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WordPress Hosted on AWS Fargate with EFS and CDK

License: MIT

Hosting WordPress on AWS with ECS Fargate


  • Purpose: This CDK project will setup the AWS infrastructure for hosting a WordPress website using ECS Containers, RDS, and EFS.
  • AWS Services Used:
    • Route53
    • EC2 NAT Instances
    • VPC with 2 AZs
    • Secrets Manager
    • RDS MySQL
    • Elastic File System
    • Application Load Balancer
    • ECS Cluster with Fargate Spot
    • Bitnami WordPress image

Getting Started


  • An AWS account
  • Node.js and npm (or another supported CDK language/package manager)
  • AWS CLI, SSO Profile, or Access Keys
  • AWS CDK Toolkit installed globally (npm install -g aws-cdk)


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone [
  2. Install dependencies for the stacks

    cd stacks
    npm install
  3. Create .env file with the following:

    REGION: string,
    ACCOUNT: string,
    VPC: string,
    DOMAIN: string,
    DOMAIN_WILDCARD: string,
    DATABASE_NAME: string,
    DATABASE_USER: string,
  4. Bootstrap the CDK

    cdk bootstrap
  5. Sythesize the CloudFormation Template

    cdk synth
  6. Deployment

    cdk deploy


Remove cdk.context.json from stacks/.gitignore

The cdk.context.json is being ignored. This file is generated and referenced when you sythesize with the cdk. In this file your AWS Account ID, Hosted Zone, and Domain Name are stored. You should commit cdk.context.json to your personal repo to avoid non-deterministic behavior. If you don't the deploy will create a new stack each time.

WordPress wp-config.php file

In order to complete the WordPress setup you will need to edit the wp-config.php file to define the FORCE_SSL_ADMIN, WP_HOME, and WP_SITEURL. Without this you see an authentication loop issue when trying to login to the admin. This will be accessible in the EFS mounted volume under /bitnami. In order to make this modification you will need to remote into one of the Fargate tasks using the AWS CLI.

AWS CLI command to remote into and run BASH in a Fargate Task:

aws ecs execute-command  \
    --region us-east-1 \
    --cluster [cluster-name] \
    --task [task id, for example 0f9de17a6465404e8b1b2356dc13c2f8] \
    --container WordpressContainer \
    --command "/bin/bash" \

Change the following lines in /bitnami/wordpress/wp-config.php

define( 'FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true); \
define( 'WP_HOME', 'https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/' ); \
define( 'WP_SITEURL', 'https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/' );


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the license.txt file for details.


Hosting WordPress on AWS with ECS Fargate, EFS, and CDK







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