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Getting Started

mkolisnyk edited this page Apr 9, 2013 · 3 revisions

General Sirius Platform usage steps

Basically there is one major work flow for Sirius Test Automation Platform use:

  1. Start Sirius Server - it will make server listening to specified host:port and that would be main communication channel
  2. Initialize client - in other words we should include Sirius client modules and initialize class instances to point to the URL the server listens to
  3. Use the client API - client libraries provide API of different levels and most of the code is targeted to hide the immediate calls to Sirius Server. On this stage we're just using client API as an ordinary library and tests are designed the same way as xUnit tests (via JUnit, TestNG, Ruby TestUnit, NUnit, MSTest etc)
  4. Close Server - after all operations are done it's time to switch off everything we had to start before test execution. This includes server side as well

Start Sirius Server

Server side is represented with sirius.server.engine-.jar file and it's executable jar file which can be started from the command line:

java -jar sirius.server.engine-<version>.jar

By default it will listen for http://localhost:21212. If we want to be more specific we should define -host and -port options. For more details, please, reference the Sirius Server Command Line Reference page for more details on command line options.

Initialize client

Each client library has a set of classes/functionality which access the Sirius Server directly. Mostly these are generated code entities. However, each client module has dedicated class which is normally used as major entry point for Sirius interaction. Here is the list of them:

Language Namespace/Package/Module Class Name Component File

Java client

// Initialize client
DirectoryOperationsProxy dirOps = new DirectoryOperationsProxy();

// Use client

Ruby client

# Initialize client
@dir_client =
# Use client
puts @dir_client.exists "./Test.txt"

C# client