaN)), 
    g++, g++, 38..toString(), d = 1 + (d = 1 + (d = 1 + d)), e && (e.value = S >> 23..toString() > (arguments && (arguments[d = 1 + d, 
    ((a && (a[d = 1 + d, ("function" & {}) + this % 22 == (NaN & "function" < undefined)] >>>= !1)) >> ("" <= c)) % ("b" * this < ({} != {}))] = !0))), 
    23..toString(), --u, d = 1 + d)), u = g, "function" == typeof f8 && 0 <= --i && f8("number", (d = 1 + d, 
    0 != (d += 1, 2 === [ , 0 ].length ^ 2)), (d = 1 + d, (25 >> (t && (t.then &= 0))) / !0)), 
    d = 1 + d, --u;
}(4, -2, {});

console.log(null, g, u, d, Infinity, S, undefined);
original result:
null 98 97 186 Infinity undefined undefined

uglified result:
null 98 97 185 Infinity undefined undefined
// reduced test case (output will differ)

// (beautified)
function f0(b_2, {}) {
    function f3(arguments) {
        function f4() {}
        function f6() {
            while (console.log()) {}

f0(2, {});
// output: 
// minify: TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined
// options: {
//   "ie": true,
//   "toplevel": true,
//   "mangle": {
//     "v8": true
//   },
//   "output": {
//     "v8": true
//   },
//   "validate": true
// }
  "ie": true,
  "toplevel": true,
  "mangle": {
    "v8": true
  "output": {
    "v8": true

Suspicious compress options:

Suspicious options:
@alexlamsl alexlamsl added the bug label Jan 4, 2022
alexlamsl added a commit to alexlamsl/UglifyJS that referenced this issue Jan 4, 2022
alexlamsl added a commit to alexlamsl/UglifyJS that referenced this issue Jan 4, 2022
alexlamsl added a commit that referenced this issue Jan 4, 2022
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