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3. Particulars

Mike Kormendy edited this page Feb 18, 2023 · 1 revision

Security System Modes

There are four main states for most traditional alarm systems (thanks to @ShaunBennett for nicely writing out their suggested purpose):

  1. Home/Stay: You might want to freely roam your house while the perimeter is secure, yet be alerted when smoke/water/CO sensors detect problems or front/side doors/gates are opened unexpectedly.
  2. Night: You sleep upstairs and want to only have motion sensors downstairs trigger the security system at night.
  3. Away: Set as many binary sensors as you like to detect changes and trigger the security system.
  4. Disarmed: Nothing will trigger the security system at all.

That being said, HomeKit has the ability to programmatically hide both the Home/Stay mode and the Night mode if you don't use them. What's even better – this plugin will dynamically choose whether or not these security system modes are needed based on what triggerable modes are selected for sensors or switches.

If you don't want a Night mode for the security system, remove the Night mode from the triggerable mode setting for all sensors and switches; the same goes for the Home/Stay mode as well.

Triggering Beeper, Siren, and Strobe Actuators

The Konnected Homebridge plugin affords some automatic conveniences when actuating Beepers, Sirens and Strobe zones. This means that if you wish to have any of these types of devices working in your security system, they must be specifically set in the zone to be a "beeper", "siren", or "strobe".

Homebridge will automatically find the beepers, sirens and strobe switches, no matter what panel they are on, and actuate them based on their configuration.

For Example:

When the security system is in a state of 'entry delay', beeper zones may be triggered to warn a user that the system is armed and needs to be disarmed. When the security system has passed the time of 'entry delay' and becomes triggered, the alarm should sound and the siren and strobe light zones will be triggered.

The great thing is that you can have multiple beepers, or sirens and strobe lights all fire off as one – but exist on different panels and zones across your house.

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