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Citizen Data Science: Exploring the use of machine learning for a public network of low-cost air quality devices

Might add/change this information to be about our project specifically, but for now I think the general description and some assignment guidelines should be helpful for keeping track of deadlines and structuring submissions :)

Assignment Description

This is the repository for the report and code for a group project for the CM50304 unit. The provided coursework description is as follows:

As a group you will need to choose a challenge related to artificial intelligence (AI), propose a solution to it, develop a prototype or a proof of concept for this solution, and critically evaluate this solution in terms of how it meets accountability, responsibility and transparency concerns.

It can be a challenge in AI development such as challenges in ensuring fairness in AI decisions, or it can be a societal challenge that can be solved with AI such as dangerous search and rescue operations that can be performed by robots, or it can be a societal challenge created by AI such as challenges in ensuring truth in media content in the presence of deepfakes and news articles generated by AI.

The choice of challenges is unlimited as long as you can justify that this is an important challenge for the society. It can be either directly essential to the society because, for example, it addresses urgent societal needs, or the challenge may be important indirectly to society because, for example, solution of this challenge would improve business processes and as a consequence it would bring improvements for the overall society.


Task % of Mark Date & Time Done? (Y/N)
Prototype 0? 20/04/2020, 17:15 Y
Prototype Demo 20 04/05/2020, 14:15-16:05 Y
Written Report 80 08/05/2020, 16:00 Y

Demo and Presentation (20%)

Maximum 5 min demonstration of prototype, followed by 20 min presentation with 5 min of questioning. The presentation should cover:

  • What is the challenge and why it is important
  • What is the state of the art for this challenge
  • What is the solution
  • What is the prototype
  • What is the future work to develop the whole solution
  • How does the solution meet accountability, responsibility and transparency concerns

Written report (80%)

The report should follow this structure:

  1. Title and list of team members (1 page) – the report should not be anonymous because the project would be demonstrated in person in advance
  2. Problem specification of the challenge (0.5 – 1 page) – this section should state the challenge, motivate why this challenge is important and explain how it relates to AI
  3. State of the art review (2 – 3 pages) – this section should review the existing solutions for this challenge and critical analyse ethical issues related to them. It maybe the case that there are no existing solutions for the chosen challenge. In this case this should be clearly stated and analysed why it is so. If applicable, existing solutions for related challenges may be reviewed here. For example, if your solution is based on solutions for other challenges you should review and critically analyse them in this section.
  4. Whole solution description (1 – 3 pages) – this section should explain your ambitious solution and why it requires or why it benefits from the interdisciplinary approach. If the solution involves novel research the section should explain why you believe that this research is likely to be successful in the foreseeable future (see above).
  5. Prototype description (3 – 10 pages) – this section should explain the scope of your developed prototype, explain how it works and how it relates to the whole solution. It should clearly demonstrate the interdisciplinary effort in this development. If interdisciplinary development was not possible (see above) it should be clearly stated in this section and explain why it was not possible to exploit some of the expertise from members of your group. This section should also reflect how the experience of developing this prototype has confirmed or questioned your whole solution and how it may have changed your view on the whole solutionor possiblythe challenge in general.
  6. Plan for the future work to develop the solution (0.5 – 1 page) – this section should describe immediate and long-term steps after development of the prototype that should be made to achieve the whole solution. If during development of prototype or critical reflection of the solution you come to the conclusion that the proposed solution is not useful or not ethically responsible or the overall challenge should not be formulated in this way (see above), this section should clearly state this case and may omit description of future work.
  7. Critical reflection of the solution (1 – 3 pages) – this section should provide an analyse how the proposed solution meets accountability, responsibility, transparency and other ethical concerns. It should honestly reflecton both positive and negative impac the solution may ave.If the view from the ethical perspective on the solution has changed during the work on this project this section should describe that and explain why the view has changed.
  8. Teamwork process description (2 – 3 pages) – this section should describe how your group organised teamwork, what communication channels and collaboration tools you used, how you distributed the tasks, what process allowed you to learn from another discipline during this project.
  9. Lessons learnt (1 – 2 pages) – this section should reflect on the whole project from the teamwork perspective: what was done well, what could have been improved, what would you change if you were to work on another project in this group, what could you recommend for an interdisciplinary team.
  10. Individual contributions (1 – 2 pages) – this section should briefly state individual contributions from each team member.
  11. Lessons learnt from another discipline (0.5 – 1 page per person) – each member of the group should state what they learnt from another discipline during this project.


AI Challenge Project Repo






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