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Tech curation news platform for Japanese audiences


Context of this project

I used to use news sites and Twitter to catch up with the latest news, but I always felt overwhelmed and tired due to being distracted by small details, unrelated news, and conversations.

Subscribing to newsletters helped me to some extent, but there were still a few things I didn't like:

  • They didn't provide enough information that I as a developer wanted to catch up on.
  • They often led me to click on the article itself, even when I just wanted a brief overview.

So, I decided to create an automated curation system that summarises the latest news that I want to consume.

This was just the beginning, and I came up with the idea to translate those news articles into Japanese. This way, I can cater to Japanese audiences while leveraging the time difference between Japan and Ireland.

Functionalities included in this repo

  • Subscribe to the newsletter with email address
  • Verify email address by email receipt
  • Sending automated emails (Email address verification, welcome email and daily bulk send newsletters)
  • Update subscription range
  • Automatically generate email template from markdown files

Technology used

Frontend: Typescript, Next.js, TailwindCSS

Backend: Typescript, Node.js, Xata

Test: Vitest

Infrastructures: AWS Lambda, API Gateway, S3, EventBus, SNS and SES

Infra management: Cloudformation developed with SST framework