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A generic R package template.

Just use the green "Use this template" link on top to create your own R-package in Github.

You need to edit thereafter at least two files where your place the right package name and change the other relevant information like author, license etc.

  • tests/test-add.R

If you do not want to create a package vignette just remove the entry in the description file with the vignette information, so the lines starting with Suggests: and VignetteBuilder:. Your package has then zero dependencies from other R packages.

Build and install test from the terminal

To build, check and install this package you need only an installed R. If you create your repository you have to change the relevant parts entering, package name, author etc in the description file and the library call in the file tests/test-add.R. Then you can start a first check if the package is installable.

The commands are the following:

R CMD build .                   # creates a tar.gz file
R CMD check pkgname_0.1.tar.gz  # replace pkgname with your name

Documenting your code

If this is all ok, you can start entering your own code and update your documentation and tests. The template provides as well a simple R script which copies the documentation out of the R-files into the man-directory. If you do not like this approach of combining the documentation with the code in one file you can as well just skip this file and create directly your own Rd-files. The documentation out of the R files is extracted like this:

Rscript bin/rman.R R/add.R

This approach, embedding the documentation in the R file and then extracting it into the man-folder is very similar to that of the documentation tool roxygen2, but here you do not need the roxygen2 package with all the dependencies, just this simple extraction script bin/rman.R.


There is as well a Makefile file which provides the necessary commands to build and install the package and which does as well a check if the R file is newer than the Rd file and only then does the required update. If you use make you can then simple write:

make check VERSION=0.1

if your version number is 0.1.

If you do not use make just execute the required commands manually in the terminal.

Rscript bin/rman.R R/add.R
R CMD build .
R CMD check pkgname_version.tar.gz
R CMD INSTALL pkgname_version.tar.gz

Build and install from a R console

Sometimes you might prefer the build and check the package directly from the R console that might look like this if you are in the package developers folder, here an example session to create a package with the name mypkg:

### download the latest package template and unpack it:
### build the documentation
### you should now check the DESCRIPTION file for the package name 
### (the package name should be the matching folder name)
### version, author etc and change it accordingly 
### and thereafter build the package file
system("R CMD build .")
### check the package
system("R CMD check mypkg_0.0.1.tar.gz --no-manual")
### install the package

The first functional version should be something like 0.1.0. For hints on versioning see


The following files are included in this package template and will be required for the package installation:

  • DESCRIPTION - the file containing the essential information about your package
  • NAMESPACE - the file containing the export statements, usually all functions with lower case methods are exported
  • LICENSE - license files can be replaced if you prefere other licenses, such as GPL or BSD
  • R/add.R - example R code file with embedded documentation
  • man/add.Rd - example R documentation file
  • vignettes/tutorial.Rmd - a template for a package vignette, if not desired just delete the folder vignettes and update the DESCRIPTION file

The following files are usually not part of your package:

  • Makefile - a file for make containing essential commands to build and check the package, should be not part of the installed package, but might be helpful during development
  • bin/rman.R - simple R script to extract documentation from the R files, can be used for your own package instead of using roxygen2 documentation, if you edit the files in the man folder directly you do not need this file
  • - this Readme your are reading, should be not part of your package, replace it wiht your own Readme file

Author and Copyright

Author: Detlef Groth, University of Potsdam, Germany

License: MIT License see the file LICENSE for details.

Bug reporting

In case of bugs and suggestions, use the issues link on top.


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