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New get-deps command: infer PyPI depedencies from mkdocs.yml
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The user story is that the following command should let you "just build" any MkDocs site:

    pip install $(mkdocs get-deps) && mkdocs build

This cross-references 2 files:

* mkdocs.yml - `theme`, `plugins`, `markdown_extensions`
* projects.yaml - a registry of all popular MkDocs-related projects and which entry points they provide - downloaded on the fly

-and prints the names of Python packages from PyPI that need to be installed to build the current MkDocs project
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oprypin committed May 1, 2023
1 parent ea1c6c4 commit 36205e3
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Showing 4 changed files with 223 additions and 1 deletion.
29 changes: 28 additions & 1 deletion mkdocs/
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Expand Up @@ -136,6 +136,9 @@ def __del__(self):
shell_help = "Use the shell when invoking Git."
watch_help = "A directory or file to watch for live reloading. Can be supplied multiple times."
projects_file_help = (
"URL or local path of the registry file that declares all known MkDocs-related projects."

def add_options(*opts):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -201,7 +204,7 @@ def callback(ctx, param, value):
PKG_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)){'help_option_names': ['-h', '--help']})['-h', '--help'], max_content_width=120))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -287,6 +290,30 @@ def gh_deploy_command(

@click.option('-f', '--config-file', type=click.File('rb'), help=config_help)
def get_deps_command(config_file, projects_file):
"""Show required PyPI packages inferred from plugins in mkdocs.yml"""
from mkdocs.commands import get_deps

warning_counter = utils.CountHandler()

get_deps.get_deps(projects_file_url=projects_file, config_file_path=config_file)

if warning_counter.get_counts():

Expand Down
129 changes: 129 additions & 0 deletions mkdocs/commands/
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@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
from __future__ import annotations

import dataclasses
import datetime
import functools
import logging
from typing import Iterator, Mapping, Optional

import yaml

from mkdocs import utils
from mkdocs.config.base import _open_config_file
from mkdocs.plugins import EntryPoint, entry_points
from mkdocs.utils.cache import download_and_cache_url

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _extract_names(cfg, key: str) -> Iterator[str]:
"""Get names of plugins/extensions from the config - in either a list of dicts or a dict."""
items = iter(cfg.get(key, ()))
except TypeError:
log.error(f"Invalid config entry '{key}'")
for item in items:
if not isinstance(item, str):
[item] = item
yield item
except (ValueError, TypeError):
log.error(f"Invalid config entry '{key}': {item}")

def _entry_points(group: str) -> Mapping[str, EntryPoint]:
eps = { ep for ep in entry_points(group=group)}
log.debug(f"Available '{group}' entry points: {sorted(eps)}")
return eps

class PluginKind:
projects_key: str
entry_points_key: str

def __str__(self) -> str:
return self.projects_key.rpartition('_')[-1]

def get_deps(projects_file_url: str, config_file_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
Print PyPI package dependencies inferred from a mkdocs.yml file based on a reverse mapping of known projects.
projects_file_url: URL or local path of the registry file that declares all known MkDocs-related projects.
The file is in YAML format and contains `projects: [{mkdocs_theme:, mkdocs_plugin:, markdown_extension:}]
config_file_path: Non-default path to mkdocs.yml.
with _open_config_file(config_file_path) as f:
cfg = utils.yaml_load(f)

if all(c not in cfg for c in ('site_name', 'theme', 'plugins', 'markdown_extensions')):
log.warning("The passed config file doesn't seem to be a mkdocs.yml config file")

theme = cfg['theme']['name']
except (KeyError, TypeError):
theme = cfg.get('theme')
themes = {theme} if theme else set()

plugins = set(_extract_names(cfg, 'plugins'))
extensions = set(_extract_names(cfg, 'markdown_extensions'))

wanted_plugins = (
(PluginKind('mkdocs_theme', 'mkdocs.themes'), themes - {'mkdocs', 'readthedocs'}),
(PluginKind('mkdocs_plugin', 'mkdocs.plugins'), plugins - {'search'}),
(PluginKind('markdown_extension', 'markdown.extensions'), extensions),
for kind, wanted in wanted_plugins:
log.debug(f'Wanted {kind}s: {sorted(wanted)}')

content = download_and_cache_url(projects_file_url, datetime.timedelta(days=7))
projects = yaml.safe_load(content)['projects']

packages_to_install = set()
for project in projects:
for kind, wanted in wanted_plugins:
available = project.get(kind.projects_key, ())
if isinstance(available, str):
available = (available,)
for entry_name in available:
if entry_name in wanted or (
# Also check theme-namespaced plugin names against the current theme.
'/' in entry_name
and theme is not None
and kind.projects_key == 'mkdocs_plugin'
and entry_name.startswith(f'{theme}/')
and entry_name[len(theme) + 1 :] in wanted
if 'pypi_id' in project:
install_name = project['pypi_id']
elif 'github_id' in project:
install_name = 'git+{github_id}'.format_map(project)
f"Can't find how to install {kind} '{entry_name}' although it was identified as {project}"

for kind, wanted in wanted_plugins:
for entry_name in sorted(wanted):
dist_name = None
ep = _entry_points(kind.entry_points_key).get(entry_name)
if ep is not None and ep.dist is not None:
dist_name =
if dist_name not in ('mkdocs', 'Markdown'):
warning = f"{str(kind).capitalize()} '{entry_name}' is not provided by any registered project"
if ep is not None:
warning += " but is installed locally"
if dist_name:
warning += f" from '{dist_name}'"

for pkg in sorted(packages_to_install):
64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions mkdocs/utils/
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@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
import datetime
import hashlib
import logging
import os
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request

import click
import platformdirs

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def download_and_cache_url(
url: str,
cache_duration: datetime.timedelta,
comment: bytes = b'# ',
) -> bytes:
Downloads a file from the URL, stores it under ~/.cache/, and returns its content.
If the URL is a local path, it is simply read and returned instead.
For tracking the age of the content, a prefix is inserted into the stored file, rather than relying on mtime.
url: URL or local path of the file to use.
cache_duration: how long to consider the URL content cached.
comment: The appropriate comment prefix for this file format.

if urllib.parse.urlsplit(url).scheme not in ('http', 'https'):
with open(url, 'rb') as f:

directory = os.path.join(platformdirs.user_cache_dir('mkdocs'), 'mkdocs_url_cache')
name_hash = hashlib.sha256(url.encode()).hexdigest()[:32]
path = os.path.join(directory, name_hash + os.path.splitext(url)[1])

now = int(
prefix = b'%s%s downloaded at timestamp ' % (comment, url.encode())
# Check for cached file and try to return it
if os.path.isfile(path):
with open(path, 'rb') as f:
line = f.readline()
if line.startswith(prefix):
line = line[len(prefix) :]
timestamp = int(line)
if datetime.timedelta(seconds=(now - timestamp)) <= cache_duration:
log.debug(f"Using cached '{path}' for '{url}'")
except (IOError, ValueError) as e:
log.debug(f'{type(e).__name__}: {e}')

# Download and cache the file
log.debug(f"Downloading '{url}' to '{path}'")
with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as resp:
content =
os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True)
with click.open_file(path, 'wb', atomic=True) as f:
f.write(b'%s%d\n' % (prefix, now))
return content
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions pyproject.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ dependencies = [
"typing_extensions >=3.10; python_version < '3.8'",
"packaging >=20.5",
"mergedeep >=1.3.4",
"platformdirs >=2.2.0",
"colorama >=0.4; platform_system == 'Windows'",
Expand All @@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ min-versions = [
"typing_extensions ==3.10; python_version < '3.8'",
"packaging ==20.5",
"mergedeep ==1.3.4",
"platformdirs ==2.2.0",
"colorama ==0.4; platform_system == 'Windows'",
"babel ==2.9.0",
Expand Down

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