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Matheus Kautzmann edited this page Nov 9, 2015 · 5 revisions

About this wiki

This is the ScrollProxy wiki. Use the menu to navigate between items.

ScrollProxy is a new project designed to help you deal with the scroll event in the browser. The library has many events and methods you can rely on to ease your way when dealing with scrolling in JS.

If you just want to take a peek you can test it right now on your browser by going to ScrollProxy website and playing with the demos.

If you want to use it on your project please follow the installation instructions in the README file.


We are currently in version 0.2.0. The releases 0.x.x have the objective of introducing the library, discover bugs and get feedback on how to improve the API for an upcoming version 1.0.0!


You can view the entire API documentation here and a simplified compilation of the most interesting use cases directly in the README file.

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