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Convex + TypeScript + ESLint + Vite + React + Clerk + Tailwind + shadcn/ui

This template provides a minimal setup to get Convex working, with TypeScript, ESLint and React using Vite. It uses Clerk for user authentication.

Start by editing convex/myFunctions.ts and interact with your React app.

See Convex docs at

Setting up

npm create convex@latest -t react-vite-clerk-shadcn


  1. Follow steps 1 to 3 in the Clerk onboarding guide
  2. Paste the Issuer URL as CLERK_JWT_ISSUER_DOMAIN to your dev deployment environment variable settings on the Convex dashboard (see docs)
  3. Paste your publishable key as VITE_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY="<your publishable key>" to the .env.local file in this directory.

If you want to sync Clerk user data via webhooks, check out this example repo.