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Yummy API

REST API for Yummy application


  • Node.js
  • Nest.js
  • TypeScript
  • MongoDB
  • JWT
  • Jest
  • Redis
  • SuperTest


  • GET /meals?ings=ingredient1,ingredient2,ingredientX&type=meal-type - returns all meals from the database that contain provided ingredients and type as ings and type respectively being query params.
  • GET /meals/:id - returns a specific meal defined by id parameter. It saves to the cache, if it does not exist there. Each request checks the cache.
  • GET /meals/:id/details - returns details of a meal. It can be any meal provided by any external or local API.
  • GET /meals/proposal/all - returns all meal proposals for a specific user defined by accessToken.
  • POST /meals/proposal - posts query including ingredients. Works for only logged-in users.
    "ingredients": [
  • POST /meals/create - creates a new meal and saves its to the database, marking as soft added. You need to be logged-in and provide following data (imageUrl is optional):
  "description": "The best meal ever",
  "title": "New awesome meal",
  "ingredients": [
  "imageUrl": "https://some.domain/path/to/resource/image.ext",
  "type": "soup"
  • PUT /meals/:id - updates (edits) a meal and marks as soft edited. Provide following data, where each property is optional:
  "description": "New description",
  "ingredients": [
  "imgUrl": ""
  • DELETE /meals/:id - deletes a meal. It marks meal as soft deleted.

  • POST /meals/:id/create - confirm adding a new meal. You need to be logged-in and has canAdd capability (or be an admin).

  • POST /meals/:id/edit - confirm editing a meal. You need to be logged-in and has canEdit capability (or be an admin).

  • POST /meals/:id/delete - confirm deleting a meal. You need to be logged-in and has canDelete capability (or be an admin).

  • POST /users/create - register a new user. You need to provide following data:

  "email": "",
  "login": "userName",
  "password": "123"
  • POST /users/login - log in a user. Only activated users can log in. You need to provide following data:
  "login": "userName",
  "password": "123"
  • POST /users/logout - log out a user.

  • POST /users/refreshTokens - refreshes the user tokens.

  • POST /users/:login/grant/:capability - grants a new permission to a user by admin. You need to have jwt token (you need to be logged-in) and you are an admin. login is user login whom you want to grant a permission. capability is value one of canAdd, canEdit, canRemove.

  • POST /users/:login/deny/:capability - denies a permission to a user by admin. You need to have jwt token (you need to be logged-in) and you are an admin. login is user login whom you want to deny a permission. capability is value one of canAdd, canEdit, canRemove.

  • POST /users/activate/:userActionId - activates a user. userActionId is activation code, sent in the mail message.

All above endpoints excluding GET /meals and GET /meals/:id require accessToken as a cookie.

Environmental variables

To set up this backend application, you need to define the following variables: To connect with local database, you need:

  • DB_HOSTNAME (hostname for MongoDB)
  • DB_PORT (port for MongoDB)
  • DB_COLLECTION (collection in the database)

However, if you want to connect with MongoDB Atlas, you need these variables:

  • DB_USER (MongoDB user)
  • DB_PASS (password for MongoDB)
  • PROD=true

To connect to Redis, you need:

  • REDIS_HOSTNAME (default is localhost)
  • REDIS_PORT (default is 6379)

To connect to MSA, you need:

  • MAIL_USER (mail address)
  • MAIL_PASS (password for mail address)
  • MAIL_HOST (smtp address)
  • MAIL_PORT (smtp port)

To connect to Spoonacular API, provide:

  • SPOONACULAR_API_KEY (API key defined for a particular account on Spoonacular)

Provide PASSWORD_PEPPER to protect all user account passwords.


You need to change version in package.json and add a record to the Before creating a pull request, you need to execute following commands, with success result:

npm run lint:fix
npm run test
npm run test:e2e

To create a new module, you need to use:

  • nest g mo modules/<module_name> to create a new module.
  • nest g co modules/<module_name> to create a new controller.
  • nest g s modules/<module_name> to create a new service.


REST API for Yummy application






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