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mitsuhiko committed Nov 23, 2010
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Showing 16 changed files with 2,861 additions and 10 deletions.
346 changes: 346 additions & 0 deletions 2007/5/21/getting-started-with-wsgi.rst
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public: yes
tags: [wsgi, python]
summary: |
A friendly introduction into getting started with WSGI on Python.

Getting Started with WSGI

I finally finished the written matura and have some more time to work on
projects and write articles. One of the things I wanted to write for a
long time is a WSGI tutorial that does not require a specific framework
or implementation. So here we go.

.. image::
:alt: Getting started with WSGI

What's WSGI?

Basically WSGI is lower level than CGI which you probably know. But in
difference to CGI, WSGI does scale and can work in both multithreaded
and multi process environments because it's a specification that doesn't
mind how it's implemented. In fact WSGI is not CGI because it's between
your web application and the webserver layer which can be CGI,
mod_python, FastCGI or a webserver that implements WSGI in the core like
the python stdlib standalone WSGI server called wsgiref.

WSGI is specified in the `PEP 333
<>`_ and adapted by various
frameworks including the well known frameworks django and pylons.

If you are too lazy to read the pep 333 here's a short summary:

* WSGI application are callable python objects (functions or classes
with a `__call__` method that are passed two arguments: a WSGI
environment as first argument and a function that starts the response.
* the application has to start a response using the function provided
and return an iterable where each yielded item means writing and
* The WSGI environment is like a CGI environment just with some
additional keys that are either provided by the server or a
* you can add middlewares to your application by wrapping it.

Because that's a lot of information let's ignore it for now and have a
look at a basic WSGI application:

Extended Hello World

Here a simple, but not too simple example of a WSGI application that
says `Hello World!` where World can be specified via url parameter.

.. sourcecode:: python

from cgi import parse_qs, escape

def hello_world(environ, start_response):
parameters = parse_qs(environ.get('QUERY_STRING', ''))
if 'subject' in parameters:
subject = escape(parameters['subject'][0])
subject = 'World'
start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
return ['''Hello %(subject)s
Hello %(subject)s!

''' % {'subject': subject}]

As you can see the `start_response` function takes two arguments. A
status string and a list of tuples that represent the response headers.
What you cannot see because it's not used here and nowhere else is that
the `start_response` function returns something. It returns a `write`
function that directly writes to the webserver output stream. Because it
bypasses middlewares (we'll cover that later) it's a terrible bad idea
to use that function. For debugging purposes however it can be useful.

But how to start that application now? A webserver doesn't know how to
handle that and neither does python because nothing calls that function.
Because we're lazy we don't setup a server with WSGI support now but use
the `wsgiref` WSGI standalone server bundled with python2.5 and higher.
(You can also download it for python2.3 or 2.4)

Just add this to your file:

.. sourcecode:: python

if __name__ == '__main__':
from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
srv = make_server('localhost', 8080, hello_world)

When you now start the file you should be able to get a `Hello John!` on

Path Dispatching

You probably worked with CGI or PHP before. If you did so you know that
you most of the time have multiple public files (`.pl` / `.php`) a user
can access and that do something. Not so in WSGI. There you only have
one file which consumes all paths. Thus if you have your server from the
previous example still running you should get the same content on

The accessed path is saved in the `PATH_INFO` variable in the WSGI
environment, the real path to the application in `SCRIPT_NAME`. In case
of the development server `SCRIPT_NAME` will be empty, but if you have a
wiki that is mounted on `` the `SCRIPT_NAME`
variable would be `/wiki`. This information can now be used to serve
multiple indepentent pages with nice URLs.

In this example we have a bunch of regular expressions and match the
current request against that:

.. sourcecode:: python

import re
from cgi import escape

def index(environ, start_response):
"""This function will be mounted on "/" and display a link
to the hello world page."""
start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
return ['''Hello World Application
This is the Hello World application:

`continue <hello/>`_


def hello(environ, start_response):
"""Like the example above, but it uses the name specified in the
# get the name from the url if it was specified there.
args = environ['myapp.url_args']
if args:
subject = escape(args[0])
subject = 'World'
start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
return ['''Hello %(subject)s
Hello %(subject)s!

''' % {'subject': subject}]

def not_found(environ, start_response):
"""Called if no URL matches."""
start_response('404 NOT FOUND', [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
return ['Not Found']

# map urls to functions
urls = [
(r'^$', index),
(r'hello/?$', hello),
(r'hello/(.+)$', hello)

def application(environ, start_response):
The main WSGI application. Dispatch the current request to
the functions from above and store the regular expression
captures in the WSGI environment as `myapp.url_args` so that
the functions from above can access the url placeholders.

If nothing matches call the `not_found` function.
path = environ.get('PATH_INFO', '').lstrip('/')
for regex, callback in urls:
match =, path)
if match is not None:
environ['myapp.url_args'] = match.groups()
return callback(environ, start_response)
return not_found(environ, start_response)

Now that's a bunch of code. But you should get the idea how URL
dispatching works. Basically if you now visit
`http://localhost:8080/hello/John` you should get the same as above but
with a nicer URL and a error 404 page if you enter the wrong url. Now
you could improve that further by encapsulating `environ` in a request
object and replacing the `start_response` call and the return iterator
with a response objects. This is also what WSGI libraries like `Werkzeug
<>`_ and `Paste
<>`_ do.

By adding something to the environment we did something normally
middlewares do. So let's try to write one that catches exceptions and
renders them in the browser:

.. sourcecode:: python

# import the helper functions we need to get and render tracebacks
from sys import exc_info
from traceback import format_tb

class ExceptionMiddleware(object):
"""The middleware we use."""

def __init__(self, app): = app

def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
"""Call the application can catch exceptions."""
appiter = None
# just call the application and send the output back
# unchanged but catch exceptions
appiter =, start_response)
for item in appiter:
yield item
# if an exception occours we get the exception information
# and prepare a traceback we can render
e_type, e_value, tb = exc_info()
traceback = ['Traceback (most recent call last):']
traceback += format_tb(tb)
traceback.append('%s: %s' % (e_type.__name__, e_value))
# we might have not a stated response by now. try
# to start one with the status code 500 or ignore an
# raised exception if the application already started one.
start_response('500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR', [
('Content-Type', 'text/plain')])
yield '\n'.join(traceback)

# wsgi applications might have a close function. If it exists
# it *must* be called.
if hasattr(appiter, 'close'):

So how can we use that middleware now? If our WSGI application is called
`application` like in the previous example all we have to do is to wrap

.. sourcecode:: python

application = ExceptionMiddleware(application)

Now all occouring exceptions will be catched and displayed in the
browser. Of course you don't have to do that because there are many
libraries that do exactly that and with more features.


Now where the application is "finished" it must be installed on the
production server somehow. You can of course use wsgiref behind
mod_proxy but there are also more sophisticated solutions available.
Many people for example prefer using WSGI applications on top of
FastCGI. If you have `flup <>`_ installed all
you have to do is to defined a `myapplication.fcgi` with this code in:

.. sourcecode:: python

from flup.server.fcgi import WSGIServer
from myapplication import application

The apache config then could look like this:

.. sourcecode:: apache

Alias /public /path/to/the/static/files
ScriptAlias / /path/to/myapplication.fcgi/

As you can see there is also a clause for static files. If you are in
development mode and want to serve static files in your WSGI application
there are a couple of middlewares (werkzeug and paste as well as "static"
from Luke Arno's tools provide that) available.


Avoid the "Not Invented Here" problem and don't repeat yourself. Use
the libraries that exist and their utilities! But there are so many!
Which one to use? Here my suggestions:


Since Ruby on Rails appeared on the web everybody is talking about
frameworks. Python has two major ones too. One that abstracts stuff very
much and is called `Django <>`_ and the other
that is much nearer to WSGI and called `pylons
<>`_. Django is an awesome framework but only as
long as you don't want to distribute your application. It's if you have to
create a webpage in no time. Pylons on the other hand requires more
developer interaction and your applications are a lot easier to deploy.

There are other frameworks too but **my** experiences with them are quite
bad or the community is too small.

Utility Libraries

For many situations you don't want a full blown framework. Either because
it's too big for your application or your application is too complex that
you can solve it with a framework. (You can solve any application with a
framework but it could be that the way you have to solve it is a lot more
complex than without the "help" of the framework)

For that some utility libraries exist:

* `Paste <>`_ — used by pylons behind the scenes.
Implements request and response objects. Ships many middlewares.

* `Werkzeug <>`_ — minimal WSGI library we wrote
for pocoo. Ships unicode away request and response objects as well as an
advanced URL mapper and a interactive debugger.

* `Luke Arno's WSGI helpers <>`_ —
various WSGI helpers in independent modules by Luke Arno.

There are also many middlewares out there. Just look for them at
the `Cheeseshop

Template Engines

Here a list of template engines I often use and recommend:

* `Genshi <>`_ — the world's best XML template
engine. But quite slow, so if you need a really good performance you have
to go with something else.

* `Mako <>`_ — stupidely fast text based
template engine. It's a mix of ERB, Mason and django templates.

* `Jinja2 <>`_ — sandboxed, designer friendly and
quite fast, text based template engine. Of course my personal choice :D


WSGI rocks. You can simply create your own personal stack. If you think
it's too complicated have a look at werkzeug and paste, they make things a
lot easier without limiting you.

I hope this article was useful.

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