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Higher Order Components

Michal Katanski edited this page Oct 14, 2017 · 2 revisions



Contains list of errors or warnings. For synchronous validation key is a number. For asynchronous validation key is a string = async.

type ValidationResult = {
  [key: string | number]: string,


type FormData = {
  errors: {
    [inputName: string]: ValidationResult
  warnings: {
    [inputName: string]: ValidationResult
  isValid: boolean,
  isPristine: boolean,
  isSubmiting: boolean,
  isValidating: boolean,
  values: FormValues,
  • errors: contains list of messages returned by inputs validation for each input in the form
  • warnings: the same as for errors but contains warning messages
  • isValid: true if there is no validation error in the form
  • isPristine: true if form values are unchanged from its initial state. Changes to false on first onBlur event.
  • isSubmiting: true if form is trying to submit its values at the moment
  • isValidating: true if form is performing asynchronous validation at the moment
  • values: list of form values


Contains a list of values for each input in the form.

type FormValues = {
  [inputName: string]: any,


type InputEventData = {
  inputName: string,
  value: any,
  • inputName: name of the input. Usually the one which is dispatching an event.
  • value: current value of the input


function(WrappedComponent: ReactElement): <StrapForm>

Creates a new <StrapForm> component which manages all children inputs. Each input should be an instance of StrapInput.


Manages all components and allows you to perform global operations on them, such as validating all components in case you try to send a form and collect their values.

To make this possible, each component that is to be managed must be an instance of the StrapInput component.

StrapForm also provides contextual methods for listening and executing events (Context Events). Context events are the main mechanism on which forms are based. With this solution, you can freely write your own components that are managed via StrapForm. This solution also optimizes code by avoiding unnecessary rendering of elements.


Below is a list of default StrapForm properties. These properties are not passed to WrappedComponent. Any additional property given to the instance of the StrapForm will be passed directly to WrappedComponent.

props: {
    children: any,
    onSubmit: function async (data: FormData): void,
    onInputBlur?: function(data: InputEventData): void,
    onInputChange?: function(data: InputEventData): void,

Note: custom type structures are described here.


Triggered every time an input looses its focus within the form.


Triggered every time an input changes its value within the form.


Triggered when form is going to be submitted and there is no errors.


context: {
  listenTo: function(eventName: string, handler: function): void,
  dispatchEvent: function(eventName: string, eventData: Object): Array,


Create new listener for specific event. List of available events is here.


Dispatch an event. Every listener for that event will recieve object with event data. Also it returns an array with returning values of each listener.


Usually it should be an instance of <form> component.


props: {
    children: any,
    handleSubmit: function async (event: Event): void,


Should be triggered when form is going to be submitted. For example:

<form onSubmit={ handleSubmit } />


function(WrappedComponent: ReactElement): <StrapInput>

As the name implies, StrapInput creates a component for entering data by the user. It is also responsible for the validation of this data.


StrapInput should be a child of the StrapForm component.


Below is a list of default StrapInput properties. These properties are not passed to WrappedComponent. Any additional property given to the instance of the StrapInput will be passed directly to WrappedComponent.

props: {
    name: string,
    asyncValidation?: function (value: any, values: FormValues): async function(),
    children?: any,
    disabled?: boolean,
    initialValue?: any,
    readOnly?: boolean,
    validate?: Array,
    warn?: Array,

Note: custom type structures are described here.


Name of the input. It will be visible in form values.


Accepts method wich should return a promise which will be invoked on asynchronous validation. The promise should trigger an error with message describing invalid status.

Two arguments are passed to the method:

  • value which is a current input value
  • values all values for each input in the form


True if input has to be considered as disabled. Disabled input will not be validated.


Set initial value for the input.


True if input has to be considered as read only. Read only input will not be validated.


An array of error validators. Each validator is a method which should return undefined if the validation is correct or string with message describing invalid status.

To each method are passed two arguments:

  • value which is a current input value
  • values all values for each input in the form
  function (value: any, values: FormValues): string | undefined


An array of warning validators. Each validator is a method which should return undefined if the validation is correct or string with message describing invalid status. Form with warnings is considered as valid.

To each method are passed two arguments:

  • value which is a current input value
  • values all values for each input in the form
  function (value: any, values: FormValues): string | undefined



props: {
    children: any,
    input: {
      disabled: boolean,
      id: string,
      name: string,
      onBlur: function (event: Event),
      onChange: function (event: Event),
      readOnly: boolean,
      value: any,
    hasErrors: boolean,
    hasWarnings: boolean,
    errors: ValidationResult,
    warnings: ValidationResult,
    touched: boolean,
    isValidating: boolean,


Object containing basic input properties. Usually can be passed directly to the <input /> component.

For example:

<input { ...input } />


True if input has any validation error


True if input has any validation warning


List of validation errors


List of validation warnings


True if input has lost focus


True if input performs asynchronous validation