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Modifying list view

misonou edited this page Sep 14, 2016 · 1 revision

You can specify which columns are visible and their orders on list views (e.g. AllItems.aspx).

[SPContentType("0x01005A132C01F46341319BBA6C776A2D9D32", "My Content Type")]
public abstract class MyItem : SPModel { 
    // place the title column in front of any other column unspecified
    [SPBuiltInField(SPBuiltInFieldName.Title, ColumnOrder = -1)]
    public abstract string Title { get; set; }

    // place the modified time column at position 2
    [SPBuiltInField(SPBuiltInFieldName.Modified, ShowInListView = SPOption.True, ColumnOrder = 2)]
    public abstract DateTime Modified { get; set; }

    // do not show the modified by column
    [SPBuiltInField(SPBuiltInFieldName.Author, ShowInListView = SPOption.False)]
    public abstract SPPrincipal ModifiedBy { get; set; }

Sometimes it would be a bit tricky if you want to show columns on list views but it does not refer to any properties in the model class. In that case use SPFieldAttribute.IncludeInViewFields and SPFieldAttribute.IncludeInQuery.

public abstract class MyItem : SPModel {
    // tell the library that the "UI Version" column is visible on list view
    // but it has nothing to do with the "Title" property it is annotating
        ShowInListView = SPOption.True, IncludeInViewFields = false, IncludeInQuery = false)]

    [SPBuiltInField(SPBuiltInFieldName.Title, ColumnOrder = -1)]
    public abstract string Title { get; set; }