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React component (and hook) for phylogenetic tree visualisation from Newick tree format. Based on @mkoliba/phylogeny-tree, the fork of the Phylocanvas development branch phylocanvas-3 (developed by The Centre for Genomic Pathogen Surveillance).

It handles up to ~15 000 leaves.

Use prepared component PhylogenyTree or build your own component with usePhylocanvas hook.

phylogeny-tree example illustration


import React from 'react';

import scaleBarPlugin from '@mkoliba/phylogeny-tree-plugin-scalebar';
import PhylogenyTree from 'react-phylogeny-tree';
import {
} from 'react-phylogeny-tree/plugins';
import {useLeafSubtree, useAutoResize} from 'react-phylogeny-tree/hooks';
import 'react-phylogeny-tree/css/zoom.css'; // in next.js css imports might need to go to pages/_app.js
import '@mkoliba/phylogeny-tree-plugin-context-menu/styles.css';
import '@mkoliba/phylogeny-tree-plugin-interactions/styles.css';

const newick = '(((A:0.2, B:0.3):0.3,(C:0.5, D:0.3):0.2):0.3, E:0.7):1.0;';
const hooks = [useAutoResize, useLeafSubtree];

export function YourComponent(props): JSX.Element {
  const [highlighted, setHighlighted] = React.useState(['A']);
  const [subtreeID, setSubtreeID] = React.useState<string>();
  const [leafs, setLeafs] = React.useState<string[]>();

  // memoized props, so they are not recreated on every render and pass on ref. equality
  const options = React.useMemo(
    () => ({
      selectedIds: highlighted,
      leafSubtree: { leafID: subtreeID, noLevels: 1, minLeafToRootLength: 0 },
      tooltipContent: (node) => {
        return `id: ${}<br>
          branch length: ${node.branchLength}`;
    [highlighted, subtreeID]
  const plugins = React.useMemo(() => {
    return [
      createOnSelectPlugin((tree, selectedIds) => {
      createOnViewSubtreePlugin((tree, leafsInTree) => {
      createOnRedrawReRootTreePlugin((tree, leafsInTree) => {
  }, []);

  return (
      <div className="containerToBeFilledWithCanvas">
        onClick={() => {
        set subtree around leaf B
      <div>leafs in subtree: {leafs}</div>
      <div>selected IDs: {highlighted}</div>

Main API

PhylogenyTree: component containing TreeCanvas, ZoomButtons components and usePhylocanvas hook. Its props are:

  • newick: newick tree string
    • type string
    • mandatory
    • should be memoized, if changes phylogeny-tree instance is reinitialised
  • options: object, phylogeny-tree options
  • plugins: array of plugins, viz section Plugins bellow
    • should be memoized, if changes phylogeny-tree instance is reinitialised
  • hooks: array of hooks, viz section Hooks bellow
  • interactive: boolean, activate phylogeny-tree interaction and context-menu plugins
  • zoom: boolean, when interactive and zoom are true buttons for zoom appears.
  • zoomStyle: CSSProperties object passed to zoom buttons container.

usePhylocanvas: react hook wrapping phylogeny-tree instance

  • newick: newick tree string
    • type string
    • mandatory
    • should be memoized, if changes phylogeny-tree instance is reinitialised
  • canvasRef: React.MutableRefObject<HTMLCanvasElement | null>
  • options: object, phylogeny-tree options
  • plugins: array of plugins, viz section Plugins bellow
    • should be memoized, if changes phylogeny-tree instance is reinitialised
  • hooks: array of hooks, viz section Hooks bellow
  • interactive when true activate phylogeny-tree interaction and context-menu plugins
    • type: boolean


Plugins supported by react-phylogeny of type:

((tree: Tree, decorate: (fnName: string, fn: unknown) => void) => void)[];

phylogeny-tree plugins

@mkoliba/phylogeny-tree-plugin-context-menu and @mkoliba/phylogeny-tree-plugin-interactions are prepared in usePhylocanvas and are added on begging of plugin list when interactive is set to true in PhylogenyTree props or usePhylocanvas arguments.

scaleBarPlugin: plugin which adds the scale bar as a reference for branch length.

Plugin factories

Serve for creation of plugin function with callback. Import from react-phylogeny-tree/plugins.

createOnSelectPlugin type:

(onSelect: (tree: Tree, selectedIds: string[]) => void) => (tree: Tree, decorate: (fnName: string, fn: unknown) => void) => void
  • onSelect: callback which will be called when tree leafs are selected and highlighted.
  • tree: phylogeny-tree instance
  • selectedIds: string of selected leaf IDs/labels

createOnRedrawReRootTreePlugin type:

(onRedrawReRootTree: (tree: Tree, leafsInTree: (string | number)[]) => void) => (tree: Tree, decorate: (fnName: string, fn: unknown) => void) => void
  • onRedrawReRootTree: callback which will be called when redraw original tree or reroot tree is invoked in context menu.


(onViewSubtree: (tree: Tree, leafsInSubtree: (string | number)[]) => void) => (tree: Tree, decorate: (fnName: string, fn: unknown) => void) => void
  • onViewSubtree: callback which will be called when view subtree is invoked in context menu.

custom plugins

You can create your own plugin for phylogeny-tree. They are just a function which accepts tree instance and internal decorate function from phylogeny-tree.


import from react-phylogeny-tree/hooks. Pass in array with stable reference between rerenders (memoize). Their type is:

((getTreeInstance: () => Tree | null, options: PhylogenyTreeOptions) => void)[];

useLeafSubtree: react hook which wraps setRootNLevelsUp. Needs to receive folowing object under key leafSubtree from options.

leafSubtree: {
    leafID?: string;
    noLevels?: number;
    minLeafToRootLength?: number;
    setLeafLabels?: (ids: (string | number)[]) => void;

useAutoResize: react hook for autoresizing canvas when window size changes.


setRootNLevelsUp: function which receive phylogeny-tree instance and ID of a leaf and show subtree which root is at least noLevels up in hierarchy and minimal length between leaf and new subtree root is minLeafToRootLength.

(tree: Tree, nodeID: string, noLevels = 6, minLeafToRootLength = 5) => void;


Package does not support SSR (server side rendering). It is necessary to exclude component which use package from SSR or transpile it.

In NEXT.js

import component which use this package using NEXT.js dynamic import:

import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'

const ComponentWithTree = dynamic(
  () => import('../components/component_with_tree'),
  { ssr: false }

Or use next-transpile-modules:

const withTM = require('next-transpile-modules')(['react-phylogeny-tree']);
module.exports = withTM();


React wrapper component for Phylocanvas3






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