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This is a SVG fast display library made of Sass with coloring support.

View the demo


  • 🏖 Easy to use: Just call Mixin
  • 🛠 Flexible: Supports SVG color (single color) and gradient control and shape decoration
  • 🚀 Performance: Very fast display
  • 😊 Brevity: Reduces various costs because it can be completed only with CSS
  • Convenient: Can be used for pseudo-elements (with some restrictions)
Function smart-svg react-sass-inlinesvg react-inlinesvg
Specify SVG in Sass
Specify SVG in JSX
Style control for individual child elements in SVG
SVG coloring
Circular and rectangular supports
SVG display for pseudo-elements
Use outside of React
IE11 Support
performance A+ A C

Articles on implementation innovations and performance details.

The following will help you in selecting a library.

  • smart-svg - This is the smartest way if it meets the functional requirements.
  • react-sass-inlinesvg - This is useful when you want to apply different styles to individual child elements within an SVG element and want to specify which SVG to display from the Sass.
  • react-inlinesvg - It is a stable library.


npm install smart-svg


yarn add smart-svg

Write the following in the Sass file and apply the class name to the element.

@use "smart-svg";

.icon {
    @include"", 1em);

.button {
    display: inline-flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
    gap: .5ex;

    &::before {
        @include"", 1em);

// React sample code.
// import classNames from "path/to.scss";
// <span className={classNames.icon} /> // Apply to span elements, not svg elements.
// <button className={classNames.button}>push</button>


Use the four mixins applied by smart-svg to specify the SVG resource and any options.

Mixin Description
show($url, $options...) Plain SVG
show-circle($url, $options...) SVG enclosed in a circle
show-square($url, $options...) SVG enclosed in a rectangle
show-paseudo($url, $options...) Plain SVG for pseudo-elements

Arguments after $fill-color can be specified with Sass's Keyword Arguments for simplicity.
Please refer to demo code for an example.

@use "smart-svg";

.icon1 {
        // URL or Base64(Data URI scheme) or var(--url)
        // $size        // Alias to $width and $height          - Default null
        // $fill-color, // SVG fill color                       - Default null
        // $fill-image, // SVG fill image(ex. linear-gradation) - Default null
        // $display,    // CSS Property                         - Default inline-block
        // $width,      // CSS Property                         - Default $size
        // $height,     // CSS Property                         - Default $size

.icon2 {
    @include* arguments is alias of show-square() with $border-radius 50% */);

.icon3 {
        // URL or Base64(Data URI scheme) or var(--url)
        // $size              // Alias to $width and $height          - Default null
        // $background-color, // Shape background color               - Default null
        // $fill-color,       // SVG fill color                       - Default null
        // $background-image, // Shape image(ex. linear-gradation)    - Default null
        // $fill-image,       // SVG fill image(ex. linear-gradation) - Default null
        // $border-radius,    // CSS Property                         - Default 25%
        // $display,          // CSS Property                         - Default inline-block
        // $ratio,            // Ratio of element size to SVG         - Default 1.4
        // $width,            // CSS Property                         - Default $size
        // $height,           // CSS Property                         - Default $size
        // $svg-size,         // Alias to $svg-width and $svg-height  - Default null
        // $svg-width,        // SVG width                            - Default $svg-size
        // $svg-height,       // SVG height                           - Default $svg-size
        // $border-style,     // CSS Property                         - Default null
        // $border-width,     // CSS Property                         - Default null
        // $border-color,     // CSS Property                         - Default null

.with-icon {
    &::after {
        @include* arguments is alias of show() */);


How to check the operation in the storybook.

git clone
cd smart-svg
yarn start

Browser Support

Available on browsers that support mask-image. IE11 is not supported.

When specifying URLs in custom properties, absolute paths must be used because until Safari 14 there is a bug in resolving relative paths.


Please note the following when using it.

  • show-circle() show-square() show-with-pusedo() cannot be applied to <svg> elements.
    • Because pseudo-elements of <svg> elements are not visible.
  • CSS cannot be specified for child elements within an <svg> element (partial coloring or partial animation is not allowed).
    • Because the element does not exist in the DOM.
  • When applied to a pseudo-element (show-with-pseudo()), background color and border cannot be specified.
    • Because pseudo-elements cannot be used inside pseudo-elements.

