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mjfrigaard committed Jul 27, 2023
1 parent 56d95cb commit eed37b4
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Showing 5 changed files with 154 additions and 358 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ export(selectDataVarUI)
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329 changes: 11 additions & 318 deletions R/utils.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,325 +11,18 @@
match(x, table, nomatch = 0) == 0

# test comment helper ----
#' Test comment helper
#' @export
#' @param test test name
#' @param msg test message
#' @name test_cmt
#' @examples
#' test_cmt("some test", "test message")
test_cmt <- function(test, msg) {
cat("\n\t", glue::glue(" {test}: {msg}"), "\n")

# map tibble maker
# make_tbl <- function(n, type) {
# bld_tbl <- function(n, type) {
# nms <- janitor::make_clean_names(type)
# tbl_maker <- function(n, type) {
# switch(type,
# log = tibble::tibble(log = sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), n, replace = TRUE)),
# dbl = tibble::tibble(dbl = runif(n)),
# int = tibble::tibble(int = sample(1:100, n, replace = TRUE)),
# chr = tibble::tibble(chr = sample(LETTERS, n, replace = TRUE)),
# fct = tibble::tibble(fct = factor(sample(LETTERS[1:4], n, replace = TRUE))),
# ord = tibble::tibble(ord = factor(sample(LETTERS[1:4], n, replace = TRUE), ordered = TRUE)),
# date = tibble::tibble(date = as.Date("2020-01-01") + sample(1:365, n, replace = TRUE)),
# posixct = tibble::tibble(posixct = as.POSIXct("2020-01-01 00:00:00", tz = "UTC") +
# sample(1:86400, n, replace = TRUE)),
# complex = tibble::tibble(complex = complex(real = rnorm(n), imaginary = rnorm(n))),
# stop("Unsupported type")
# )
# }
# # map tbl_maker
# purrr::map(.x = type, tbl_maker, n = 10) |>
# purrr::list_cbind(name_repair = "unique") |>
# purrr::set_names(nm = nms)
# }
# # quiet bld_tbl
# suppressMessages(
# suppressWarnings(
# bld_tbl(n = n, type = type)
# )
# )
# }
# make_tbl(n = 10, type = c("log", "log", "fct", "ord"))

log_maker <- function(size, missing = FALSE) {
if (size <= 2 & isTRUE(missing)) {
as.vector(c(TRUE, NA), mode = "logical")
} else if (size <= 2 & isFALSE(missing)) {
as.vector(c(TRUE, FALSE), mode = "logical")
} else if (size > 2 & isTRUE(missing)) {
rep(c(TRUE, FALSE, NA), length.out = size)
} else if (size > 2 & isFALSE(missing)) {
rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), length.out = size)
# log_maker(2)
# log_maker(2, TRUE)
# log_maker(3)
# log_maker(3, TRUE)
int_maker <- function(size, missing = FALSE) {
if (size < 3 & isTRUE(missing)) {
int_raw <- c(as.integer(exp(size)), NA_real_)
int_vec <- as.vector(int_raw, mode = "integer")
} else if (size < 3 & isFALSE(missing)) {
int_raw <- = 1, to = as.integer(exp(size)), length.out = size)
int_vec <- as.vector(int_raw, mode = "integer")
} else if (size >= 3 & isTRUE(missing)) {
adj_size <- round(size * 0.66, digits = 0)
int_seq <- = 1, to = as.integer(exp(size)), length.out = adj_size)
int_raw <- rep(c(int_seq, NA_integer_), length.out = size)
int_vec <- as.vector(int_raw, mode = "integer")
} else {
int_raw <- = 1, to = as.integer(exp(size)), length.out = size)
int_vec <- as.vector(int_raw, mode = "integer")
# int_maker(2)
# int_maker(2, TRUE)
# int_maker(3)
# int_maker(3, TRUE)
# int_maker(5, TRUE)
# int_maker(10, TRUE)
dbl_maker <- function(size, missing = FALSE) {
if (size < 3 & isTRUE(missing)) {
dbl_raw <- c(as.double(log(size)), NA_real_)
dbl_vec <- round(as.vector(dbl_raw, mode = "double"), digits = 3)
} else if (size < 3 & isFALSE(missing)) {
dbl_raw <- = 0.1, to = as.double(size / 2), length.out = size)
dbl_vec <- round(as.vector(dbl_raw, mode = "double"), digits = 3)
} else if (size >= 3 & isTRUE(missing)) {
adj_size <- round(size * 0.33, digits = 0)
dbl_seq <- = 0.1, to = as.double(size / 2), length.out = adj_size)
dbl_raw <- rep(c(dbl_seq, NA_real_), length.out = size)
dbl_vec <- round(as.vector(dbl_raw, mode = "double"), digits = 3)
} else {
dbl_raw <- = 0.1, to = as.double(size / 2), length.out = size)
dbl_vec <- round(as.vector(dbl_raw, mode = "double"), digits = 3)
# dbl_maker(2)
# dbl_maker(2, TRUE)
# dbl_maker(3)
# dbl_maker(3, TRUE)
# dbl_maker(10)
# dbl_maker(10, TRUE)
chr_maker <- function(size, lvls = size/2, missing = FALSE) {
if (size < lvls) {
lvls <- size - 1
if (isTRUE(missing) & size < 3) {
chr_vec <- as.vector(c("item: 1", NA_character_),
mode = "character"
} else if (isFALSE(missing) & size < 3) {
chr_vec <- as.vector(c("item: 1", "item: 2"),
mode = "character"
} else if (isTRUE(missing) & size >= 3) {
adj_size <- size - 1
levs <- paste0("item:", as.integer(1:lvls))
adj_chr <- rep(c(levs, NA_character_), length.out = adj_size)
nas <- rep(adj_chr, length.out = size)
chr_vec <- as.vector(c(nas), mode = "character")
} else {
levs <- paste0("item:", as.integer(1:lvls))
chr_raw <- rep(levs, length.out = size)
chr_vec <- as.vector(c(chr_raw), mode = "character")
# chr_maker(size = 2, lvls = 2, TRUE)
# chr_maker(size = 2, lvls = 1, TRUE)
# chr_maker(size = 3, lvls = 3, FALSE)
# chr_maker(size = 3, lvls = 3, TRUE)
# chr_maker(size = 10, lvls = 6, TRUE)

fct_maker <- function(size, lvls = size/2, missing = FALSE) {
if (isTRUE(missing)) {
levs <- paste0("group ", as.integer(1:lvls))
nas <- rep(c(levs, NA_character_), length.out = size)
chr_raw <- as.vector(c(nas), mode = "character")
fct_vec <- factor(chr_raw,
levels = unique(sort(chr_raw)),
ordered = FALSE,
} else {
levs <- paste0("group ", as.integer(1:lvls))
chr_raw <- rep(levs, length.out = size)
ord_levels <- sort(unique(chr_raw))
fct_vec <- factor(chr_raw, levels = ord_levels, ordered = FALSE)
# fct_maker(size = 5, lvls = 6, missing = TRUE)
# fct_maker(size = 5, missing = TRUE)
# fct_maker(size = 10, lvls = 5, missing = FALSE)
# fct_maker(size = 10, lvls = 9, missing = TRUE)
# fct_maker(size = 10, lvls = 5, missing = FALSE)

ord_maker <- function(size, lvls = size/2, missing = FALSE) {
if (isTRUE(missing)) {
levs <- paste0("level ", as.integer(1:lvls))
nas <- rep(c(levs, NA_character_), length.out = size)
chr_raw <- as.vector(c(nas), mode = "character")
ord_vec <- factor(chr_raw,
levels = unique(sort(chr_raw)),
ordered = TRUE
} else {
levs <- paste0("level ", as.integer(1:lvls))
chr_raw <- rep(levs, length.out = size)
ord_levels <- sort(unique(chr_raw))
ord_vec <- factor(chr_raw, levels = ord_levels, ordered = TRUE)
# ord_maker(size = 5, lvls = 6, missing = TRUE)
# ord_maker(size = 10, lvls = 5, missing = FALSE)
# ord_maker(size = 10, missing = FALSE)
# ord_maker(size = 10, lvls = 5, missing = TRUE)
# ord_maker(size = 10, lvls = 5, missing = FALSE)
bin_maker <- function(bin_type, size, missing = FALSE) {
if (size < 3) {
size <- 3
cli::cli_alert_info("size must be >= 3")
if (isTRUE(missing)) {
log = rep(x = c(TRUE, FALSE, NA), length.out = size),
int = rep(x = c(0L, 1L, NA_integer_), length.out = size),
chr = rep(
x = c("item:A", "item:B", NA_character_),
length.out = size
fct = factor(
x = c("group A", "group B", NA_character_),
length.out = size
levels = unique(sort(
x = c("group A", "group B", NA_character_),
length.out = size
ord = factor(
x = c("level 1", "level 2", NA_character_),
length.out = size
levels = unique(sort(
x = c("level 1", "level 2", NA_character_),
length.out = size
ordered = TRUE
} else {
log = rep(x = c(TRUE, FALSE), length.out = size),
int = rep(x = c(0L, 1L), length.out = size),
chr = rep(x = c("item:A", "item:B"), length.out = size),
fct = factor(rep(x = c("group A", "group B"), length.out = size),
levels = unique(sort(
x = c("group A", "group B"),
length.out = size
ord = factor(
x = c("level 1", "level 2"),
length.out = size
levels = unique(sort(
x = c("level 1", "level 2"),
length.out = size
ordered = TRUE
# bin_maker(type = "log", size = 2)
# bin_maker(type = "log", size = 2, missing = TRUE)
# bin_maker(type = "int", size = 10)
# bin_maker(type = "int", size = 10, missing = TRUE)
# bin_maker(type = "chr", size = 10)
# bin_maker(type = "chr", size = 10, missing = TRUE)
# bin_maker(type = "fct", size = 10)
# bin_maker(type = "fct", size = 10, missing = TRUE)
# bin_maker(type = "ord", size = 10)
# bin_maker(type = "ord", size = 10, missing = TRUE)
facet_maker <- function(facet_type, size, lvls, missing = FALSE) {
if (isTRUE(missing)) {
chr = chr_maker(size = size, lvls = lvls, missing = TRUE),
fct = fct_maker(size = size, lvls = lvls, missing = TRUE),
ord = ord_maker(size = size, lvls = lvls, missing = TRUE)
} else {
chr = chr_maker(size = size, lvls = lvls, missing = FALSE),
fct = fct_maker(size = size, lvls = lvls, missing = FALSE),
ord = ord_maker(size = size, lvls = lvls, missing = FALSE)
# facet_maker(type = "chr", size = 10, lvls = 4, missing = TRUE)
# facet_maker(type = "fct", size = 10, lvls = 4, missing = TRUE)
# facet_maker(type = "ord", size = 6, lvls = 5, missing = FALSE)
col_maker <- function(col_type, size, ..., missing) {

make_cols <- function(col_type, size, ..., missing) {
log = log_maker(size = size, missing = missing),
int = int_maker(size = size, missing = missing),
dbl = dbl_maker(size = size, missing = missing),
chr = chr_maker(size = size, missing = missing, ...),
fct = fct_maker(size = size, missing = missing, ...),
ord = ord_maker(size = size, missing = missing, ...))

cols_list <- purrr::map(
.x = col_type,
.f = make_cols,
size = size,
missing = missing,

col_nms <- paste0(janitor::make_clean_names(col_type), "_var")

cols_tbl_list <- purrr::map(
.x = cols_list,
.f = tibble::as_tibble)

cols_tbl <- purrr::list_cbind(cols_tbl_list, size = size) |>
suppressMessages() |>

cols_tbl <- purrr::set_names(cols_tbl, col_nms)


# col_maker(col_type = c("log", "log", "dbl", "dbl", "fct", "ord", "chr"),
# size = 6, missing = FALSE)
# col_maker(col_type = c("log", "log", "dbl", "dbl", "fct", "ord", "chr"),
# size = 10, missing = TRUE, lvls = 4)
# col_maker(col_type = c("log", "log", "dbl", "dbl", "fct", "ord", "chr"),
# size = 10, missing = TRUE, lvls = 2)
# col_maker(col_type = c("log", "log", "dbl", "dbl", "fct", "ord", "chr"),
# size = 6, missing = FALSE)

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