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Entity Claim

Drupal 8 port of Entity claim module.

Road Map

Scope 1

  • Create Claim entity type.
    • It should able to select from available entities.
    • and it should able to select From the available bundles of the Entity.
  • Create Claim content entity type.
    • User should able to access this page, based on permissions.
    • User will claim for the entity and on approval user will become the author of the entity.Now, We have two cases here.
      • IF user claims for normal Entity.
        • the author of entity will be changed to claimer's uid.
      • If user claims for User/Profile Entity. (Future Plan)
        • The user email will be changed to the claimer's required uid.
        • OR the user will be permitted with one time

Scope 2

  • Allow config form in backend to select entity and bundles.
  • On Claim entity type, only those entity and bundles will be available to claim.