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Tutorial step 15: Add scoring

By now you have a "playable" game with a base game mode, and you've got a score showing on the display, but it's still pretty boring since nothing is actually configured to register a score yet. So in this step we're going to add some scoring.

1. Understand in scoring works in MPF

MPF includes a core module called the Variable Player which is responsible for adding (or subtracting) points from a player's score. Actually, that's not a completely accurate description. We should really say that the variable player is responsible for adding or subtracting value from any player variable. (A player variable is just a key/value pair that is stored on a per-player basis.) The score is the most obvious player variable. But MPF also uses player variables to track what ball the player is on, how many extra balls the player has, etc. You can create player variables to track anything you want. Ramps made, combos made, number of modes completed, aliens destroyed, etc.

The variable player is responsible for adding and subtracting value from any player variable based on events that happen in MPF. You configure which events add or subtract value to which player variables in the variable_player: section of a mode's configuration file.

2. Add a variable_player: section to your base.yaml mode config file

The first step is simply to add a variable_player: section to your base mode's base.yaml config file. So in this case, that will be <your_machine>/modes/base/config/base.yaml. Add a new top level configuration item called variable_player:, like this:


3. Add point values for events

Then inside the variable_player: section, you create sub-entries for MPF events that you map back to a list of player variables whose value you want to change. By default, whenever a switch is hit in MPF, it posts an event <switch_name>_active . (A second event called <switch_name>_inactive is also posted when the switch opens back up.) To give the player points when a switch is hit, add sub-entries to the variable_player: section of your config file, with some switch name followed by "_active", like this:

##! mode: base
    score: 100
    score: 1000

Now save your config, start a game (S), hit the L key to launch a ball, then hit the Q key to trigger the right inlane switch . You should immediately see a score of 100 points. Then if you hit the Z key for the left flipper, you'll see the player's score increase by 1000 points. You can hit it as many times as you want to see the score increase:

Remember from the previous step that the slide_player: section of the config contains a text widget with a value of (score) in parentheses, and any values in parentheses are updated automatically when the underlying player variable changes. So that's how the display is updating automatically here.

By the way, there's a reference list of many built-in events </events/index> in the documentation, so you can browse through that to get an idea of the various types of events that exist which you can use to trigger display slides or score events.

Note that variable_player: events in a mode's config file are only actually active when that mode is active. So the section we're adding in this step is in the base mode's config, which we've set to start any time a ball starts. But if the base mode ever wasn't running, then the s_right_inlane_active and s_left_flipper_active events wouldn't trigger a score.

When you create more modes in the future, you can actually configure that a score event in a higher-priority mode "blocks" the variable_player/scoring event in a lower-priority mode. So you could have a pop bumper that is worth 100 points in a base mode, but then you could also make it worth 5,000 points in a super jets mode while blocking the 100 point score from the base mode since if the scoring from both modes was active, you'd get two scoring events--the 100 from the base mode and the 5,000 from the super jets mode. (More on that later.)

Later on you can also configure shots which can control lights and manage sequences of switches and lots of other cool things, so that's how you can track the ball moving left-to-right or right-to-left around a loop, and from there you'll be able to configure different scoring events for each direction. (Again, we'll get to this later. For now you can just wire up scoring to a switch to see it working.)

4. Play with more player variables

As we said, you can add or subtract value from any player variable via the variable_player: section--even player variables that you make up.

For example, try changing your scoring section to this:

# we will initially set the value to 0 when the machine starts up
    initial_value: 0

##! mode: base
# in your base mode (modes/base/config/base.yaml)
    score: 100
    score: 1000
    potato: 1
    potato: -2

We use the word "potato" here to illustrate that player variables can be anything. So now when the left flipper is active, the player variable called "score" will increase by 1000, and the player variable called "potato" will increase by one. (If you make a reference to a player variable that hasn't been defined before, it will automatically be created with a value of 0.)

Also notice that when the right flipper is hit, the player variable called "potato" will have a value of 2 subtracted from it.

Player variables exist and are tracked even if they're not displayed anywhere. So if you run your game now and start flipping, the potato value will change. Again, player variables are stored on a per-player basis, so if you start adding additional players to the game, they'll each have their own copies of their own player variables. Also the player variables are destroyed when the game ends. (It is possible to save certain variables from game-to-game, but we'll discuss those later, as those are not player variables.)

So now that we're tracking this potato variable, let's add it to the display. To do this, let's add another widget to the slide that is show when the base mode starts. (So we're going to be editing <your_machine>/modes/config/base.yaml again. Add the potato text entry, like this:

#! player_vars:
#!   potato:
#!     initial_value: 0
##! mode: base
# in your base mode (modes/base/config/base.yaml)
      - type: text
        text: (score)
        number_grouping: true
        min_digits: 2
        font_size: 100
      - type: text
        text: PLAYER (number)
        y: 10
        x: 10
        font_size: 50
        anchor_x: left
        anchor_y: bottom
      - type: text
        text: BALL (ball)
        y: 10
        x: right-10
        anchor_x: right
        anchor_y: bottom
        font_size: 50
      - type: text
        text: 'POTATO VALUE: (potato)'
        y: 40%
##! test
#! start_game
#! start_mode base
#! advance_time_and_run .1
#! assert_text_on_top_slide "PLAYER 1"
#! assert_text_on_top_slide "BALL 1"
#! assert_text_on_top_slide "POTATO VALUE: 0"

Notice that we put text: 'POTATO VALUE: (potato)' in quotes. That's because we actually want to show the colon as part of the text that's displayed on the screen. However colons are important in YAML files. So if we made our entry like this: text: POTATO VALUE: (potato), then we would get a YAML processing error because the YAML processor would freak out. "OH MY THERE ARE TWO COLONS?? WHAT'S THIS MEAN??? <crash>"

So we use quotes to tell it that the second colon is just part of our string.

Now you can run your game (via mpf both), S to start a game, L to launch a ball, then use the Z and / keys to left and right flip which will adjust the potato value accordingly.

Notice that when you first start a game, the onscreen text says POTATO VALUE: (potato). That's because when this slide is first displayed, there is no player variable called "potato"--it's not created until you hit a flipper button--so the text widget doesn't know what to do with "potato", so it just prints it as is. Later we'll learn how to properly initialize variables, but the main thing for now is to see how the scoring and slide player works.

Check out the complete config.yaml file so far

If you want to see a complete config.yaml file up to this point, it's in the mpf-examples/tutorial/step_15 folder with the name config.yaml. You can run it be switching to that folder and running mpf both:

C:\mpf-examples\tutorial_step_15>mpf both