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Matt Lauber edited this page Nov 1, 2013 · 1 revision

The [tcpout] stanza in outputs.conf

This resource defines the [tcpout] stanza(s) used in the outputs.conf file. There are no required attributes. Only one [tcpout] stanza can exist. The supported attributes are based on the outputs.conf.spec. An example of a [tcpout] stanza definition is as follows:

splunk::output::tcpout { 'title':
  defaultGroup                => "<target_group>, <target_group>",
  indexAndForward             => 'true',
  sendCookedData              => 'true',
  heartbeatFrequency          => 30,
  blockOnCloning              => 'true',
  compressed                  => 'true',
  negotiateNewProtocol        => 'true',
  channelReapInterval         => 60000,
  channelTTL                  => 300000,
  channelReapLowater          => 10,
  maxQueueSize                => 300MB,
  dropEventsOnQueueFull       => 10,
  dropClonedEventsOnQueueFull => 5,
  maxFailuresPerInterval      => 2,
  secsInFailureInterval       => 1,
  backoffOnFailure            => 30,
  maxConnectionsPerIndexer    => 2,
  connectionTimeout           => 20,
  readTimeout                 => 300,
  writeTimeout                => 300,
  dnsResolutionInterval       => 300,
  forceTimebasedAutoLB        => 'false',
  autoLBFrequency             => 30,
  sslPassword                 => "password",
  sslCertPath                 => '/path/to/certs',
  sslRootCAPath               => '/path/to/certs',
  sslVerifyServerCert         => 'true',
  sslCommonNameToCheck        => "commonName",
  sslAltNameToCheck           => "AltName",
  useClientSSLCompression     => 'true',
  useACK                      => 'true'
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