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feat: Allow extensions to add templates
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An extension here is simply a Python package
that defines an entry-point for a specific handler.

For example, an extension can add templates to the Python handler
thanks to this entry-point:

extension-name = "extension_package:get_templates_path"

This entry-point assumes that the extension provides
a `get_templates_path` function directly under
the `extension_package` package. This function doesn't
accept any argument and returns the path to a directory
containing templates. The directory must contain one
subfolder for each supported theme, for example:


mkdocstrings will add the folders corresponding
to the user-selected theme, and to the handler's defined
fallback theme, as usual, to the Jinja loader.

The names of the extension templates must not
overlap with the handler's original templates.

The extension is then responsible, in collaboration
with its target handler, for mutating the collected
data in order to instruct the handler to use one of
the extension template when rendering particular objects.

For example, the Python handler will look for a `template`
attribute on objects, and use it to render the object.
This `template` attribute will be set by Griffe extensions
(Griffe is the tool used by the Python handler to collect data).

PR #569: #569
  • Loading branch information
pawamoy committed May 24, 2023
1 parent c9f99bc commit cf0af05
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Showing 4 changed files with 167 additions and 2 deletions.
78 changes: 77 additions & 1 deletion docs/usage/
Expand Up @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ is written for inspiration.
### Templates

Your handler's implementation should normally be backed by templates, which go
to the directory `mkdocstrings_handlers/custom_handler/templates/some_theme`.
to the directory `mkdocstrings_handlers/custom_handler/templates/some_theme`
(`custom_handler` here should be replaced with the actual name of your handler,
and `some_theme` should be the name of an actual MkDocs theme that you support,
e.g. `material`).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -258,3 +258,79 @@ plugins:
some_config_option: "b"
other_config_option: 1

## Handler extensions

*mkdocstrings* provides a way for third-party packages
to extend or alter the behavior of handlers.
For example, an extension of the Python handler
could add specific support for another Python library.

NOTE: This feature is intended for developers.
If you are a user and want to customize how objects are rendered,
see [Theming / Customization](../theming/#customization).

Such extensions can register additional template folders
that will be used when rendering collected data.
Extensions are responsible for synchronizing
with the handler itself so that it uses the additional templates.

An extension is a Python package
that defines an entry-point for a specific handler:

```toml title="pyproject.toml"
[project.entry-points."mkdocstrings.python.templates"] # (1)!
extension-name = "extension_package:get_templates_path" # (2)!

1. Replace `python` by the name of the handler you want to add templates to.
1. Replace `extension-name` by any name you want,
and replace `extension_package:get_templates_path`
by the actual module path and function name in your package.

This entry-point assumes that the extension provides
a `get_templates_path` function directly under the `extension_package` package:


```python title="extension_package/"
from pathlib import Path

def get_templates_path() -> Path:
return Path(__file__).parent / "templates"

This function doesn't accept any argument
and returns the path ([`pathlib.Path`][] or [`str`][])
to a directory containing templates.
The directory must contain one subfolder
for each supported theme, even if empty
(see "fallback theme" in [custom handlers templates](#templates_1)).
For example:


*mkdocstrings* will add the folders corresponding to the user-selected theme,
and to the handler's defined fallback theme, as usual.

The names of the extension templates
must not overlap with the handler's original templates.

The extension is then responsible, in collaboration with its target handler,
for mutating the collected data in order to instruct the handler
to use one of the extension template when rendering particular objects.
See each handler's docs to see if they support extensions, and how.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions pyproject.toml
Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ dependencies = [
"importlib-metadata>=4.6; python_version < '3.10'",
"typing-extensions>=4.1; python_version < '3.10'",

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30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions src/mkdocstrings/handlers/
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from __future__ import annotations

import importlib
import sys
import warnings
from contextlib import suppress
from pathlib import Path
Expand All @@ -31,6 +32,12 @@
from mkdocstrings.inventory import Inventory
from mkdocstrings.loggers import get_template_logger

# TODO: remove once support for Python 3.9 is dropped
if sys.version_info < (3, 10):
from importlib_metadata import entry_points
from importlib.metadata import entry_points

CollectorItem = Any

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,12 +100,23 @@ def __init__(self, handler: str, theme: str, custom_templates: str | None = None
self._theme = theme
self._custom_templates = custom_templates

# add selected theme templates
themes_dir = self.get_templates_dir(handler)
paths.append(themes_dir / theme)

# add extended theme templates
extended_templates_dirs = self.get_extended_templates_dirs(handler)
for templates_dir in extended_templates_dirs:
paths.append(templates_dir / theme)

# add fallback theme templates
if self.fallback_theme and self.fallback_theme != theme:
paths.append(themes_dir / self.fallback_theme)

# add fallback theme of extended templates
for templates_dir in extended_templates_dirs:
paths.append(templates_dir / self.fallback_theme)

for path in paths:
css_path = path / "style.css"
if css_path.is_file():
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,6 +197,18 @@ def get_templates_dir(self, handler: str) -> Path:

raise FileNotFoundError(f"Can't find 'templates' folder for handler '{handler}'")

def get_extended_templates_dirs(self, handler: str) -> list[Path]:
"""Load template extensions for the given handler, return their templates directories.
handler: The name of the handler to get the extended templates directory of.
The extensions templates directories.
discovered_extensions = entry_points(group=f"mkdocstrings.{handler}.templates")
return [extension.load()() for extension in discovered_extensions]

def get_anchors(self, data: CollectorItem) -> tuple[str, ...] | set[str]:
"""Return the possible identifiers (HTML anchors) for a collected item.
Expand Down
60 changes: 59 additions & 1 deletion tests/
Expand Up @@ -2,10 +2,18 @@

from __future__ import annotations

from contextlib import suppress
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import pytest
from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateNotFound
from markdown import Markdown

from mkdocstrings.handlers.base import Highlighter
from mkdocstrings.handlers.base import BaseRenderer, Highlighter

from mkdocstrings.plugin import MkdocstringsPlugin

@pytest.mark.parametrize("extension_name", ["codehilite", "pymdownx.highlight"])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -43,3 +51,53 @@ def test_highlighter_basic(extension_name: str | None, inline: bool) -> None:
actual = hl.highlight("import foo", language="python", inline=inline)
assert "import" in actual
assert "import foo" not in actual # Highlighting has split it up.

def fixture_extended_templates(monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch, tmp_path: Path) -> Path: # noqa: D103
monkeypatch.setattr(BaseRenderer, "get_extended_templates_dirs", lambda self, handler: [tmp_path])
return tmp_path

def test_extended_templates(extended_templates: Path, plugin: MkdocstringsPlugin) -> None:
"""Test the extended templates functionality.
extended_templates: Temporary folder.
plugin: Instance of our plugin.
handler = plugin._handlers.get_handler("python") # type: ignore[union-attr]

# assert mocked method added temp path to loader
search_paths = handler.env.loader.searchpath # type: ignore[union-attr]
assert any(str(extended_templates) in path for path in search_paths)

# assert "new" template is not found
for path in search_paths:
# TODO: use missing_ok=True once support for Python 3.7 is dropped
with suppress(FileNotFoundError):
with pytest.raises(expected_exception=TemplateNotFound):

# check precedence: base theme, base fallback theme, extended theme, extended fallback theme
# start with last one and go back up
handler.env.cache = None

extended_fallback_theme = extended_templates.joinpath(handler.fallback_theme)
extended_fallback_theme.joinpath("new.html").write_text("extended fallback new")
assert handler.env.get_template("new.html").render() == "extended fallback new"

extended_theme = extended_templates.joinpath("mkdocs")
extended_theme.joinpath("new.html").write_text("extended new")
assert handler.env.get_template("new.html").render() == "extended new"

base_fallback_theme = Path(search_paths[1])
base_fallback_theme.joinpath("new.html").write_text("base fallback new")
assert handler.env.get_template("new.html").render() == "base fallback new"

base_theme = Path(search_paths[0])
base_theme.joinpath("new.html").write_text("base new")
assert handler.env.get_template("new.html").render() == "base new"

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