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glide's kotlin annotation processor,use kotlin symbol processor(ksp)


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glide's kotlin annotation processor,use kotlin symbol processor(ksp)


library version
kotlin >= 1.6.21
ksp 1.6.21-1.0.5


  • add mavenCentral repository to repositories
//in root build.gradle
allprojects {
    repositories {
  • declare kotlin symbol processor plugin and it's version without applying it if u have any other usages of ksp
    // in root build.gradle 
   plugins {
    id '' version "1.6.21-1.0.5" apply false
  • apply kotlin symbol processor plugin in your modules which needs glide's annotation processor
   // for example,my demo's application module uses glide's annotation processor
   plugins {
       //add version if u haven't specified the version 
       id '' version "1.6.21-1.0.5"
   //add ksp generated class path into sourceSets
   android {
       sourceSets {
           main {
               java.srcDirs += ['build/generated/ksp']
   //add `glide-ksp` using ksp 
   dependencies {
       ksp "io.github.mistletoe5215:glide-ksp:1.0.0"
  • find classes with @GlideModule/@GlideExtension in previous uploaded open source library module

use ksp options to mark the custom LibraryGlideModules; in java annotation processor/kapt these classes can be found using RoundEnvironment to find class with @GlideModule annotation; but now in ksp ,we can't find these classes with using ksp's Resolver or SymbolProcessorEnvironment.see issue in ksp therefore,i can only put these class qualifiedNames into ksp compile args to solve it(so stupid ( :(,any one can help me plz push request) they're splited by "|" separator,use key named GlideModule the custom LibraryGlideExtensions,as well,use key named GlideExtension

    //in application's build.gradle convention scope
   ksp {
       arg( "GlideModule","com.bumptech.glide.integration.okhttp3.OkHttpLibraryGlideModule")
  • find classes with @GlideModule/@GlideExtension in new library module which has created com.bumptech.glide.ksp directory

put the module's LibraryGlideModule Impl class under com.bumptech.glide.ksp directory ,it can be found and registered automatically

check whether Glide-KSP proceed successfully

  • make sure the necessary classes are generated ,they are GeneratedAppGlideModuleImpl,GeneratedRequestManagerFactory,GlideApp,GlideOption,GlideRequest,GlideRequests

  • then,call Glide's init in Application,set break points in GeneratedAppGlideModuleImpl,run app as debug mode to see whether it will block in these break points

  • finally,see whether it keeps functioning properly,load image successfully as usual