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##installing linux We install linux beacause ruby work better with linux. You can follow follow this guide to install linux:

you are advices to follow the guide with steps for WSL 2.

if you happen to have nbo internet connection on your wsl, follow this stackoverflow:

##installing ruby we will install ruby using rbenv.

  • Ruby version : 3.0.1

This is best done by using RVM (ruby version manager) so you can have different ruby versions for different projects.
you can get rvm here:
'rvm install ruby-3.0.1'

  • System dependencies: see gem file
    Gems can easily be managed by a gem called bundler (installed with 'gem install bundler' after ruby is installed) by using 'bundler install' gems are libraries from ruby.

  • Configuration
    You need environment variables, these are defined in sample.env
    An easy way to create these for a project (instead of gloablly) is to make a .env file and declare them there.
    To use this .env file in cmd you can use the npm 'dotenv' package.
    To use .env files in rubymine you can use the EnvFile plugin from rubymine and Select the correct file under 'Edit Confifuration' -> 'EnvFile'

  • Database creation
    Default objects for the database must be added, srry for the inconvenience.

  • Database initialization
    Just make one and set the correct env variables as described below

  • How to run the test suite
    there aren't any yet

  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
    there aren't any yet

  • Deployment instructions

we have an online free development server at atlas mongodb a good program to access the database with if you don't like to do this with terminal is the official mongoDB Compass Community

start DB service: "sudo mongod --dbpath /var/lib/mongodb --auth"
more info:

You can start the server from rubymine with correct env variables or correct settings or by terminal with 'bin/rails s --environment development' if you have the corrent env settings, or with the .env file using 'dotenv bin/rails s --environment development'