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Have a digital product that you want to sell? Bowtie simplifies the process, providing both the client and server code. It's powered by -

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript/jQuery
  4. NodeJS
  5. ExpressJS
  6. Postgres
  7. Braintree (for payment processing)
  8. Amazon SES (for transactional emails)

Getting Started

  1. Fork/Clone
  2. Install dependecies - npm install
  3. Set up a Sandbox on Braintree
  4. Set up an account on Amazon AWS (make sure the keys do not have any special symbols) and verify a valid email address on Amazon SES.
  5. Copy .env-sample to .env and then update.
  6. Create local database - i.e., createdb bowtie
  7. Migrate - knex migrate:latest --env development
  8. Seed - knex seed:run --env development
  9. Run the development server - gulp


  1. Create local test database - i.e., createdb bowtie_test
  2. Without coverage - npm test
  3. With coverage - npm run coverage


  1. Handle errors better
  2. Add unit tests
  3. Add admin set up
  4. Add admin transactions
  5. Update UI/UX
  6. Add screenshots to README
  7. Refactor paid
  8. Set up Travis CI (08/27/2016)
  9. Add Code Coverage and Coveralls (08/27/2016)
  10. Add more integration tests (08/29/2016)
  11. Update UI/UX (08/29/2016)
  12. Added Amazon SES (09/02/2016)
  13. Add gulp file (09/02/2016)
  14. Update client side validation (09/05/2016)
  15. Set up passport for admin (09/06/2016)
  16. Write tests (09/06/2016)
  17. Refactor tests (09/07/2016)
  18. Write tests (09/09/2016)


digital downloads made easy







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