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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 12, 2023. It is now read-only.

Release v1.0.0

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@mjmeli mjmeli released this 18 Dec 14:04
· 43 commits to main since this release

What's Changed

  • Breaking Changes - refactoring and indefinite reconnect by @mjmeli in #14
    • Breaking Update external interface by renaming callback functions to be fully named (e.g. on_msg -> on_message). This is a breaking change and the main reason for a major version update.
    • Create a new MqttError class that will wrap MQTT related exceptions, and make sure these exceptions are thrown in failure instances as opposed to suppressing them
    • Update connect_and_subscribe to be callable multiple times
    • Implement connect_and_subscribe_forever as a wrapper around connect_and_subscribe which will attempt to auto-recover from any disconnections with an exponential back-off strategy
    • Add new connected future which will trigger when on_connect is called. This allows us to do a timeout wait and detect when connection is never achieved. This is currently 30 seconds.
    • Development improvements
      • Update dev container to Python 3.10 and fix some configuration issues
      • Add more type hints to help with type safety
      • Miscellaneous linting fixes
      • Run build and tests on pushes to all branches, not just main
      • Update tox file to handle deprecation errors

Full Changelog: v0.0.15...v1.0.0