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FishTales - Fly Fishing Blog

This is my fourth milestone project with Code Institute. FishTales is an Django blog application built for people who enjoy fly fishing. It is targeted towards people fishing in Småland, Sweden. The purpose of this site is to allow users to share their fishing stories, upload photos of possible catches as well as comment and like on other posts.

View the live project here.


Index – Table of Contents

User Experience (UX)

Project Goals:

The primary goal for this project is to create a fly fishing blog, that enables full CRUD functionality to register users so that they can Create, Read, Update and Delete both blog posts and comments directly on the site without any delays or intermediaries. The user should have full control over their own posts and that any changes made on the site are directly reflected to the user.


An Agile methodology was used to plan this project. This was implemented using a Kanban board in GitHub Project with linked Issues. To cover the goals of this project, a total of 5 Epics where created, which were then further developed into 32 User Stories, each with their own acceptance criterias and tasks to complete. Labels where then used to prioritize the importance of each User Story. 28 User Stories were completed working on this project.

The following labels were used in this project and the distribution of user stories by label are:

  • Must-Have: 16/32
  • Should-Have: 7/32
  • Could-Have: 8/32
  • Probably-Won’t-Have: 1/32

For more information: View the Kanban Board here.

User stories:

  • EPIC Admin/Account

    • US1. Account registration and login:
      • As a Site User I can register an account so that I can share my fishing stories, comment and like
    • US2. Manage posts:
      • As a Site Admin I can create, read, update and delete posts and comments so that I can manage my blog content
    • US3. Create drafts:
      • As a Site Admin I can create draft posts so that I can finish writing the content later
  • EPIC Post

    • US4. View post list:
      • As a Site User I can view a list of posts so that I can easily select one fishing story to read
    • US5. Open a post:
      • As a Site User I can click on a post so that I can read the content
    • US6. Create post:
      • As a Site User I can create my own posts and share my fishing stories
    • US7. Edit post:
      • As a Site User I can edit my own post so that I can update the content
    • US8. Delete post:
      • As a Site User I can delete my own post so that I can interact with the content
    • US9. View own posts:
      • As a Site User I can view my own posts so that I can get a better overview of my fishing stories
    • US10. Multiple images:
      • As a Site User I can add multiple images to my posts so that I can better share my fishing stories and possible catches
    • US11. Placeholder photos:
      • As a Site User the placeholder photo when creating a post will be based on my fishing location if no photo is uploaded so the blog will have more variation in photos
    • US12. Fish caught:
      • As a site user I can see the number of fish caught without entering the detail page for each post so that I can better select interesting posts
    • US13. Weather info:
      • As a site user I can see the weather conditions without entering the detail page for each post so that I can better select interesting posts
    • US14. Number of comments:
      • As a site user I can see the number of comments without entering the detail page for each post so that I can better select interesting posts
    • US15. Number of likes:
      • As a site user I can see the number of likes without entering the detail page for each post so that I can better select interesting posts
    • US16. Restrict delete post:
      • As a site user I will be prevented from deleting my own post if any comments have been made so that comments are protected and people are encouraged to comment more
    • US17. Restrict blog view:
      • As a site user I will not be able to view the blog content without signing in so that more users will register to the site
  • EPIC Like

    • US18. View likes:
      • As a Site User I can view the number of likes on each post so that I can see which is the most popular or viral
    • US19. Like:
      • As a Site User I can like a post so that I can interact with the content
    • US20. Downvote:
      • As a Site User I can downvote a post so that I can interact with the content
  • EPIC Comment

    • US21. View comments:
      • As a Site User I can view comments on an individual post so that I can read the conversation
    • US22. Comment on a post:
      • As a Site User I can leave comments on a post so that I can be involved in the conversation
    • US23. Delete Comment:
      • As a Site User I can delete my own comment so that I can interact with the content
    • US24. Edit comment:
      • As a Site User I can edit my own comment so that I can update the content

    • US25. Responsive:
      • As a Site User I can use the site on the following platforms: desktop, laptop, tablet and smartphone so that I can access all functionality
    • US26. Design:
      • As a Site User I can get an overall positive impression based on the principles of user experience design, accessibility and responsivity so that I can quickly determine the purpose of the site and enjoy using it
    • US27. System messages:
      • As a Site User I will get system messages when I interact with the site so that I get feedback when actions are completed
    • US28. Hero image:
      • As a Site User I am presented with a hero image so that I can clearly see the purpose of the site
    • US29. Featurette:
      • As a Site User I am presented with a featurette so that I can better understand the site’s purpose
    • US30. Favicon:
      • As a Site User I am presented with a favicon so that I can get a better experience when browsing with multiple tabs
    • US31. Carousel:
      • As a Site User I can view a carousel with new posts so that I can easily see any post updates to the blog
    • US32. GitHub:
      • As a Site User I am presented with a link to mittnamnkenny’s GitHub so that I can view more repositories
  • User Stories not implemented

    • US9. View own posts:
      • This user story was prioritized as a could-have feature and will not be implemented at this stage due to low priority.
    • US16. Restrict delete post:
      • This user story was prioritized as a could-have feature and will not be implemented. I want the post author to have full control over their own posts.
    • US17. Restrict blog view:
      • This user story was prioritized as a Probably-Won’t-Have feature and will not be implemented. I want unregistered users to be able to view the blog content before choosing to register.
    • US20. Downvote:
      • This user story was prioritized as a could-have feature and will not be implemented. I do not think this contributes to an overall positive experience; the upvote functionality is enough for this purpose.


Existing Features

Navigation bar:

The navbar is present on all pages of the site. It uses bootstrap's built-in class fixed-top, so when the user scrolls, it will remain fixed to the top of the browser's viewport and always visible to the user.

On the left-hand side of the navbar the user is presented with the logo; FishTales with a styled Font Awesome icon (fas-fish), which when clicked will redirect the user to the home page.

The right-hand side contains the navigation links for the other pages of the site and depending on login status the following link will be present:

  • Not logged in: Home, Blog, Register, Login

Navbar Login

  • Logged in: Home, Blog, Add Post, Logout, Username with included Font Awesome icon (fas fa-user)

Navbar Logout

The navbar is fully responsive, so when on smaller devices the navbar will collapse and the navigation links are accessed using a ”hamburger menu”.

View collapsed navbar:

Navbar Collapse

Home page:

Home page - Hero section:

Positioned at the top of the home page, this is first presented to the user as they visit the site. It includes a background image featuring a man fly fishing on a river. The background image uses background attachment fixed on large screen sizes; this intends to give a nice effect when scrolling down the page.


A large text overlay; Fly Fishing Småland, Sweden with an included link that will redirect the user depending on login status:

  • Not logged in: Register now - Register
  • Logged in: Visit the blog - Blog

At the bottom of the hero section there is an gradient svg-wave for a smoother transition to the featurette section,

When the user visits the site for the first time, they will clearly see that this is a fly fishing blog.

Hero section on mobile devices:

Hero Small

Home page - Featurette section:

Positioned below the hero section, the user is presented with three styled Font Awesome icons with included text describing the blog, which clearly identify the purpose of the site.

  • Blog - Fly Fishing Blog - (fas fa-circle-check)
  • Since - Created 2022 - (fas fa-clock)
  • From - Småland, Sweden (fas fa-earth-europe)


When on smaller devices the number of icons is reduced. The featurette section uses a svg-background resembling a fishing net,

Home page - Resent posts section:

Further down the home page, the user can view the three most recent posts made to the blog. This is featured on the home page so that the user can quickly see any blog updates.

At the top of this section there is a bootstrap carousel, a slideshow cycling through the three most recent post made. It will display the featured image that the user has uploaded when creating the post or a placeholder photo based on fishing location. A text overlay with chosen fishing location is also displayed, including Font Awesome icon (fas fa-location-pin).


Below the carousel the user can view the three latest blog posts with information including:

  • Featured image - Image that the user has uploaded when creating the post or a placeholder photo based on fishing location.
  • Author - post author
  • Location - Font Awesome icon (fas fa-location-pin), chosen fishing location
  • Fish caught - Font Awesome icon (fas fa-fish), default 0
  • Weather - Will display correct Font Awesome icon based on weather conditions
  • Title - Post title, 30 characters and appends an ellipsis
  • Content - Post content, 30 characters and appends an ellipsis if no excerpt provided
  • Date created - Post created on
  • Number of likes - Font Awesome icon (far fa-heart) followed by the number of likes
  • Number of comments - Font Awesome icon (far fa-comments) followed by number of comments

Recent Posts

By clicking on the post, the user is redirected to the post detail page for that post.

Blog page:

The Blog page will present a paginated list of all blog posts on the site, limited to a maximum of six posts per page. Order the posts by date descending. The Blog page can easily be accessed using the provided navbar link.

For each post the following information is presented to the user:

  • Featured image - Image that the user has uploaded when creating the post or a placeholder photo based on fishing location.
  • Author - post author
  • Location - Font Awesome icon (fas fa-location-pin), chosen fishing location
  • Fish caught - Font Awesome icon (fas fa-fish), default 0
  • Weather - Will display correct Font Awesome icon based on weather conditions
  • Title - Post title, 30 characters and appends an ellipsis
  • Content - Post content, 30 characters and appends an ellipsis if no excerpt provided
  • Date created - Post created on
  • Number of likes - Font Awesome icon (far fa-heart) followed by the number of likes
  • Number of comments - Font Awesome icon (far fa-comments) followed by number of comments

Blog Page

This will give the user enough information to decide which blog post might appeal to them. By clicking on the post, the user is redirected to the post detail page for that post.

Blog page on mobile devices:

Blog Page Small

Add post page:

This feature is only available if a user chooses to register to the site and can be accessed using the provided navbar link. On the Add post page, the user will be able to share their fishing story and add photos to their post content using the included SummernoteWidget.

Add Post

The following fields are required to submit a post:

  • Title - A default post title is presented to the user: Fishing datetime. The user can choose to change this, but it must be unique.
  • Location - The user can choose from the following fishing locations in Småland: Alsterån, Hällesjön, Isgölen and if the use chooses to fish somewhere else; other.
  • Fish caught - Number of fish caught. Default is 0.
  • Weather conditions - The user can choose from: Sunny, Cloudy, Windy, Rainy or Snowy, or leave it as default (…). Default will not display any weather information on the post.
  • Image - The user will be able to upload a photo to display as featured photo. If the user chooses not to upload any photo here, a placeholder photo based on the chosen fishing location will be displayed instead.
  • Content - Using the included features of SummernoteWidget the user will be able to customize their fishing story. The user is presented with a ”What you see is what you get” editor and can, with the included toolbar; upload photos, change text styles and more.

When all fields are completed and the user clicks on Submit, their post will be automatically added to the list of posts and the user is redirected to their blog post. If the user chooses to click on Cancel instead, the user will be redirected to the previous page visited.

Post detail page:

When a user chooses to click on a blog post, they are brought to the Post detail page. The user is shown the entirety of the post with a commenting section below. The user will be able to interact with the content depending on user status.

Post Detail

The following information will be presented to the user:

  • Featured image - Image that the user has uploaded when creating the post or a placeholder photo based on fishing location.
  • Title - Post title
  • Author - post author
  • Date created - Post created on
  • Location - Font Awesome icon (fas fa-location-pin). Location: chosen fishing location
  • Fish caught - Font Awesome icon (fas fa-fish). Fish caught: default 0
  • Weather - Will display correct Font Awesome icon based on weather conditions. Weather: Conditions
  • Content - Post content
  • Number of likes - Font Awesome icon (fa-heart) followed by the number of likes
  • Number of comments - Font Awesome icon (fas fa-comments) followed by number of comments
  • Comments - Order the comments by date ascending

Features dependent on user status:

  • User not logged in: The comment form is not displayed to the user. Instead, the user is presented with the links to the Login- and Register page. User must be logged in to leave a comment.

Comment Login

  • User is logged in: The comment form is presented to the user and the user can comment on the post. Once the user clicks on Submit, the comment is automatically approved and added to the list of comments. Automatically approving comments will encourage the user to continue commenting on posts, without any delays. Font Awesome icon (fa-heart) changes colour and the user will be able to like/unlike the post.

Comment Logout

  • User is post author: The post author will have full CRUD functionality over their posts without any delays added. They are presented with the option to update or delete their post. Update this post - The user is redirected to the Update post page. Delete this post - The user will have to confirm deleting their post; a modal is displayed to the user with the option to Delete or Cancel.

Delete Post

  • User is comment author: The comment author will have full CRUD functionality over their comments without any delays added. They are presented with the option to update or delete their comments. Update this comment - The user is redirected to the Update comment page. Delete this comment - The user will have to confirm deleting their comment; a modal is displayed to the user with the option to Delete or Cancel.

Delete Comment

Post detail on mobile devices:

Post Detail Small

Post update page:

The post author will be able to update their blog post using the Post update page, which can easily be accessed by clicking on Update this post on the Post detail page. The post author will have full control over their posts and can easily make changes or correct any mistakes in their post after it’s been published.

The Post update page will display the entirety of the blog post with all fields pre-populated.

Update Post

Once the post author is finished updating their post and clicks on Update, the blog post will immediately update and the user will be redirected to the Post detail page for that post. If the user chooses to click on Cancel instead, the user will be redirected to the previous page visited.

Comment update page:

The comment author will be able to update their comment using the Comment update page, which can easily be accessed by clicking on Update this comment on the Post detail page. The comment author will have full control over their comments and can easily make changes or correct any mistakes in their comment after it’s been published.

The Comment update page will display the entirety of the comment, pre-populated.

Update Comment

Once the comment author is finished updating their comment and clicks on Update, the comment will immediately update and the user will be redirected to the Post detail page for that post. If the user chooses to click on Cancel instead, the user will be redirected to the previous page visited.

Register page:

To interact with the site, a user is required to register and login. Unregistered users will be able to access the Register page in multiple ways:

  • Using the provided navbar link
  • Register Now link, in the Hero section on the Home page
  • Register link, in the Comment section on the Detail page
  • Using the link provided on the Login page

A new account can be easily created. The user needs to provide the following information:

  • Username - must be unique
  • E-mail - optional
  • Password - which must be entered twice


When all fields are complete and the user clicks on register and new account is automatically created and the user is redirected to the Home page.

Login page:

For full CRUD functionality on posts and comments, or the ability to like/unlike a post, a user is required to login to the site. The Login page can be accessed:

  • Using the provided navbar link
  • Login link, in the Comment section on the Detail page
  • Using the link on the Register page

Provided that a user is registered to the site, the login process is very quick. The user needs to enter the following information:

  • Valid username
  • Correct password


When the user enters a correct username with a matching password and clicks on Login, they are logged in and redirected to the Home page.

Logout page:

The Logout page can be accessed using the provided navbar link that is present when a user is logged in. When the user clicks on Logout, they are directly logged out of their account and redirected to the Home page.


If the user chooses to click on Cancel instead, the user will be redirected to the previous page visited.

Django Admin page:

To manage the blog content of the site, a superuser account was created. This allows a superuser to administer the site. The Admin page/panel can easily be accessed by logging in to the /admin URL with the superuser account. From the admin panel, the superuser will be able to delete a specific post, comment or user. This functionality is necessary to maintain the blog and remove unwanted content.


More functionality is available to the superuser in the admin panel, including creating post-drafts that can be published at a later moment.

System messages:

System/Flash messages are present throughout the site and will be displayed to the user as feedback when certain actions are completed. The message will appear at the top of the screen and after 2.5 seconds it will be automatically removed.

System Message


The Footer is present on all pages of the site, featured at the absolute bottom. On the left-hand side there is an about section where the user can access my GitHub repository following the provided link, which opens in a new tab. Included Font Awesome icon (fa-brands fa-github).


The right-hand side includes an embedded Google Map with possible fishing places in Småland, Sweden. This will encourage the user to navigate the area and plan their own fishing trip. The Google Map is removed on smaller devices.

Additional features:

  • Favicon.


  • Links and buttons will change colour when hovered over.


Meta Data:

FishTales Fly Fishing Blog

Features to Implement in the future

  • US9. View own posts:
    • This user story was prioritized as a could-have feature and will not be implemented at this stage due to low priority.



At the beginning of this project and as a part of the planning phase wireframes were created using Balsamiq. The wireframes were used to get a basic idea on how the site might look when finished, both on desktop and mobile devices.

Wireframes were created for the following pages and features:

Home page:

Wireframes Home

Blog page:

Wireframes Blog

Post detail:

Wireframes Detail

Add post:

Wireframes Add

Mobile devices:

Wireframes Mobile

Data Model

This project is hosted on Heroku and the database used is Heroku PostgreSQL. Cloudinary is used to store all blog images. Two custom models were created for this project; Post and Comment. With the default Django User model already included.

Entity Relationship Diagram - Post:

ERD Posts

Entity Relationship Diagram - Comment:

ERD Comments

Site map

To explain the structure of the site and how to navigate it, I created a site map using Lucidchart:

Site Map


To match the fly fishing theme of this project, teal was chosen as the main colour to use throughout the site. Teal or green is often used with fly fishing and will not be distracting to the user. Google Materialize color palette was used to select the hex colour codes.

With focus on accessibility and contrast, the following colours were chosen:

Design Palette

Other colours used:

  • #F9FAFC - Off-white, Background colour
  • #E84610 - Red, Like button
  • #0F1413 - Dark, text colour


I have used font-family "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif for most of the text throughout the site. This is Bootstrap's default font, and this was chosen because it both looks good and is easy to read.

To make text stand out and catch the users attention, an outlined font is used on certain headings. Cabin Sketch a Google Web Font, was chosen because it goes well with the theme of the website and is easy to read, with sans-serif as a fallback if Cabin Sketch should fail to load.

Design Cabinsketch


All current images on the site and uploaded blog posts is provided by mittnamnkenny’s fishing trips, excepts the Hero image used on the Home page:

  • Unsplash: Man fishing on river at daytime, Chris Sarsgard

This photo was chosen as the hero image to display on the front page. Photoshop was used to adjust the brightness and a gradient overlay was added to make the featured hero text stand out and more visible to the user.

Technologies Used

Languages Used:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • Python

Frameworks and Libraries Used:

  • Bootstrap: Bootstrap CSS Framework used for styling and to build responsive web pages.
  • Cloudinary: Used to store all blog images and uploaded images.
  • Coverage: Used for measuring code coverage of Python test files.
  • Django: Main Python framework used in the development.
  • Django Allauth: Used for authentication and account registration.
  • Django Crispy Forms: Used to simplify the rendering of Django forms.
  • dj_database_url: Used to allow database urls to connect to the postgres database.
  • Gunicorn: Green Unicorn, used as the Web Server to run Django on Heroku.
  • Jest: A delightful JavaScript Testing Framework, used for automated tests.
  • psycopg2: Used PostgreSQL database adapter.
  • Summernote: To provide a WYSIWYG editor for customizing new blog content and add images.

Software and Web Applications Used:

  • Am I Responsive: Checking the responsive.
  • Balsamiq: Used to create the wireframes.
  • Chrome DevTools: Used to test the response on different screen sizes, debugging and to generate a Lighthouse report to analyze page load.
  • Font Awesome: Used throughout the site to add icons for aesthetic and UX purposes.
  • Gauger: To create the favicon, create beautiful favicon with ease.
  • Git: Git was used for version control by utilizing the Gitpod terminal to commit to Git and Push to GitHub.
  • GitHub: GitHub is used to store the projects code after being pushed from Git and to create the Kanban board used for this project.
  • Google Fonts: To import font family ’Cabin Sketch’ which is used throughout the site. Added fallback font sans-serif.
  • Google Maps: Google Maps Embed API used in footer section
  • Heroku: For deployment and hosting of the application.
  • Heroku PostgreSQL: The database used for this application.
  • HTML Validator: Check your code for HTML validation.
  • JSHint: Check code for JavaScript validation.
  • Lucidchart: Used to create the site map.
  • Materialize Colors: Used to create the main colour palette.
  • Photoshop: Used to customize the hero image, adjust brightness and add gradient overlay.
  • SVG Backgrounds: Scalable Vector Graphic used in the featurette section. Should the background image fail there is a fallback background colour set so the page still functions.
  • SVG Wave Generator: Used to generate a gradient SVG wave used in the hero section.
  • Tiny PNG: Compressing images to smaller sizes.
  • Unsplash: Hero image, Man fishing on river at daytime, Chris Sarsgard.
  • W3 CSS Validator: Check your code for CSS validation.
  • Writer: Free Grammar Check.


Browser Testing

I have tested that this application works using Macbook Air (Retina, 13-inch, 2018), with macOS Monterey 12.5 installed, using the following browsers:

  • Safari Version 15.6
  • Google Chrome Version 104.0.5112.79
  • Firefox Browser 103.0.2

I have tested this application works on the following iOS devices using Safari Version 15.6 browser:

  • iPhone X, with iOS 15.6 installed
  • iPad Air 3, with iPadOS 15.6 installed


Chrome developer tool have been used to check the responsiveness.

  • I have tested that this application works on different screen sizes from iPhone 5 (320px wide) and very large screens like 5K iMac Pro (5120 x 2880 px).

Validator Testing

W3C Markup Validator:

The W3C Markup Validator were used to validate the HTML on all pages of the project to ensure there were no syntax errors in there. To validate the HTML files all Django template tags were manually removed with the HTML code copied and inserted to the base template.

Index page:

HTML Index

Index page - View Full HTML Validation Results here.

Blog page:


Blog page - View Full HTML Validation Results here.

Post Detail page:

HTML Detail

Post Detail page - View Full HTML Validation Results here.

Post Add page:


Post Add page - View Full HTML Validation Results here.

Post Update page:

HTML Update

Post Update page - View Full HTML Validation Results here.

Comment Update page:

HTML Comment

Comment Update page - View Full HTML Validation Results here.

W3C CSS Validator:

The W3C CSS Validator Services were used to validate the CSS to ensure there were no errors in there.


For more information: View Full CSS Validation Results here.


JSHint was used to validate the JavaScript with no errors highlighted.


PEP8 Online:

PEP8 Online linter (Python validator) The code passed without any errors on all files tested:


PEP8 Admin


PEP8 Forms


PEP8 Models


PEP8 Testforms


PEP8 Testmodels


PEP8 Testviews


PEP8 Urls


PEP8 Views


I have confirmed that the colours and fonts chosen are easy to read and accessible by running it through lighthouse in Chrome developer tools on the following pages:

Home page:

Lighthouse Home

Blog page:

Lighthouse Blog

Post Detail page:

Lighthouse Detail

Automated Testing


Jest was used to automatically test the JavaScript code in the script.js file. By installing the Jest framework and using the npm test command the following test suites were completed:

Jest test result:


For more information: View the test code here.

Django testing tools:

Django TestCase was used to create automatic tests for Python files. The test reporting tool ’Coverage’ was installed to show the percentage of Python code that’s been covered by tests.

A total of 20 tests were written with the following test files:

Coverage test result:


User Stories testing

To further ensure this application is working correctly and functions as expected, manual testing was also performed. User Stories were tested successfully to verify that all acceptance criteria was met.

  • US1. Account registration and login:

    • As a Site User I can register an account so that I can share my fishing stories, comment and like

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • To register a user must enter a username and password (email is optional)
      • User should not be able to register the same username more than once
    • I have tested:

      • That username and password is required and that email is optional.
      • That registering with an already created username with the following response: A user with that username already exists. I will not be able to register the same username more than once.
  • US2. Manage posts:

    • As a Site Admin I can create, read, update and delete posts and comments so that I can manage my blog content

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • Site admin can log in to the /admin URL with a superuser account
      • Site admin can manage all posts with the included superuser account
      • Site admin can manage all comments with the included superuser account
    • I have tested:

      • Logging in to the /admin URL with the superuser account.
      • Creating, updating and deleting both posts and comments with the superuser account.
  • US3. Create drafts:

    • As a Site Admin I can create draft posts so that I can finish writing the content later

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • Site admin can log in to the /admin URL with a superuser account
      • Site admin can with the included admin panel create post drafts and save them for later publish
    • I have tested:

      • Logging in to the /admin URL with the superuser account.
      • Creating draft post, save them so that they can be published later.
  • US4. View post list:

    • As a Site User I can view a list of posts so that I can easily select one fishing story to read

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • All posts are presented on the blog page
      • Posts are sorted by date created
      • Author, Image, title, and date created is shown on screen for each post
      • Paginated view
    • I have tested:

      • That all posts are presented on the blog page and if the number of total posts exceeds six, a paginated view is presented to the user.
      • That the Next and Prev links work as expected.
      • That the correct information is presented to the user for each blog post.
      • That posts are sorted by date created and that any new blog posts are automatically added to the post list.
  • US5. Open a post:

    • As a Site User I can click on a post so that I can read the content

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • Author, Image, title, date created, blog content, fish caught and location is available on screen
      • Likes and comments are accessible
    • I have tested:

      • That all posts on the blog- and home page can be clicked and opened for full detail view.
      • That the correct information is presented to the user for each blog post.
  • US6. Create post:

    • As a Site User I can create my own posts and share my fishing stories

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • Registered and logged in users will be able to create their own posts
      • User should complete the post form with the required fields
      • User can upload their own photo
    • I have tested:

      • That signed in users are presented with the Add Post link in the navbar and that the link works as expected.
      • That all form fields are required to submit a post.
      • That the placeholder images work as expected and an uploaded image in the image field is displayed as featured image.
      • That the Summernote toolbar works as expected.
      • That the Add post page and functionality is only available to signed in users.
  • US7. Edit post:

    • As a Site User I can edit my own post so that I can update the content

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • Registered and logged in users will be able to edit their own posts
      • User should complete the post form with the required fields
    • I have tested:

      • That the post author is presented with the Update this post link on the Post detail page and that the link works as expected.
      • That clicking on the Update this post link loads the entirety of the post and that all fields are pre-populated.
      • That the Update button and that updating a post works as expected.
      • That the Update post page and functionality is only available to the post author.
  • US8. Delete post:

    • As a Site User I can delete my own post so that I can interact with the content

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • Registered and logged in users will be able to delete their own posts
      • User should have to confirm before deleting their post
    • I have tested:

      • That the post author is presented with the Delete this post link on the Post detail page and that the link works as expected.
      • Clicking on the Delete this post link will display the delete post modal with the correct information to the user.
      • That the Delete button in the modal and that deleting a post works as expected.
      • That the Delete post functionality is only available to the post author.
  • US9. View own posts:

    • As a Site User I can view my own posts so that I can get a better overview of my fishing stories

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • The user must be registered and logged in to view their own posts
      • The user must have at least one post registered
    • I have tested:

      • This user story was not implemented; no testing was performed.
  • US10. Multiple images:

    • As a Site User I can add multiple images to my posts so that I can better share my fishing stories and possible catches

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • Registered and logged in users will be able to create their own posts
      • User should be able to upload photos with their text content
    • I have tested:

      • Uploading multiple images with the Summernote toolbar.
      • Customizing the images using Summernote float left/right and resize properties.
      • That uploaded images are displayed correctly on the post detail page.
  • US11. Placeholder photos:

    • As a Site User the placeholder photo when creating a post will be based on my fishing location if no photo is uploaded so the blog will have more variation in photos

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • Registered and logged in users will be able to create their own posts
      • No uploaded photo when creating a post will generate a placeholder photo based on chosen fishing location
    • I have tested:

      • That all four placeholder photos work and will be displayed based on chosen fishing location (Alsterån, Hällesjön, Isgölen and Other) if no uploaded featured image is provided.
      • Customizing the images using Summernote float left/right and resize properties.
      • That the placeholder photos are displayed correctly on the Home-, Blog-, and Detail Page.
  • US12. Fish caught:

    • As a site user I can see the number of fish caught without entering the detail page for each post so that I can better select interesting posts

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • Number of fish caught should be displayed on the list view
      • Should have a matching icon
    • I have tested:

      • That the user is presented with the number of fish caught on the Home and Blog page for each post together with a matching Font Awesome icon (fas fa-fish).
      • That the correct value of the number of fish caught is displayed to the user.
  • US13. Weather info:

    • As a site user I can see the weather conditions without entering the detail page for each post so that I can better select interesting posts

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • Weather conditions should be displayed on the list view
      • Should have matching icons
    • I have tested:

      • That the user is presented with the correct weather icon on the Home and Blog page for each post based on chosen weather conditions.
  • US14. Number of comments:

    • As a site user I can see the number of comments without entering the detail page for each post so that I can better select interesting posts

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • Number of comments should be displayed on the list view
      • Should have a matching icon
    • I have tested:

      • That the user is presented with the number of comments on the Home and Blog page for each post together with a matching Font Awesome icon (far fa-comments).
      • That the correct value of number of comments is displayed to the user.
  • US15. Number of likes:

    • As a site user I can see the number of likes without entering the detail page for each post so that I can better select interesting posts

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • Number of likes should be displayed on the list view
      • Should have a matching icon
    • I have tested:

      • That the user is presented with the number of likes on the Home and Blog page for each post together with a matching Font Awesome icon (far fa-heart).
      • That the correct value of number of likes is displayed to the user.
  • US16. Restrict delete post:

    • As a site user I will be prevented from deleting my own post if any comments have been made so that comments are protected and people are encouraged to comment more

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • Registered and logged in users will not be able to delete their own posts if comments have been made
    • I have tested:

      • This user story was not implemented; no testing was performed.
  • US17. Restrict blog view:

    • As a site user I will not be able to view the blog content without signing in so that more users will register to the site

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • Prevent unregistered user to access blog section
      • Provide link for registration
    • I have tested:

      • This user story was not implemented; no testing was performed.
  • US18. View likes:

    • As a Site User I can view the number of likes on each post so that I can see which is the most popular or viral

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • Total number of likes should be visible when viewing a post
      • Should include a matching icon
    • I have tested:

      • That the number of likes is displayed on the Post detail page together with a matching Font Awesome icon (fa-heart).
      • That the correct value of number of likes is displayed to the user.
  • US19. Like:

    • As a Site User I can like a post so that I can interact with the content

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • The user must be registered and logged in to like a post
      • Should include a matching icon for toggle feature
    • I have tested:

      • That signed in users will be able to like posts on the Post detail page and that the like functionality is only available to signed in users.
      • That the like this post button works as expected and that the number of likes are updated correctly when both adding and removing a like.
      • That a user will not be able to like a post more than once.
  • US20. Downvote:

    • As a Site User I can downvote a post so that I can interact with the content

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • The user must be registered and logged in to downvote a post
      • Should include a matching icon for toggle feature
    • I have tested:

      • This user story was not implemented; no testing was performed.
  • US21. View comments:

    • As a Site User I can view comments on an individual post so that I can read the conversation

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • All comments should be visible when viewing a post
      • Comments should be sorted by date created
    • I have tested:

      • That all users, regardless of login status, are presented with the comment section on the Post detail page and that all comments are displayed correctly.
      • That the comments are sorted by date created.
  • US22. Comment on a post:

    • As a Site User I can leave comments on a post so that I can be involved in the conversation

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • Registered and logged in users will be able to leave comments on each post
      • Name and date should be visible together with the comment
    • I have tested:

      • That logged in users are presented with the comment form on the Post detail page.
      • That the comment form and submit button functions as expected, and when adding a new comment it’s automatically added to the list of comments.
      • That the correct information is displayed; comment author, date created and comment body for each comment added.
      • That the comment functionality is only available to signed in users.
  • US23. Delete Comment:

    • As a Site User I can delete my own comment so that I can interact with the content

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • Registered and logged in users will be able to delete their own comments
      • User should have to confirm before deleting their comment
    • I have tested:

      • That the comment author is presented with the Delete this comment link in the comment section on the Post detail page, and that the link works as expected.
      • Clicking on the Delete this comment link will display the delete comment modal with the correct information to the user.
      • That the Delete button in the modal and that deleting a comment works as expected.
      • That the Delete comment functionality is only available to the comment author.
  • US24. Edit comment:

    • As a Site User I can edit my own comment so that I can update the content

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • Registered and logged in users will be able to edit their own comments
      • User should complete the edit comment form
    • I have tested:

      • That the comment author is presented with the Update this comment link in the comment section on the Post detail page, and that the link works as expected.
      • That clicking on the Update this comment link loads the entirety of the comment and that the comment field is pre-populated.
      • That the Update button and that updating a comment works as expected.
      • That the Update comment page and functionality is only available to the comment author.
  • US25. Responsive:

    • As a Site User I can use the site on the following platforms: desktop, laptop, tablet and smartphone so that I can access all functionality

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • Suitable graphics on different screen sizes
      • User should be able to use the site successfully on small devices (320px wide)
    • I have tested:

      • Browser testing
      • Responsiveness
  • US26. Design:

    • As a Site User I can get an overall positive impression based on the principles of user experience design, accessibility and responsivity so that I can quickly determine the purpose of the site and enjoy using it

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • The user is presented with an easy to use navigation
      • The site meets accessibility guidelines
      • The user is presented with graphics that are consistent in style and colour
    • I have tested:

      • Browser testing
      • Responsiveness
      • Lighthouse
  • US27. System messages:

    • As a Site User I will get system messages when I interact with the site so that I get feedback when actions are completed

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • Registered and logged in users will get feedback through pop-up messages
      • The pop-up message should disappear automatically
    • I have tested:

      • That the system/flash messages will appear correctly when performing certain actions such as: adding, updating or removing a post or comment, user login/logout.
      • That the message will automatically disappear after 2.5 seconds or when the close button is used.
  • US28. Hero image:

    • As a Site User I am presented with a hero image so that I can clearly see the purpose of the site

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • The user is presented with the hero image when visiting the front page
      • A fishing related photo
    • I have tested:

      • That the hero image is displayed correctly on different screen sizes.
      • That the user will always be able to see that this is a fishing photo.
  • US29. Featurette:

    • As a Site User I am presented with a featurette so that I can better understand the site’s purpose

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • The user is presented with the featurette when visiting the front page
      • Located below the hero image
    • I have tested:

      • That the featurette is displayed correctly on different screen sizes.
  • US30. Favicon:

    • As a Site User I am presented with a favicon so that I can get a better experience when browsing with multiple tabs

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • The user is presented with a favicon matching the overall design of the site
    • I have tested:

      • That the user is presented with a favicon that is reflecting the purpose of this project.
  • US31. Carousel:

    • As a Site User I can view a carousel with new posts so that I can easily see any post updates to the blog

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • The user will be presented with an image slide-show
      • The slide-show will update when a new post is added
    • I have tested:

      • On the Home page, the user is presented with an image slide-show featuring the placeholder/featured image from the three most recent blog posts.
      • That the slide-show automatically cycles through the images correctly.
      • That adding/removing a post will automatically update the slide-show.
  • US32. GitHub:

    • As a Site User I am presented with a link to mittnamnkenny’s GitHub so that I can view more repositories

    • Acceptance Criteria:

      • The link should be visible in the footer
      • The link should include a Font Awesome icon
    • I have tested:

      • That the link address is correct and that it opens in a new tab.

Testing which features support which stories

User stories have been tested and below you can see which features support which stories:

User stories are numbered 1 to 32 and the features are:

  1. Navigation bar
  2. Home
  3. Blog
  4. Add post
  5. Post detail
  6. Post update
  7. Comment update
  8. Register
  9. Login
  10. Logout
  11. Django Admin
  12. System messages
  13. Footer
  14. Additional features
ID User Stories Features
1 Account registration and login 8, 9, 10
2 Manage posts 11
3 Create drafts 11
4 View post list 2, 3
5 Open a post 2, 3, 5
6 Create post 4
7 Edit post 6
8 Delete post 5
9 View own posts N/A *
10 Multiple images 4
11 Placeholder photos 4
12 Fish caught 2, 3
13 Weather info 2, 3
14 Number of comments 2, 3
15 Number of likes 2, 3
16 Restrict delete post N/A *
17 Restrict blog view N/A *
18 View likes 5
19 Like 5
20 Downvote N/A *
21 View comments 5
22 Comment on a post 5
23 Delete Comment 5
24 Edit comment 7
25 Responsive OK *
26 Design 1, OK *
27 System messages 12
28 Hero image 2
29 Featurette 2
30 Favicon 14
31 Carousel 2
32 GitHub 13
  • N/A - This user story was not implemented
  • OK - Tested and verifed ok in Browser Testing and Responsiveness

Further Testing

  • I have tested that the hover effect on all buttons and links works as expected.
  • I have tested that all animations work correctly.

Solved bugs

  • Django test error - When testing my python files I had to comment out the PostgreSQL database and use the default SQLite3 database in Thanks to Code Institute’s Slack Channel, this was solved.
  • Heroku database maintenance - I had to update the DATABASE_URL in my file after receiving an email from Heroku about database maintenance. Thanks to Code Institute’s Slack Channel, this was solved.
  • Am I responsive? - I had to install the Google Chrome extension, Ignore X-Frame headers to generate mockup images using Am I responsive. Thanks to Code Institute’s Slack Channel, this was solved.
  • Uncaught ReferenceError: module not defined - This error message is displayed in the console after JavaScript testing using Jest. To fix this module.exports = removeAlerts; in script.js was commented out and can be enabled again when testing with Jest. Thanks to Code Institute’s Tutor Channel for their advice.

Known bugs

  • Currently no known bugs.


The application was deployed to Heroku. The steps to deploy are as follows:

  • Login to Heroku dashboard to get an overview of installed apps.
  • Click on New => Create new app.
  • Choose a name for your application (must be unique) and enter your location.
  • Click on Create app.
  • After creating your new application, navigate and click on the Resources tab.
  • In the Add-ons search bar enter Heroku Postgres => Select Heroku Postgres.
  • A pop-up window till appear, choose Plan name Hobby Dev - Free.
  • Click on Submit order form.
  • Navigate to the Settings tab => click on Reveal Config Vars.
  • Copy the DATABASE_URL url value to the clipboard.
  • In GitPod => Create a new file on top level directory.
  • In the file:
    • Set environment variables: os.environ[”DATABASE_URL"] = "Paste in Heroku DATABASE_URL Link”
    • Add in secret key: os.environ[”SECRET_KEY"] = "Make up your own randomSecretKey”
  • In Heroku => Navigate to the Settings tab => click on Reveal Config Vars.
  • Add SECRET_KEY to Config Vars with the randomSecretKey value previously chosen.
  • In the file:
    • Remove the insecure secret key and replace it with: SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get(’SECRET_KEY')
    • Update to use the DATABASE_URL: dj_database_url.parse(os.environ.get(”DATABASE_URL"))
  • Save all files and Make Migrations: python3 migrate
  • Login to Cloudinary and navigate to the Cloudinary Dashboard.
  • Copy your CLOUDINARY_URL API Environment Variable to the clipboard.
  • In the file:
    • Add Cloudinary URL: os.environ["CLOUDINARY_URL"] = ”cloudinary://paste in API Environment Variable”
  • In Heroku => Navigate to the Settings tab => click on Reveal Config Vars.
  • Add ’CLOUDINARY_URL’ to Config Vars with the in API Environment Variable value.
  • Add ’DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC’ 1 to Heroku Config Vars (temporary, must be removed before final deployment).
  • In the file:
    • Add Cloudinary Libraries to installed apps (note: order is important) ’cloudinary_storage',  ’django.contrib.staticfiles', ’cloudinary',
    • Add the following code below STATIC_URL = ’/static/' to use Cloudinary to store media and static files:
      • STATICFILES_DIRS = [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ’static')]
      • STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ’staticfiles')
      • MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
    • Link file to the templates directory in Heroku: TEMPLATES_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ’templates')
    • Change the templates directory to: TEMPLATES_DIR: 'DIRS': [TEMPLATES_DIR],
    • Add Heroku Hostname to ALLOWED_HOSTS: ALLOWED_HOSTS = [””, ”localhost”]
  • Create 3 new folders on top level directory: media, static, templates
  • Create a Procfile on the top level directory
  • In the Procfile file:
    • Add the following code with your project name: web: gunicorn PROJ_NAME.wsgi
  • In the terminal: Add, Commit and Push.
  • In Heroku navigate to the Deploy tab => click on Deploy Branch.
  • When build process is finished click on Open App to visit the live site.



  • SVG Wave Generator: code used to generate a gradient SVG wave:

    <svg id="wave" style="transform:rotate(0deg); transition: 0.3s" viewBox="0 0 1440 110" version="1.1" xmlns=""><defs><linearGradient id="sw-gradient-0" x1="0" x2="0" y1="1" y2="0"><stop stop-color="rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)" offset="0%"></stop><stop stop-color="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)" offset="100%"></stop></linearGradient></defs><path style="transform:translate(0, 0px); opacity:1" fill="url(#sw-gradient-0)" d="M0,55L48,55C96,55,192,55,288,58.7C384,62,480,70,576,66C672,62,768,48,864,38.5C960,29,1056,26,1152,29.3C1248,33,1344,44,1440,44C1536,44,1632,33,1728,34.8C1824,37,1920,51,2016,56.8C2112,62,2208,59,2304,55C2400,51,2496,48,2592,45.8C2688,44,2784,44,2880,40.3C2976,37,3072,29,3168,23.8C3264,18,3360,15,3456,23.8C3552,33,3648,55,3744,58.7C3840,62,3936,48,4032,49.5C4128,51,4224,70,4320,71.5C4416,73,4512,59,4608,49.5C4704,40,4800,37,4896,29.3C4992,22,5088,11,5184,12.8C5280,15,5376,29,5472,29.3C5568,29,5664,15,5760,16.5C5856,18,5952,37,6048,40.3C6144,44,6240,33,6336,31.2C6432,29,6528,37,6624,42.2C6720,48,6816,51,6864,53.2L6912,55L6912,110L6864,110C6816,110,6720,110,6624,110C6528,110,6432,110,6336,110C6240,110,6144,110,6048,110C5952,110,5856,110,5760,110C5664,110,5568,110,5472,110C5376,110,5280,110,5184,110C5088,110,4992,110,4896,110C4800,110,4704,110,4608,110C4512,110,4416,110,4320,110C4224,110,4128,110,4032,110C3936,110,3840,110,3744,110C3648,110,3552,110,3456,110C3360,110,3264,110,3168,110C3072,110,2976,110,2880,110C2784,110,2688,110,2592,110C2496,110,2400,110,2304,110C2208,110,2112,110,2016,110C1920,110,1824,110,1728,110C1632,110,1536,110,1440,110C1344,110,1248,110,1152,110C1056,110,960,110,864,110C768,110,672,110,576,110C480,110,384,110,288,110C192,110,96,110,48,110L0,110Z"></path></svg>

  • SVG Backgrounds: code for background "Endless Constellation":

    background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='400' height='400' viewBox='0 0 800 800'%3E%3Cg fill='none' stroke='%23E4E7EB' stroke-width='1'%3E%3Cpath d='M769 229L1037 260.9M927 880L731 737 520 660 309 538 40 599 295 764 126.5 879.5 40 599-197 493 102 382-31 229 126.5 79.5-69-63'/%3E%3Cpath d='M-31 229L237 261 390 382 603 493 308.5 537.5 101.5 381.5M370 905L295 764'/%3E%3Cpath d='M520 660L578 842 731 737 840 599 603 493 520 660 295 764 309 538 390 382 539 269 769 229 577.5 41.5 370 105 295 -36 126.5 79.5 237 261 102 382 40 599 -69 737 127 880'/%3E%3Cpath d='M520-140L578.5 42.5 731-63M603 493L539 269 237 261 370 105M902 382L539 269M390 382L102 382'/%3E%3Cpath d='M-222 42L126.5 79.5 370 105 539 269 577.5 41.5 927 80 769 229 902 382 603 493 731 737M295-36L577.5 41.5M578 842L295 764M40-201L127 80M102 382L-261 269'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3Cg fill='%23E4E7EB'%3E%3Ccircle cx='769' cy='229' r='5'/%3E%3Ccircle cx='539' cy='269' r='5'/%3E%3Ccircle cx='603' cy='493' r='5'/%3E%3Ccircle cx='731' cy='737' r='5'/%3E%3Ccircle cx='520' cy='660' r='5'/%3E%3Ccircle cx='309' cy='538' r='5'/%3E%3Ccircle cx='295' cy='764' r='5'/%3E%3Ccircle cx='40' cy='599' r='5'/%3E%3Ccircle cx='102' cy='382' r='5'/%3E%3Ccircle cx='127' cy='80' r='5'/%3E%3Ccircle cx='370' cy='105' r='5'/%3E%3Ccircle cx='578' cy='42' r='5'/%3E%3Ccircle cx='237' cy='261' r='5'/%3E%3Ccircle cx='390' cy='382' r='5'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E");


  • My mentor at Code Institute Brian Macharia for code review, help and feedback. Very much appreciated!


No description, website, or topics provided.






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