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Assembly-based binary pattern search!

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Repository Structure

This repository contains all aspects of Pickled Canary including:

  • The Ghidra Plugin - complete with a modified copy of Ghidra's assembler
  • The Rust search tool - with Python bindings
  • The Pickled Canary syntax highlighting plugin for VS Code

The location and installation instructions for each of these are described in their respective sections below.

Another repository exists which is a mirror of the Ghidra repo but containing a branch ("pickled-canary") with Pickled Canary specific assembler modifications. This Ghidra fork does not currently contain all of the code required to run patterns nor the GUI components of Pickled Canary; those are found here for now.

Ghidra Plugin


Pre-built binaries are coming soon!


Install just like any other Ghidra extension:

  1. Click File > Install Extensions...
  2. Click the green plus sign and choose the downloaded file
  3. Make sure the checkbox next to the new extension is checked
  4. Restart Ghidra


The Pickled Canary Ghidra Plugin can be run via the GUI or via Ghidra Scripts.


With the Pickled Canary Ghidra Plugin installed, a Search > Pickled Canary Pattern menu option is available.

Tip: Selecting a range of instructions before opening the GUI will pre-populate those instructions into the pattern input box.

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Enter a pattern on the left side of the GUI and then press Ctl-Enter or press the Reload reload icon to compile and search for the pattern. Results are listed in the table on the right side. Selecting a result will jump to that address in the binary.

An existing pattern can be loaded into the GUI using the OpenFolder open icon, and an edited pattern can be saved using the Save (Save) or Save As (SaveAs) icons.

The "Compiled" tab shows the JSON encoding of the currently compiled pattern (use Ctl-Enter in the pattern editor to recompile the pattern). The "Save Compiled Pattern As" (SaveCompiledAs) or "Save Compiled Pattern" (SaveCompiled) buttons can be used to save the compiled pattern to a JSON file for use in the Rust search tool.

Tip: Be sure to ensure the pattern has finished being compiled (no more progress bar shown under the "results" tab) before saving the compiled pattern.

Ghidra Scripts

There are two included Ghidra scripts, both are available in Ghidra's script manager:

Tip: For both scripts, be sure your cursor is at a valid instruction address in the binary you want to compile your pattern against

  1. AssemblePattern - Compiles a pattern for execution in the Rust search tool
  2. AssembleAndRunPattern - Compiles a pattern and executes it within Ghidra, highlighting matches.

    Tip: These scripts can be copied/modified to behave differently (e.g. to add bookmarks to each match rather than highlighting)


To uninstall the current Pickled Canary extension (to install a new version, for example):

  1. Click File > Install Extensions...
  2. Uncheck the box next to the "pc" extension
  3. Restart Ghidra

If the extension still seems to be installed:

  1. Ensure that Ghidra is not running (AT ALL)
  2. Delete the "pc" folder (may have a variation of this name) in:
    • Windows: C:\Users\USERNAME\.ghidra\GHIDRA_VERSION\Extensions\
    • Linux: ~/.ghidra/GHIDRA_VERSION/Extensions/

Known Quirks

  • To compile a pattern, be sure your "current address" is pointed at a memory address that is valid for the instructions in your pattern (e.g.: it's byte aligned and a valid code section)
    • The easiest way to do this is to simply click on an existing assembly instruction in your source binary.

Ghidra Development Setup

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Open Eclipse (with Ghidra Dev Tools already installed)
  3. In Eclipse click File > Open Projects from File System..., chose the cloned copy of this repository, and click Finish
  4. In the Eclipse Package Explorer:
    1. Right click on the newly created project and choose GhidraDev > Link Ghidra... and choose your Ghidra installation.
    2. Right click on lib > json-20230618.jar and choose Build Path > Add to Build Path
    3. Right click on src/test/java and choose Build Path > Use as Source Folder

Rust Search Tool

The Rust search tool consists of a library containing an Automata for processing our DFA and a wrapper binary which uses this library to search one or more binary files for provided patterns.

This tool is currently called treesearchtool. This tool can be compiled with the nightly rust compiler and more help on specific options is available by running with -h.

TODO: More documentation about the specifics of this tool (once it's finalized a bit more).


The pre-built treesearchtool may be downloaded from the Releases Page (Coming soon). The search tool should be from the same release as was used to compile your patterns.

Python Library

The Pickled Canary Python library wraps a Rust library which exposes the core search behavior of Pickled Canary.


After installing (see below), simply do something like:

from pickeled_canary import PatternOffsetResults
pattern_str = """{"tables":[],"steps":[{"type":"BYTE","value":116},{"type":"BYTE","value":102},{"type":"BYTE","value":116},{"type":"BYTE","value":112},{"type":"BYTE","value":95},{"type":"BYTE","value":114},{"type":"BYTE","value":120},{"type":"MATCH"}]}"""
test_data = b"aaatftp_rxddtftp_rxasdfasdf"

# Results is a list of offsets into the test_data binary where pattern_str matched
results = list(PatternOffsetResults.create_and_run(pattern_str, test_data))

If you don't want to pre-search the entire target binary, you can use the following code to search one result at a time:

from pickeled_canary import LazyPatternOffsetResults
pattern_str = """{"tables":[],"steps":[{"type":"BYTE","value":116},{"type":"BYTE","value":102},{"type":"BYTE","value":116},{"type":"BYTE","value":112},{"type":"BYTE","value":95},{"type":"BYTE","value":114},{"type":"BYTE","value":120},{"type":"MATCH"}]}"""
test_data = b"aaatftp_rxddtftp_rxasdfasdf"

lazy = LazyPatternOffsetResults.create_pattern(pattern_str, test_data)
first_result = next(lazy)
# Note the that the following line continues the search starting from the next byte after the offset of first_result
second_result = next(lazy)
# etc...

Library installation

For non-development work on Linux you can download and install a pre-built wheel matching your python version from the Releases Page (Coming soon).

You can try the "manylinux" version (from the same download location) if the shorter-filename version doesn't work.

For Windows or Mac computers with "Apple Silicon", please follow the Development instructions below.


Follow these instructions to be able to modify the Python code and use the most current Rust code (in your workspace) from the python library.

NOTE: You'll likely want to make sure you have a virtual environment of some sort set up and in use for this.

In the search directory run pip install --editable .

If you modify the Rust code, you'll need to re-run this pip command so the rust is recompiled and re-linked against the python code (you do not need to do this for modifications to the python code)

There are some simple test cases available by running pytest (assuming you have pytest installed, else first run pip install pytest)

VS Code Extension

A VS Code extension has been created to provide syntax highlighting for Pickled Canary patterns!


You can download the .vsix VS Code plugin from the Releases Page (Coming soon).


In VS Code:

  1. Open the command palette (Ctrl-Shift-P in Windows)
  2. Type some part of "Extensions: Install from VSIX..." and choose this option when it appears.
  3. Select the just-downloaded extension


Simply create or open a .ptn file to trigger Pickled Canary syntax highlighting


Before installing a new version, uninstall the current version by clicking "uninstall" in the "Pickled Canary" entry in the VS Code Extensions list.

Pattern Language

Examples of our pattern language are available in the example_patterns directory in this project.

Leading whitespace is always ignored.

Use the Pickled Canary VS Code Extension for syntax highlighting while writing a pattern


Lines starting with ; are considered comments and no further processing is performed on them.


Exactly one metadata block may be included in each pattern. This block is used to document information about the pattern in a programmatically understandable way.

The meta block starts with `META` alone on a line. The meta block ends with another `META` alone on a line. Between these two lines is a JSON object (e.g.: { "key" : "value", "key2": 2 }). Additionally, there may be comment lines (starting with ;, as usual) which are removed before the meta block is parsed as JSON.


Anything other than a Command Block or Comment is considered part of an instruction and is passed to Ghidra's autocomplete functionality for assembly into binary. This is done line-by-line, possibly including some command blocks. Since Ghidra is processing the provided assembly, be sure to use Ghidra's assembly syntax rather than what might be found in another tool / the processor manual.

Command Blocks

Command blocks are special commands to Pickled Canary which go beyond basic assembly syntax to provide advanced searching capabilities.

All command blocks are surrounded by backtick characters; e.g.: `SOMETHING`

Command blocks should be included on their own line of the pattern (unless otherwise specified).

Specific Byte

Matches the given hex byte.

`=0xXX` where XX is the hex representation of a byte.

It can also match a given string's respective ASCII bytes. This can be done by enclosing the string in double quotes.
Eg: `"string 1"` attempts to match the bytes 0x73 0x74 0x72 0x69 0x6E 0x67 0x20 0x31

Masked Byte

ANDs the byte being examined with a given mask and compares the result to the given byte value. Matches if the masked value matches the given byte value.

`&0xXX=0xYY` where XX is the mask and YY is the value to compare the masked search byte against.

Any Byte

Matches some number of bytes regardless of the bytes' value(s).

`ANY_BYTES{MIN,MAX,INTERVAL}` where MIN is the minimum number of bytes to match and MAX is the maximum number of bytes to match (inclusive). MIN and MAX can be the same number to match that specific number of bytes.
INTERVAL is the amount of bytes stepped in each iteration. It is an optional argument and the default value is 1.
ANY_BYTES{2,5,1} can also be written as ANY_BYTES{2,5}
ANY_BYTES{3,7,3} steps through the range of (3,7) bytes in intervals of 3

Or Blocks

Or blocks allows one of multiple choices to be matched.

Or options are evaluated in the order they are written in the pattern (top-down). Performance tip: Make sure your most-likely-to-fail-or-match-quickly option is placed in the first option of an or block

Start the or block with `START_OR {` then include instructions or command blocks as usual. At the end of the first option, add a `} OR {` followed by the second set of instructions or command blocks. Another `} OR {` can be added followed by an additional option, and so on. Finally, end with an `} END_OR`.

For example, the following pattern matches 0xAA followed by either 0xBB 0xCC or 0x01 0x02 (remember, leading whitespace does not matter):

`} OR {`
`} END_OR`


Wildcards are used to indicate that more than one value (register, constant, etc.) is allowable for a specific operand in an instruction.

Wildcards are included inline within an instruction (see examples below).

Wildcard Tokens

By default, Ghidra's instruction parser first groups the characters of an instruction line into tokens, then attempts to match each token against a list of possible "expected" tokens. These "expected" tokens are limited to the tokens which are valid in this position within the current instruction.

We have modified Ghidra's instruction parser to think that a Pickled Canary "wildcard" tokens match all the "expected" tokens for the step where they are encountered. This means a single Pickled Canary wildcard matches a single token.

To get an idea of what a token is Ghidra's autocompleter can be consulted. To manually exercise the autocompleter: right-click on an instruction and choose "patch instruction". From there you can edit the instruction and notice the suggestions provided. Each suggestion represents a complete token (assuming you haven't already partially typed the token; if so, only the remaining portion of the token is shown).

Wildcard Format

A Pickled Canary wildcard consists of a NAME and a FILTER in the following format: `NAME/FILTER` where:

  • NAME is an identifier (also occasionally called a "variable" or "label") for this wildcard and is used to save the value it represents.
    • Traditionally, this is something like Q1, but can also be something more descriptive.
    • If a name is repeated multiple times within the same pattern then all instances of that name must contain the same value (e.g.: register, number, etc) for the pattern to be a match.
      • Subsequent uses of a name MUST NOT specify a FILTER. In subsequent uses of a name, the FILTER value is reused from the first use of the name.
    • TODO: If NAME is *, no value will be saved by the rust code, nor will this NAME be matched against any other wildcards named *.
      • Actually, no extracting of the value will even be performed in rust, making this faster than if a unique name was specified.
        • A unique name may still be desirable if the value of the wildcard is important to extract.
      • It is still possible to specify a FILTER for a * wildcard as all possible completions are still enumerated because they may impact overall instruction encoding.
  • FILTER is a regular expression which must match for every acceptable value of the wildcard.
    • When a filter is specified, Ghidra's "expected" tokens are filtered to only include tokens which match the FILTER regular expression.
    • Examples: .* to match any value, or r[0-9] to match only registers r0 through r9.
  • Only LABEL is required (although it may be *).

Wildcard Field vs Scalar

A wildcard token can be either a "field" type or a "scalar" type. A "field" type is replaced with a limited set of values, typically registers. A "scalar" type is replaced with a number or a label representing a number (most likely in the form of an address).

For a scalar operand, Pickled Canary will complete the instruction with:

  • The following specific concrete values:
    • 0x0
    • 0x1
    • -0x1
    • 0x4
    • -0x4
    • 0x8
    • -0x8
    • 0x10
    • -0x10
    • 0x2000
    • -0x2000
    • 0x300000
    • -0x300000
    • 0x40000000
    • -0x40000000
  • The address the pattern is being compiled at plus or minus each of the values listed above.
  • All possible labels found in the binary being used to compile the pattern
    • This may be very slow! To speed up pattern compiling, it may be wise to limit pattern compiling to the concrete values listed above by adding a FILTER like -?0x.* to your wildcard (resulting in a wildcard that looks something like: `Q1/-?0x.*`).

This is important to know when choosing a compilation address (i.e.: where the cursor is when you run the AssemblePattern script). If the architecture being compiled for uses different instructions for:

  • Near and far label references, or
  • Labels which are at relatively higher or lower addresses than the referencing instruction

Then it may be important to choose a compilation address which will have labels with all combinations of higher/lower/near/far labels to cause Pickled Canary to compile all relevant instruction encodings.

Address Wildcards

If a wildcard's label starts with a : character and it's found to be used as a scalar in an instruction Pickled Canary will attempt to compute the address encoded by the scalar and report/match on that address.

For example, a MIPS beq instruction encodes a branch destination as its final operand. To branch to eight instructions ahead of the beq instruction, a binary 6 is encoded into the instruction. This is because MIPS specifies that the branch destination is calculated as: ((Current branch instruction address)+4)+((encoded value)*4). Given this, if the wildcard for the branch destination operand is specified in Pickled Canary with a label starting with : then Pickled Canary will calculate this label as an address yielding a value of the beq's address plus 28.

This feature can be used in conjunction with Labels to enforce a constraint on the scalar value of a wildcard (e.g.: the destination of a branch). For example, the following pattern will only match on beq instructions which branch to a specific sw instruction which must occur within 40 bytes of the beq.

beq a0,zero,`:mylabel`
sw zero,0x104(s2)


If the math required to compute the value of a label in an instruction involves computation based on an address (say the start or end address of the current instruction), PickledCanary may produce an unexpected result if the alignment of the matched bytes does not match the expected alignment of the instruction in an executing binary.

For example, if an architecture assumes that an instruction will be four-byte aligned when executing but the instruction is found on another alignment by Pickled Canary (perhaps because of an odd-sized file-header proceeding the instruction), the calculation of the address referenced by that instruction may be incorrect.

The only known way to avoid this issue is to ensure that the binary being searched is aligned in the file the same way it's expected to be running.

Negative Lookaheads

This is an advanced feature which severely impacts performance and may not be supported on all platforms. It is almost always possible to avoid using this feature!

The Ghidra plugin can parse and compile patterns with this feature. However, it cannot currently search for patterns with this feature.

Negative lookahead blocks prevent a match from being found if the pattern elements inside them are found. They can be used to ensure that a value is not followed by some other value.

Negative lookahead blocks start with a `NOT {` and end with a `} END_NOT`

Negative lookaheads must not be used at the very start of a pattern.

Example: The following pattern matches 0x44 followed by any two bytes except 0x08 0x34 (in that order) and finally there must be a 0x72. Notice that the `ANY_BYTES{2,2}` is needed to match the two bytes because the negative lookahead block does not "consume" what it tries to match.

`NOT {`


`SOME_LABEL:` where SOME_LABEL is a user-specified label, the offset of which will be reported in the pattern output.

Tip: It's best to stick to alphanumeric labels with underscores to avoid collisions with other Pickled Canary commands (present or future).

Compiled Pattern Language

Our compiled pattern language is a JSON encoding (future work: encode this as binary) of a custom Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA) with steps roughly mirroring the components of the pattern language described above. More information regarding this is available upon request.


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