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πŸ«₯ A Spark Scala masking and anonymisation library

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Maskala is a privacy engineering toolkit that works with Apache Spark. It aims to provide a number of features for analysing, masking, generalising and filtering data to help ensure the identity of individuals in a dataset are protected from re-identification.

⚠️ Disclaimer: Anonymisation is hard. The data privacy and security techniques used in this project, such as K-Anonymity and data redaction, are intended to assess and mitigate the risk of re-identification and may provide you with a means to reduce the risk inherent in working with private data. However, they will not provide complete anonymisation and should not be seen as foolproof solutions. For some use cases you should seek more accepted means of anonymisation such as differential privacy, or through the best technique of all: Not collecting personal data to begin with.



The Anonymiser class is part of the Scala-based data anonymisation toolkit designed to apply various anonymisation strategies to data stored in Apache Spark DataFrames. This toolkit allows for the configuration-driven anonymisation of specific columns in a DataFrame, supporting strategies like masking, encryption, range generalisation, and more.

Let's step through an example. Imagine we have the following data (Note: This is an example Netflix dataset from the )

1815755,5,2004-07-20,Dinosaur Planet,Dominica
1426604,4,2005-09-01,Dinosaur Planet,Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands
1535440,4,2005-08-18,Dinosaur Planet,Monaco
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.mitchelllisle.Anonymiser

val spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("AnonymisationApp").getOrCreate()
val df ="your-data-source")

val anonymiser = new Anonymiser("path/to/your/config.yaml")
catalog: 'your_catalog'
schema: 'your_schema'
table: 'your_table'
  - column: 'columnName1'
    strategy: 'MaskingStrategy'
      mask: 'XXXX'
  - column: 'columnName2'
    strategy: 'RangeStrategy'
      rangeWidth: 10
      separator: '-'
  - column: 'columnName3'
    strategy: 'EncryptionStrategy'
      secret: 'your-secret-key'
  - type: 'AnalysisType1'
      param1: 'value1'
      param2: 'value2'

Getting Started

These methods are tools to aid in understanding and reducing re-identification risks and should be used as part of a broader data protection strategy. Remember, no single method can ensure total data privacy and security.


K-Anonymity is a concept in data privacy that aims to ensure an individual's information cannot be distinguished from a least k-1 others in a dataset. Essentially, it means that each individual's data is indistinguishable from at least k-1 other individuals within the dataset. This is achieved by generalizing, suppressing, or altering specific identifiers (like names, addresses, or other personal details) until each person cannot be uniquely identified from a group of at least k individuals. K-Anonymity might help mitigate the risk of re-identification in published data, making it useful in protecting personal information in datasets. However, it's important to note that while K-Anonymity can reduce the risk of identity disclosure, it has been shown to be susceptible to re-identification attacks

1. Assessing KAnonymity

You can assess if your dataset satisfies KAnonymity by using the isKAnonymous method:

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

val spark = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate()

import spark.implicits._

// In the below DataFrame there are only two rows that match, meaning the other two don't satisfy K(2) Anonymity
val data = Seq(
  ("30", "Male"),
  ("30", "Male"),
  ("18", "Female"),
  ("45", "Female")
).toDF("Age", "Gender")

val kAnon = new KAnonymity(2)
val evaluated = kAnon.isKAnonymous(data) // returns false

2. Filtering out rows that aren't KAnonymous

If you want a dataset that only contains the rows that meet KAnonymity, you can use the removeLessThanKRows method

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

val spark = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate()

import spark.implicits._

val data = Seq(
  ("30", "Male"),
  ("30", "Male"),
  ("18", "Female"),
  ("45", "Female")
).toDF("Age", "Gender")

val kAnon = new KAnonymity(2)

val result = kAnon.removeLessThanKRows(data)
/* result would only contain the first two rows above:
("30", "Male"),
("30", "Male"),
* */

Note: Now if you run isKAnonymous(result) it will return true since we've removed the rows that don't satisfy K(2).


β„“-Diversity is an extension of the K-Anonymity principle in data privacy, designed to enhance the protection against certain types of attacks that K-Anonymity is susceptible to. While K-Anonymity ensures that each individual is indistinguishable from at least k-1 others in the dataset, β„“-Diversity goes further by requiring that each group of indistinguishable individuals has at least 'l' distinct values for sensitive attributes. This concept addresses the limitation of K-Anonymity in scenarios where sensitive attributes within a group can be homogeneous, thereby still posing a risk of attribute disclosure. β„“-Diversity ensures diversity in sensitive information, reducing the likelihood that an individual's sensitive attributes can be accurately inferred within an anonymized dataset. It's particularly useful in preventing attacks like homogeneity and background knowledge attacks, contributing to a more robust privacy-preserving data publication. However, similar to K-Anonymity, β„“-Diversity is not a comprehensive solution. For more information (including the limitations of l-diversity) I recommend reading β„“-Diversity: Privacy Beyond k-Anonymity

1: Assessing β„“-Diversity

You can assess if your dataset satisfies β„“-Diversity by using the isLDiverse method:

import org.mitchelllisle.ldiversity.LDiversity
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

val spark = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate()

import spark.implicits._

val data = Seq(
  ("A", "Male"),
  ("A", "Male"),
  ("B", "Female"),
  ("B", "Other")
).toDF("QuasiIdentifier", "SensitiveAttribute")

val lDiv = new LDiversity(2)
val evaluated = lDiv.isLDiverse(data) // returns false

2. Filtering out rows that aren't β„“-diverse

If you want a dataset that only contains the rows that meet β„“-Diversity, you can use the removeLessThanLRows method

import org.mitchelllisle.ldiversity.LDiversity
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

val spark = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate()

import spark.implicits._

val data = Seq(
  ("A", "Male"),
  ("A", "Male"),
  ("B", "Female"),
  ("B", "Other")
).toDF("QuasiIdentifier", "SensitiveAttribute")

val kAnon = new LDiversity(2)

val result = kAnon.removeLessThanKRows(data)
/* result would only contain the first two rows above:
("30", "Male"),
("30", "Male"),
* */

Uniqueness Analyzer

The UniquenessAnalyser class in org.mitchelllisle.reidentifiability package provides methods to analyze the uniqueness of values within a DataFrame using Spark. Uniqueness is a proxy for re-identifiability, an important privacy engineering concept. This class helps evaluate re-identifiability risk metrics using data uniqueness as an indicator.

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

val spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()

val data ="header", "true").csv("src/test/resources/netflix-sample.csv")

val result = UniquenessAnalyser(table)

Data Redaction

The Redactor class along with redaction strategies allows for flexible redaction of data in a DataFrame. You can apply multiple redaction strategies including masking, hashing and more.

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

val spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()

val redactor = new Redactor(Seq(
  MaskingStrategy("movie", "*****"),

val data ="header", "true").csv("src/test/resources/netflix-sample.csv")
val redactedData = redactor(data)


  • Apache Spark 3.x


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


πŸ«₯ A Spark Scala masking and anonymisation library






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