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Wrapper for Node.js sockets that makes it easy to send data compressed and crypted (RSA / AES).


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Wrapper for Node.js sockets that makes it easy to send data compressed and crypted (RSA / AES).


How does it work?

Sockets are wrapped by a class that exchanges data between two endpoints by encrypting and compressing it.

You do not need to setup anything for the encryption and compression ... you only need to start a server and connect with a client by using the new class(es)!

The new "sockets" make a handshake and share a (strong) random password, which is used for the "live" communication, with the help of RSA in the background. This is done at the time, you start to send and receive data.


npm install node-simple-socket --save



var simpleSocketModule = require('node-simple-socket');

The TypeScript way:

import * as simpleSocketModule from 'node-simple-socket';

Create a server

// listening for new connections
// on port 5979
simpleSocketModule.listen(5979, function(err, serverToClientSocket) {
    // callback for new connections

    if (err) {
        // an error occurred while creating
        // the client connection
    else {
        // work with new connection
        // in wrapped 'serverToClientSocket'
}).then(function(server) {
    // the server is now listening
}, function(err) {
    // could not listening on port

Connect to a server

// connect to a server (socket)
// that listens on port 5979
simpleSocketModule.connect(5979, '').then(function(clientToServerSocket) {
    // connection established

    // work with wrapped socket
    // in 'clientToServerSocket'
}, function(err) {
    // could not connect

Send and receive data

Raw data


var dataToSend = new Buffer('Hello, TM!', 'utf8');

senderSocket.write(dataToSend).then(function(sendData) {
    // data has been send
}, function(err) {
    // could not send data

Receive: {
    // data has been arrived
}, function(err) {
    // could not receive data



senderSocket.write('Hello, MK!').then(function(sendData) {
    // string has been send
}, function(err) {
    // could not send string


recipientSocket.readString().then(function(str) {
    // str === "Hello, MK!"
}, function(err) {
    // could not receive string

JSON objects


var myObject = {
    TM: 5979,
    MK: '23979',
    PZSUX: true

senderSocket.writeJSON(myObject).then(function(sendData) {
    // object has been send
}, function (err) {
    // could not send object


recipientSocket.readJSON().then(function(obj) {
    // obj.TM === 5979
    // obj.MK === '23979'
    // obj.PZSUX === true
}, function(err) {
    // could not receive object



senderSocket.writeFile('./fileToSend.txt').then(function(numberOfBytesSend) {
    // file has been send
}, function (err) {
    // could not send file


recipientSocket.readFile('./whereToWriteReceivedFileTo.txt').then(function(numberOfBytesLoaded) {
    // file has been received
}, function (err) {
    // could not receive file



var fs = require('fs');'./fileToSend.txt', 'r', function(err, fd) {
    if (err) 
        // could not open stream
    else {
        senderSocket.writeStream(fd).then(function(numberOfBytesSend) {
            // stream has been send
        }, function (err) {
            // could not send stream


var fs = require('fs');'./whereToWriteReceivedFileTo.txt', 'w', function(err, fd) {
    if (err) {
        // could not open stream
    else {
        recipientSocket.readStream(fd).then(function(numberOfBytesLoaded) {
            // stream has been received
        }, function (e) {
            // could not receive stream

Mixed (files <=> stream)

File => Stream


senderSocket.writeFile('./fileToSend.txt').then(function(numberOfBytesSend) {
    // file has been send
}, function (err) {
    // could not send file


var fs = require('fs');'./whereToWriteReceivedFileTo.txt', 'w', function(err, fd) {
    if (err) {
        // could not open stream
    else {
        recipientSocket.readStream(fd).then(function(numberOfBytesLoaded) {
            // stream has been received
        }, function (e) {
            // could not receive stream
Stream => File


var fs = require('fs');'./fileToSend.txt', 'r', function(err, fd) {
    if (err) 
        // could not open stream
    else {
        senderSocket.writeStream(fd).then(function(numberOfBytesSend) {
            // stream has been send
        }, function (err) {
            // could not send stream
recipientSocket.readFile('./whereToWriteReceivedFileTo.txt').then(function(numberOfBytesLoaded) {
    // file has been received
}, function (err) {
    // could not receive file


socket.on('close', function() {
    // socket closed
socket.on('disposed', function() {
    // socket has been disposed
socket.on('error', function(err) {
    // an error occurred
socket.on('handshake', function(pwd) {
    // socket has made a handshake
socket.on('password.generating', function() {
    // socket is generating a password for the
    // symmetric encryption
socket.on('password.generated', function(pwd) {
    // password for the symmetric encryption
    // has been generated
socket.on('rsakey.generating', function(keySize) {
    // socket is generting a RSA key pair
socket.on('rsakey.generated', function(keyPair) {
    // socket has been generted a RSA key pair
socket.on('', function(fdTarget, chunk, bytesWritten, hashOfChunk) {
    // received stream / file chunk from remote
socket.on('stream.write', function(fdSrc, remainingBytes, chunk, hashOfChunk) {
    // send stream / file chunk to remote
socket.on('write.after', function(err, uncryptedData, isCompressed, dataLength, cryptedData) {
    // socket has (tried to) send data
socket.on('write.before', function(uncryptedData, isCompressed, dataLength, cryptedData) {
    // socket is being to send data



A RSA key pair is generated by node-rsa module on the client side.

The default key size for a handshake is 512.

You can change this, by setting the rsaKeySize property:

clientSocket.rsaKeySize = 2048;  // better, but takes more time

Custom password generator

While a handshake, (server) sockets generate a random password via randomBytes function of Crypto module, that is exchanged with RSA encryption.

Those passwords have a size of 48 bytes by default.

Passwords are used for the aes-256-ctr algorithm of the crypto module, which encrypts and decrypts all data of the "live" communication.

You can define a custom password generator by setting the passwordGenerator property:

serverSocket.passwordGenerator = function() {
    // generate a password as
    // buffer or string
    // that should be encrypted with the
    // received RSA public key
    // of the connected client
    // you can return it directly
    // or as promise, if you work async

Maximum data (package) size

By default, you cannot send and receive data with more than 16777211 bytes.

You can change this, by setting the maxPackageSize property:

socket.maxPackageSize = 597923979;

Default values

The module provides the following (public) variables that store default settings for properties of SimpleSocket class.

// initial value for 'compress' property
// Default: (undefined) / auto
simpleSocketModule.Compress = true;

// initial value for 'cwd' property
// Default: process.cwd()
simpleSocketModule.DefaultCWD = 'E:/test';

// initial value for 'dataTransformer' property
// Default: (undefined)
simpleSocketModule.DefaultDataTransformer = function(ctx) {
    //      => the data to transform
    // ctx.direction => the direction, s.

    // return transformed data as buffer
    // directly or as Promise

// initial value for 'encoding' property
// Default: utf8
simpleSocketModule.DefaultEncoding = 'ascii';

// initial value for 'handshakeTransformer' property
// Default: (undefined)
simpleSocketModule.DefaultHandshakeTransformer = function(ctx) {
    //      => the data to transform
    // ctx.direction => the direction, s.

    // return transformed data as buffer
    // directly or as Promise

// initial value for 'maxPackageSize' property
// Default: 16777211
simpleSocketModule.DefaultMaxPackageSize = 239795979;

// initial value for 'passwordGenerator' property
// Default: (undefined)
simpleSocketModule.DefaultPasswordGenerator = function() {
    // return transformed password as buffer
    // directly or as Promise

// initial value for 'readBufferSize' property
// Default: 8192
simpleSocketModule.DefaultReadBufferSize = 10240;

// initial value for 'rsaKeySize' property
// Default: 512
simpleSocketModule.DefaultRSAKeySize = 4096;


The full API documentation can be found here.


1.x.x => 2.x.x and higher

  • since version 2.0 there is an important protocol update to improve encryption ... communication with older versions (less than 2.0) might not work anymore, when using compression