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Metamorph - TYPO3 CMS to TYPO3 Flow converter

This package is currently unter heavy development and by no means stable! APIs and behaviour can change at any point without notice.


Metamorph is a tool intended for converting TYPO3 sites into TYPO3 Flow applications and (later) TYPO3 Neos sites.


Metamorph is a TYPO3 Flow package. Currently, the best way to install it is to use the distribution package, using Composer.

Alternatively, you can require it using composer:

    "require": {
        "mittwald-typo3/flow-metamorph": "*"

Features (current)

  • Convert Extbase extensions into TYPO3 Flow packages. This includes:

    • Rewriting non-namespaced classes to namespaced classes

    • Replace Extbase classes with their TYPO3 Flow counterparts, where possible and provide compatibility classes otherwise

    • Replace Extbase annotations (like @inject) the respective Flow annotations (like @Flow\Inject), including namespace import.

    • Enrich Extbase domain models with annotations for the Doctrine2 ORM framework.

    • Translate locallang XML files to XLIFF.

    • Create Doctrine migrations for converted entity classes.

    • Option to keep the existing database structure

  • Convert pibase extensions into TYPO3 Flow packages. This includes:

    • Rewriting non-namespaced classes to namespaced classes

Features (planned)

  • More features for Extbase migration:

    • (add custom wishes here)

  • Convert pibase extensions into TYPO3 Flow packages. This includes:

    • Rewrite classes to use TYPO3 Flow APIs where possible, and provice compatibility classes otherwise

    • Generate controller classes wrapping the migrated plugin classes

  • Convert plugins (both Extbase and piBase) into TYPO3 Neos plugins.

  • Convert TYPO3’s page tree into the TYPO3 Neos content repository format


Convert TYPO3 CMS extensions to TYPO3 Flow packages







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