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Pioneer Ddj Sx

Maximilian Beiersdorfer edited this page May 7, 2017 · 73 revisions

Pioneer DDJ-SX

The DDJ-SX delivers intuitive control of all MIXXX's exciting features. Dedicated buttons and dials deliver plug-and-play control of 4 decks.

Controller Configuration

The DDJ-SX provides several settings, which can be changed in a special Utility-Mode.


  • Disconnect USB-cable.
  • Switch off [STANDBY/ON] the unit.
  • Hold [SHIFT] button and [PLAY/PAUSE] button at the left deck while switching on the unit [STANDBY/ON].
  • Now Utility-Mode is activated.
  • For saving and exiting Utility-Mode, switch off the unit again [STANDBY/ON].

Setting for usage of Serato DJ

To use the DDJ-SX with MIXXX, the controller must be configured for the usage of Serato DJ. You can check/change this setting as follows:
Press the [KEY LOCK] button at the left deck:

  • [KEY LOCK] button off: Controller is configured for using Serato DJ (default).
  • [KEY LOCK] button on (lit): Controller is configured for using different DJ-software.

User Options

To change the mapping's user options, you have to open the script file (*.js). At the top of the file under USER OPTIONS the following settings can be made:

  • PioneerDDJSX.jogwheelSensivity: Sets the jogwheel sensivity. 1 = default, 2 is twice as sensitive, 0.5 is half as sensitive.
  • PioneerDDJSX.jogwheelShiftMultiplier: Sets how much more sensitive the jogwheels get when holding [SHIFT]. Set it to 1 to disable jogwheel sensitivity increase when holding [SHIFT].
  • PioneerDDJSX.speedSliderRange: Sets the default speed slider range (0.08 = 8%), set at controller init.
  • PioneerDDJSX.cutVumeter: Cuts level-meter low frequencies and expands upper frequencies.
  • PioneerDDJSX.twinkleVumeterAutodjOn: If true, level-meter twinkles if AutoDJ is enabled.
  • PioneerDDJSX.autoDJAddTop: If true, the selected track will be added to AutoDJ queue-top on pressing [ROTARY SELECTOR], else the selected track will be added to AutoDJ queue-bottom.
  • PioneerDDJSX.autoDJTickInterval: Sets the duration of sleeping between AutoDJ actions if AutoDJ is enabled [ms].
  • PioneerDDJSX.autoDJMaxBpmAdjustment: Sets the maximum adjustment of BPM allowed for beats to sync if AutoDJ is enabled [BPM].
  • PioneerDDJSX.autoDJShuffleAfterSkip: If true, AutoDJ queue is being shuffled after skipping a track.
  • PioneerDDJSX.jumpPreviewEnabled: If true, by releasing [ROTARY SELECTOR], track in preview player jumps forward to "jumpPreviewPosition".
  • PioneerDDJSX.jumpPreviewPosition: Sets the preview player absolute position, being set at releasing [ROTARY SELECTOR] and if "jumpPreviewEnabled" is enabled.
  • PioneerDDJSX.samplerCueGotoAndPlay: If true, pad press in [SAMPLER]-PAD-MODE repeatedly causes sampler to play loaded track from cue-point, else it causes to play loaded track from the beginning.
  • PioneerDDJSX.autoPFL: If true, PFL / Cue (headphone) is being activated by loading a track into certain deck.
  • PioneerDDJSX.useNewLibraryControls: If true, new in Mixxx 2.1 introduced library controls will be used, else old playlist controls will be used.
  • PioneerDDJSX.needleSearchShiftEnable: If true, [SHIFT] has to be pressed to activate needle search control.

General Functions

Managed by Mixxx

Group Figure [SHIFT]? Button Name Description
5 - BROWSER 2, 3, 4, 5 - [LOAD] Loads the selected track into the specific deck
::: 2 [SHIFT] [LOAD] AutoDJ - Toggle BPM sync
::: 3 [SHIFT] [LOAD] AutoDJ - Toggle Key sync
::: 1 - [ROTARY SELECTOR] See user options: default = Select track in Playlist (alt. = MoveVertical)
::: 1 - [ROTARY SELECTOR PRESS] See user options: default = Add track to AutoDJ queue at bottom (alt. = at top)
::: 1 [SHIFT] [ROTARY SELECTOR] See user options: default = Select Playlist (alt. = MoveHorizontal)
::: 1 [SHIFT] [ROTARY SELECTOR PRESS] See user options: default = Toggle selected sidebar item (alt. = ChooseItem)
::: 6 - [BACK] See user options: default = AutoDJ - Skip next track in queue (alt. = MoveFocusBackward)
::: 6 [SHIFT] [BACK] Maximize view of Library
::: 7 - [LOAD PREPARE] Load selected track into PreviewDeck, jump to position (see user options) and play, else stop already playing track
3 - MIXER 1 - Crossfader Controls Mixxx crossfader, fades between deck 1, 3 and 2, 4
::: 2 - Channel fader Controls deck volume
::: 2 [SHIFT] Channel fader Fader start (starts playing deck when rising deck volume)
::: 3 - TRIM Controls deck gain
::: 4 - EQ HIGH Controls deck's equalizer/filter high frequencies
::: 5 - EQ MID Controls deck's equalizer/filter mid frequencies
::: 6 - EQ LOW Controls deck's equalizer/filter low frequencies
::: 7 - [CUE] Toggles PFL/Cue (headphones) for specific deck
::: 7 [SHIFT] [CUE] BPM Tab function for specific deck
::: 9 [SHIFT] [MASTER CUE] Toggles split cue (headphones)
::: 10 - Crossfader Assign Crossfader assignment - deck to crossfader (left (A), right (B) or center (THRU))
::: 14 - SAMPLER VOLUME Controls volume of all available Sampler decks
4 - FRONT PANEL 1 - Crossfader curve Controls Mixxx crossfader curve
1 - DECK 25 - [PANEL SELECT] Show/hide Sampler decks / Effect rack

Managed by the controller

The following functions are directly controlled by the controller (Mixxx-independent):

Group Figure [SHIFT]? Button Name Description
3 - MIXER 8 - MASTER LEVEL Controls the master output volume
::: 9 - [MASTER CUE] Toggles master cue
::: 13 - HEADPHONES MIX Controls headphone's audio source (cue, master)
::: 15 - BOOTH MONITOR LEVEL Controls the booth output volume
4 - FRONT PANEL 2 - INPUT SELECT Controls deck source (PC, MIC, CD, PHONO, LINE)

Deck Functions

Managed by Mixxx

Group Figure [SHIFT]? Button Name Description
1 - DECK 1 - [PLAY/PAUSE] Toggles play/pause
::: 1 [SHIFT] [PLAY/PAUSE] Toggles play stutter
::: 2 - [CUE] Toggles default cue (sets cue point/ goes to cue point)
::: 2 [SHIFT] [CUE] Toggles brake
::: 3 - Jog dial (Platter) Vinyl-Mode enabled: performs scratching when pressed and rotated, Vinyl-Mode disabled: performs pitch bend
::: 3 [SHIFT] Jog dial (Platter) Vinyl-Mode enabled: performs scratching considering user-options multiplier when touched and rotated, Vinyl-Mode disabled: performs pitch bend considering user-options multiplier
::: 3 - Jog dial (Wheel side) Performs pitch bend when rotated
::: 3 [SHIFT] Jog dial (Wheel side) Performs pitch bend when rotated considering user-options multiplier
::: 4 - TEMPO Controls pitch/tempo ratio
::: 5 - [KEYLOCK] Toggles keylock
::: 5 [SHIFT] [KEYLOCK] Changes TEMPO slider range: 8% -> 16% -> 32% -> 64% -> 100% -> 8%...
::: 5 - [KEYLOCK] (Long press) Toggles pitch/tempo reset
::: 6 - [NEEDLE SEARCH] Jumps to equivalent absolute position in track
::: 13 - [SYNC] Toggles deck sync
::: 13 [SHIFT] [SYNC] Toggles quantize function
::: 14 - [AUTO LOOP] Toggles a 4-Beat loop
::: 14 [SHIFT] [AUTO LOOP] Toggles reloop
::: 15 - [LOOP 1/2X] Halves active loop
::: 15 [SHIFT] [LOOP 1/2X] Moves active loop one beat backward (left)
::: 16 - [LOOP 2X] Doubles active loop
::: 16 [SHIFT] [LOOP 2X] Moves active loop one beat forward (right)
::: 17 - [LOOP IN] Toggles loop in
::: 18 - [LOOP OUT] Toggles loop out
::: 18 [SHIFT] [LOOP OUT] Toggles reloop / exit loop
::: 19 - [VINYL] Toggles vinyl (scratch) mode
::: 20 - [CENSOR] Toggles reverse roll play
::: 20 [SHIFT] [CENSOR] Toggles reverse play
::: 21 - [SLIP] Toggles slip mode
::: 22 - [GRID ADJUST] Hold and touch/rotate Jog dial to adjust beats faster/slower
::: 22 [SHIFT] [GRID ADJUST] Set/translate beat grid to current track position (adjust position with Jog dial)
::: 23 - [GRID SLIDE] Hold and touch/rotate Jog dial to set/translate beat grid earlier/later
::: 24 - [SHIFT] Switches to shifted controls, no direct function
6 - PERFORMANCE PADS 1 - [PAD 1] (HOT CUE mode) Set/activate Hot cue 1
::: 1 [SHIFT] [PAD 1] (HOT CUE mode) Clear Hot cue 1
::: 2 - [PAD 2] (HOT CUE mode) Set/activate Hot cue 2
::: 2 [SHIFT] [PAD 2] (HOT CUE mode) Clear Hot cue 2
::: 3 - [PAD 3] (HOT CUE mode) Set/activate Hot cue 3
::: 3 [SHIFT] [PAD 3] (HOT CUE mode) Clear Hot cue 3
::: 4 - [PAD 4] (HOT CUE mode) Set/activate Hot cue 4
::: 4 [SHIFT] [PAD 4] (HOT CUE mode) Clear Hot cue 4
::: 5 - [PAD 5] (HOT CUE mode) Set/activate Hot cue 5
::: 5 [SHIFT] [PAD 5] (HOT CUE mode) Clear Hot cue 5
::: 6 - [PAD 6] (HOT CUE mode) Set/activate Hot cue 6
::: 6 [SHIFT] [PAD 6] (HOT CUE mode) Clear Hot cue 6
::: 7 - [PAD 7] (HOT CUE mode) Set/activate Hot cue 7
::: 7 [SHIFT] [PAD 7] (HOT CUE mode) Clear Hot cue 7
::: 8 - [PAD 8] (HOT CUE mode) Set/activate Hot cue 8
::: 8 [SHIFT] [PAD 8] (HOT CUE mode) Clear Hot cue 8
::: 1 - [PAD 1] (ROLL mode) Toggle Beatloop roll length index 1 (according parameter set)
::: 2 - [PAD 2] (ROLL mode) Toggle Beatloop roll length index 2 (according parameter set)
::: 3 - [PAD 3] (ROLL mode) Toggle Beatloop roll length index 3 (according parameter set)
::: 4 - [PAD 4] (ROLL mode) Toggle Beatloop roll length index 4 (according parameter set)
::: 5 - [PAD 5] (ROLL mode) Toggle Beatloop roll length index 5 (according parameter set)
::: 6 - [PAD 6] (ROLL mode) Toggle Beatloop roll length index 6 (according parameter set)
::: 7 - [PAD 7] (ROLL mode) Toggle Beatloop roll length index 7 (according parameter set)
::: 8 - [PAD 8] (ROLL mode) Toggle Beatloop roll length index 8 (according parameter set)
::: 1 - [PAD 1] (SLICER mode) Press: Jumps to beat position 1 in 8-beat-section and beat loops according quantization index (default: 1/4 beat), Release (slicer type 1 only): Jumps to actual play position in the background (slip)
::: 2 - [PAD 2] (SLICER mode) Press: Jumps to beat position 2 in 8-beat-section and beat loops according quantization index (default: 1/4 beat), Release (slicer type 1 only): Jumps to actual play position in the background (slip)
::: 3 - [PAD 3] (SLICER mode) Press: Jumps to beat position 3 in 8-beat-section and beat loops according quantization index (default: 1/4 beat), Release (slicer type 1 only): Jumps to actual play position in the background (slip)
::: 4 - [PAD 4] (SLICER mode) Press: Jumps to beat position 4 in 8-beat-section and beat loops according quantization index (default: 1/4 beat), Release (slicer type 1 only): Jumps to actual play position in the background (slip)
::: 5 - [PAD 5] (SLICER mode) Press: Jumps to beat position 5 in 8-beat-section and beat loops according quantization index (default: 1/4 beat), Release (slicer type 1 only): Jumps to actual play position in the background (slip)
::: 6 - [PAD 6] (SLICER mode) Press: Jumps to beat position 6 in 8-beat-section and beat loops according quantization index (default: 1/4 beat), Release (slicer type 1 only): Jumps to actual play position in the background (slip)
::: 7 - [PAD 7] (SLICER mode) Press: Jumps to beat position 7 in 8-beat-section and beat loops according quantization index (default: 1/4 beat), Release (slicer type 1 only): Jumps to actual play position in the background (slip)
::: 8 - [PAD 8] (SLICER mode) Press: Jumps to beat position 8 in 8-beat-section and beat loops according quantization index (default: 1/4 beat), Release (slicer type 1 only): Jumps to actual play position in the background (slip)
::: 1 - [PAD 1] (SAMPLER mode) Sample deck index 1 (according sampler bank) - empty: Load selected track into sample deck, track loaded: start play (default, see user options) sample deck
::: 1 [SHIFT] [PAD 1] (SAMPLER mode) Sample deck index 1 (according sampler bank) - playing: stop deck, stopped: eject track
::: 2 - [PAD 2] (SAMPLER mode) Sample deck index 2 (according sampler bank) - empty: Load selected track into sample deck, track loaded: start play (default, see user options) sample deck
::: 2 [SHIFT] [PAD 2] (SAMPLER mode) Sample deck index 2 (according sampler bank) - playing: stop deck, stopped: eject track
::: 3 - [PAD 3] (SAMPLER mode) Sample deck index 3 (according sampler bank) - empty: Load selected track into sample deck, track loaded: start play (default, see user options) sample deck
::: 3 [SHIFT] [PAD 3] (SAMPLER mode) Sample deck index 3 (according sampler bank) - playing: stop deck, stopped: eject track
::: 4 - [PAD 4] (SAMPLER mode) Sample deck index 4 (according sampler bank) - empty: Load selected track into sample deck, track loaded: start play (default, see user options) sample deck
::: 4 [SHIFT] [PAD 4] (SAMPLER mode) Sample deck index 4 (according sampler bank) - playing: stop deck, stopped: eject track
::: 5 - [PAD 5] (SAMPLER mode) Sample deck index 5 (according sampler bank) - empty: Load selected track into sample deck, track loaded: start play (default, see user options) sample deck
::: 5 [SHIFT] [PAD 5] (SAMPLER mode) Sample deck index 5 (according sampler bank) - playing: stop deck, stopped: eject track
::: 6 - [PAD 6] (SAMPLER mode) Sample deck index 6 (according sampler bank) - empty: Load selected track into sample deck, track loaded: start play (default, see user options) sample deck
::: 6 [SHIFT] [PAD 6] (SAMPLER mode) Sample deck index 6 (according sampler bank) - playing: stop deck, stopped: eject track
::: 7 - [PAD 7] (SAMPLER mode) Sample deck index 7 (according sampler bank) - empty: Load selected track into sample deck, track loaded: start play (default, see user options) sample deck
::: 7 [SHIFT] [PAD 7] (SAMPLER mode) Sample deck index 7 (according sampler bank) - playing: stop deck, stopped: eject track
::: 8 - [PAD 8] (SAMPLER mode) Sample deck index 8 (according sampler bank) - empty: Load selected track into sample deck, track loaded: start play (default, see user options) sample deck
::: 8 [SHIFT] [PAD 8] (SAMPLER mode) Sample deck index 8 (according sampler bank) - playing: stop deck, stopped: eject track
::: 1 - [PAD 1] (GROUP2 mode) Toggle Beatloop length index 1 (according parameter set)
::: 2 - [PAD 2] (GROUP2 mode) Toggle Beatloop length index 2 (according parameter set)
::: 3 - [PAD 3] (GROUP2 mode) Toggle Beatloop length index 3 (according parameter set)
::: 4 - [PAD 4] (GROUP2 mode) Toggle Beatloop length index 4 (according parameter set)
::: 5 - [PAD 5] (GROUP2 mode) Toggle Beatloop length index 5 (according parameter set)
::: 6 - [PAD 6] (GROUP2 mode) Toggle Beatloop length index 6 (according parameter set)
::: 7 - [PAD 7] (GROUP2 mode) Toggle Beatloop length index 7 (according parameter set)
::: 8 - [PAD 8] (GROUP2 mode) Toggle Beatloop length index 8 (according parameter set)
::: 9 - [HOT CUE] mode Switches PAD control and illumination to HOT CUE mode
::: 10 - [ROLL] mode Switches PAD control and illumination to BEATLOOP ROLL mode
::: 10 [SHIFT] [ROLL] mode Switches PAD control and illumination to GROUP2 (BEATLOOP) mode
::: 11 - [SLICER] mode Switches PAD control and illumination to SLICER mode, in SLICER mode switches between slicer type 1 and 2
::: 12 - [SAMPLER] mode Switches PAD control and illumination to SAMPLER mode
::: 12 - [SAMPLER] mode (long press) Toggles SAMPLER PADS velocity mode (velocity ~ volume)
::: 13 - [PARAMETER LEFT] (ROLL mode) Decrement active looproll-interval parameter set (0-3, see #Loop/Loop-Roll parameter sets), button LED is illuminated at parameter set 2, 3
::: 13 - [PARAMETER LEFT] (SLICER mode) Decrement active slicer quantization (1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1 beat loop), button LED is illuminated at quantization 1/2, 1
::: 13 - [PARAMETER LEFT] (SAMPLER mode) Decrement active sampler bank (0-3), button LED is illuminated at sampler bank 2, 3. Sampler bank 0: sampler 1-8, sampler bank 1: sampler 9-16, sampler bank 2: sampler 17-24, sampler bank 3: sampler 25-32
::: 13 - [PARAMETER LEFT] (GROUP2 mode) Decrement active loop-interval parameter set (0-3, see #Loop/Loop-Roll parameter sets), button LED is illuminated at parameter set 2, 3
::: 14 - [PARAMETER RIGHT] (ROLL mode) Increment active looproll-interval parameter set (0-3, see #Loop/Loop-Roll parameter sets), button LED is illuminated at parameter set 1, 3
::: 14 - [PARAMETER RIGHT] (SLICER mode) Increment active slicer quantization (1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1 beat loop), button LED is illuminated at quantization 1/4, 1
::: 14 - [PARAMETER RIGHT] (SAMPLER mode) Increment active sampler bank (0-3), button LED is illuminated at sampler bank 1, 3. Sampler bank 0: sampler 1-8, sampler bank 1: sampler 9-16, sampler bank 2: sampler 17-24, sampler bank 3: sampler 25-32
::: 14 - [PARAMETER RIGHT] (GROUP2 mode) Increment active loop-interval parameter set (0-3, see #Loop/Loop-Roll parameter sets), button LED is illuminated at parameter set 1, 3

Managed by the controller

The following functions are directly controlled by the controller (Mixxx-independent):

Group Figure [SHIFT]? Button Name Description
1 - DECK 7 - [DECK 1] Switches left deck to DECK 1 control and illumination
::: 8 - [DECK 2] Switches right deck to DECK 2 control and illumination
::: 9 - [DECK 3] Switches left deck to DECK 3 control and illumination
::: 10 - [DECK 4] Switches right deck to DECK 4 control and illumination
::: 11 - [DUAL DECK] Toggles left deck to dual deck control and illumination (DECK 1 and 3)
::: 12 - [DUAL DECK] Toggles right deck to dual deck control and illumination (DECK 2 and 4)

Loop/Loop-Roll parameter sets

By using the [PARAMETER LEFT] and [PARAMETER RIGHT] buttons in BEATLOOP ROLL (default parameter set: 2) or BEATLOOP mode (default parameter set: 0), you can change the pad-assigned loop size. The following table shows the possible assignments (unit: beats).

0 1/4 1/2 1 2 4 8 16 32
1 1/8 1/4 1/2 1 2 4 8 16
2 1/16 1/8 1/4 1/2 1 2 4 8
3 1/32 1/16 1/8 1/4 1/2 1 2 4

Slicer description


Effect Functions

Group Figure [SHIFT]? Button Name Description
2 - EFFECTS 1 (L) - FX1-1 Controls EffectRack1-EffectUnit1-Effect1 meta
::: 1 (L) [SHIFT] FX1-1 Controls EffectRack1-EffectUnit1 active effect's parameter 1
::: 1 (R) - FX2-1 Controls EffectRack1-EffectUnit2-Effect1 meta
::: 1 (R) [SHIFT] FX2-1 Controls EffectRack1-EffectUnit2 active effect's parameter 1
::: 2 (L) - FX1-2 Controls EffectRack1-EffectUnit1-Effect2 meta
::: 2 (L) [SHIFT] FX1-2 Controls EffectRack1-EffectUnit1 active effect's parameter 2
::: 2 (R) - FX2-2 Controls EffectRack1-EffectUnit2-Effect2 meta
::: 2 (R) [SHIFT] FX2-2 Controls EffectRack1-EffectUnit2 active effect's parameter 2
::: 3 (L) - FX1-3 Controls EffectRack1-EffectUnit1-Effect3 meta
::: 3 (L) [SHIFT] FX1-3 Controls EffectRack1-EffectUnit1 active effect's parameter 3
::: 3 (R) - FX2-3 Controls EffectRack1-EffectUnit2-Effect3 meta
::: 3 (R) [SHIFT] FX2-3 Controls EffectRack1-EffectUnit2 active effect's parameter 3
::: 4 (L) - FX1 BEATS Controls EffectRack1-EffectUnit1 super1 knob
::: 4 (R) - FX2 BEATS Controls EffectRack1-EffectUnit2 super1 knob
::: 4 (L) [SHIFT] FX1 BEATS Controls EffectRack1-EffectUnit1 mix
::: 4 (R) [SHIFT] FX2 BEATS Controls EffectRack1-EffectUnit2 mix
::: 5 (L) - [FX1-1 ON] Toggles EffectRack1-EffectUnit1-Effect1
::: 5 (R) - [FX2-1 ON] Toggles EffectRack1-EffectUnit2-Effect1
::: 5 (L) [SHIFT] [FX1-1 ON] Selects next effect for EffectRack1-EffectUnit1-Effect1
::: 5 (R) [SHIFT] [FX2-1 ON] Selects next effect for EffectRack1-EffectUnit2-Effect1
::: 6 (L) - [FX1-2 ON] Toggles EffectRack1-EffectUnit1-Effect2
::: 6 (R) - [FX2-2 ON] Toggles EffectRack1-EffectUnit2-Effect2
::: 6 (L) [SHIFT] [FX1-2 ON] Selects next effect for EffectRack1-EffectUnit1-Effect2
::: 6 (R) [SHIFT] [FX2-2 ON] Selects next effect for EffectRack1-EffectUnit2-Effect2
::: 7 (L) - [FX1-3 ON] Toggles EffectRack1-EffectUnit1-Effect3
::: 7 (R) - [FX2-3 ON] Toggles EffectRack1-EffectUnit2-Effect3
::: 7 (L) [SHIFT] [FX1-3 ON] Selects next effect for EffectRack1-EffectUnit1-Effect3
::: 7 (R) [SHIFT] [FX2-3 ON] Selects next effect for EffectRack1-EffectUnit2-Effect3
::: 8 (L) - [FX1 TAP] Toggles EffectRack1-EffectUnit1
::: 8 (R) - [FX2 TAP] Toggles EffectRack1-EffectUnit2
::: 8 (L) [SHIFT] [FX1 TAP] Selects next chain for EffectRack1-EffectUnit1
::: 8 (R) [SHIFT] [FX2 TAP] Selects next chain for EffectRack1-EffectUnit2
::: 9, 10, 11, 12 - [FX1 ASSIGN] Assign EffectRack1-EffectUnit1 to specific deck
::: 13, 14, 15, 16 - [FX2 ASSIGN] Assign EffectRack1-EffectUnit2 to specific deck
::: 17, 18, 19, 20 - FILTER Control QuickEffectRack1 super1 knob (e.g. moog filter)


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