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S3 Cross Region Replication with KMS Encrypted Objects

By default, Amazon S3 doesn't replicate objects that are stored at rest using server-side encryption with AWS KMS-managed keys. To replicate encrypted objects, you modify the bucket replication configuration to tell Amazon S3 to replicate these objects.

This demonstration explains how to use the AWS CLI to change the bucket replication configuration to enable replicating encrypted objects.

Fig : S3 Cross Region Replication with Encrypted Objects

Although this demo is written for same account, by changing the src_profile and dest_profile along with appropriate KMS *_key_arn you should be able implement the same across accounts

Follow this article in Youtube

  1. Source & Destination Bucket configurations

    Let us begin by setting up some global variables that we will be using through out this demo.

    • Source Bucket Information

    • Destination Bucket Information

    • Generic Configs

  2. Create Source Bucket

    Lets create the source & destinations buckets in different regions & enable versioning

    aws s3api create-bucket \
       --bucket ${src_bkt} \
       --region ${src_bkt_region} \
       --profile ${src_profile}
    ##### Because of S3 constraints for virginia, do not specify region for this region
    • Enable Versioning on Source Bucket

      aws s3api put-bucket-versioning \
         --bucket ${src_bkt} \
         --versioning-configuration Status=Enabled \
         --profile ${src_profile}
  3. Create Destination Bucket

    aws s3api create-bucket \
       --bucket ${dest_bkt} \
       --region ${dest_bkt_region} \
       --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=${dest_bkt_region} \
       --profile ${dest_profile}
    • Enable Versioning on Destination Bucket

      aws s3api put-bucket-versioning \
         --bucket ${dest_bkt} \
         --versioning-configuration Status=Enabled \
         --profile ${dest_profile}
  4. Creating IAM Trust, Permissions Policy & Role

    Before creating the role, we need a trust policy, Role Permissions.

    • Trust Policy

      cat > ${trust_policy} << "EOF"
    • IAM Permissions Policy

      echo '{
      ' | sudo tee ${permissions_policy}
    • Create IAM Role

      We are going to create the role with the correct trust permissions and store the IAM Role ARN for future use.

      iam_role_arn=$(aws iam create-role \
                      --role-name ${iam_role_name} \
                      --assume-role-policy-document file://${trust_policy} \
                      --profile ${src_profile} \
                      --output text \
                      --query 'Role.Arn')
    • Attach IAM Permissions to Role

      Attach the previously created permissions to the newly created role

      aws iam put-role-policy \
          --role-name ${iam_role_name} \
          --policy-document file://${permissions_policy} \
          --policy-name "s3-crr-with-kms-role-permissions-policy" \
          --profile ${src_profile}
  5. Configure Replication in Source Bucket

    Now we are ready to implement the replication

    echo '{
             "Prefix": "",
    ' | sudo tee ${bkt_replication_config}
    • Apply Replication configuration to Source Bucket.

      aws s3api put-bucket-replication \
         --replication-configuration file://${bkt_replication_config} \
         --bucket ${src_bkt} \
         --profile ${src_profile}
  6. Test the setup

    1. In the src_bkt bucket.Add sample objects. Be sure to choose the encryption option and specify your KMS key to encrypt the objects.
    2. Verify that the dest_bkt bucket contains the object replicas and that they are encrypted using the KMS encryption key that you specified in the configuration.