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======= Killer Kounter

This application is designed to make counters that you are free to name, increment, and statistically analyze over a time series. It was created by Michael Nicholson for the first CMPUT 301 programming assignment. The code within was written by myself with the exception of the swipe to dismiss code that was authored by Roman Nurik and is indicated in the copyright of those files. I also consulted with Monir Imamverdi who is in my team.


Opening the app brings you to a splash page where you can make a counter, view the counters you have made, and analyze statistics of the counters.

Counter View - You can increment, reset, rename counters, and delete counters. To delete a counter simply swipe the counter off the screen to delete it.

Statistics View - You can view data about each counter over a time series.

User Interface Notes:

On the page where you increment counters clicking the counter will increment it. In order to change the name of the counter you must enter a name into the text field, click the change name button, and then click the counter whose name you wish to change. The procedure is the same for resetting the count, but here you need not specify and name to perform the task. Simply click the reset button and then select the counter you wish to zero.


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