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Releases: mkaz/jot

Improve Search

19 Dec 05:55
Choose a tag to compare

This release improves searching and showing previous notes by filtering the files list.

The flags --n, --from, or --to will filter the file list and then display the notes.
These flags can be combined with searching by term or tag, or together.

Example search for term: foobar in last 5 days

jot -n 5 -s foobar

With 100% more Config

13 Dec 14:46
Choose a tag to compare
  • Adds config file in TOML format (~/.jotrc)
  • Config to set Jots directory
  • Config to set Timestamp format

Golang Debut

13 Dec 13:16
Choose a tag to compare
  • Jot rewritten in Golang
  • Saves note file per day
  • Adds tag searching and highlighting
  • Adds editing previous notes
  • Adds templates
  • Loses config setup