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###Dev Startup

nf start -x 8080 -e env/dev.env


Messing around with various APIs (Stripe), technologies (AJAX calls w/ client side jQuery), and monitoring and analytics platforms.

For example, wouldn't it be cool if you set an SMS alert to notify you when there's a new craigslist post on super hard-to-find apartments in SF?

Or if you receive a payment on Stripe, send a Twitter message saying #WINRAR ?

###Integration list



Clone the repository

$ git clone

Install modules and dependencies

$ npm install

Add secret API keys from the super secret email

$ vim .env

Configure the database (assuming postgres is running at /usr/local/var/postgres)

$ postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres

Ensure the following returns a list of dbs:

$ psql

> skilbjo=# \list

Configuration is now done... time to run the app :D

$ node server.js

Then view the app your browser: http://localhost:8080


git commit -am 'heroku' && git push && git push heroku master

heroku ps

heroku logs -t

heroku open

###Follow Up

  • Switch to jade for templating
  • Twilio API
  • Paypal API
  • Write tests (make tests, Makefile)
  • Use Flash messages

###Useful tricks

If for some reason you get something like this:

        throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: listen EADDRINUSE

there are likely two node servers running. Close a terminal window and start again. But in case that doesn't work... $ killall node

Another issue gets you this error:

        throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: failed to connect to [localhost:27017]

Just run this: $ postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres --fork or $ postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres to start the database (and to kill the database process, run $ killall postgres)


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